Topic: The Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty | |
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Fri 02/01/08 10:48 AM
Oh, by they way, my apologies to JennieBeanie for the unintentional thread-jack. This just happened so I kind of just blurted it out live here. No need to apologize. It is good to here how the power of attraction really works. You should always focus on what you want and not on what you don't want. To quote Wallace D. Wattles: "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought... " Read "The Science of Getting Rich" it works for anything you want. Jeannie |
If that was true, you know what most men think about, we would all be surrounded by scantily clad woman all day, like spider is. ![]() |
Is that really and truly what men think about all day? Scantily clad women? If that is really what you want to be surrounded by perhaps you should join a nudist colony. If you had all the women and sex you could stand, what else would you want?
Can Anoasis and I be your 'backvocals'?!?!? ![]() ![]() Right now, I'm just looking to bump a few notes around in the background myself. ![]() This is so exciting! Now I don’t know whether to pinch myself or go practice the violin. ![]() Don't worry. Voil and I will be subtle. We'll just sneak behind you and sing "do wop" every now and then... Although I'd be happy to shake my tamborine.... We all know how much you love music so I'm sure it will be a joy for you. And the social aspects might be good for you too... Happy Saturday everyone! ![]() |
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"...A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought...", yzrabbit1 wrote, If that was true, you know what most men think about, we would all be surrounded by scantily clad woman all day, like spider is. ![]() Jeanniebean replied, If you had all the women and sex you could stand, what else would you want? Since 'yzrabbit1' has not answered your question yet Jeanniebean (he could be busy tending his scantily clad harem of heavenly creatures! :), I will take a crack at it. Given the manner in which the question is posed, '... If you had all the women and sex you could stand, what else would you want?...', ... and after long and profound soul searching, the only possible answer is ... ... NOTHING!!! Hypothetically, '...If I had all the women ...' , ... it would leave no room for the primitive 'male' brain, which I share with all othe males, to engage in any form of existential enquiry!!! The safety switch against such occurrence, is the insatiable primitive instinct of the 'male', to 'chase' and conquer 'women'!!! The operative here is, 'insatiable'!!! An impossible obsession to satisfy, ever!!! So there is no need to worry about it, or be offended by it. The interesting psrt of this reality, is that is the only ground upon which you can get a 'man's attention. The carrot, so to speak, which ultimately brings men to engage in 'male foreign' concepts such as 'love', 'caring', 'empathy', and ... shopping 'correctly' for, or with his loved one (optional, very few succeed)!!! Now, don't get me wrong, I for one, ... while I might, the ood time, fantasize about the 'all-scantily-clad-women-sex-all-the-time' heaven, after all I am but a victim of the 'male' gene, ... would never actually take it seriously, and neither would 'yzrabbit1' IMO. I'm pretty sure anyhow?!?!? On a more serious note, the 'scatily clad' thing wasn't 'yzrabbit1's point IMO, as much as it was a 'little-luke-warm-button' reaction of yours 'Jeanniebean'. :) IMO, 'yzrabbit1's point might have had more to do with this 'NEW' and deceiving manipulation of the ancient physical laws of attraction, diverting everyone's attention to the business of 'wants', which is nothing other than the universe of self-serving obsessions and compulsions!!! Thus the 'scantily clad women' thing. Focusing on 'wants' is by far the most obviously perverse behavior, or perspective for humans, which acts as the most effective self-destructive accelerator. The collective 'I want' is at the source of everything that is wrong with this planet. Wrong because when you ask people what they want, they rarely answer the end of hunger for all of manking NOW!!! To the contrary they'll answer: 'winning the lottery', 'being rich', 'being famous', and 'finding Prince Charming' for women, or 'scantily clad women harem' for men. All egocentric, vain and pointless thoughts. And I'm not talking semantics here. Wants, in the most ontological dimension there is, are nothing other than an admission, and constant confirmation of that which we don't have. It can<t get any more simple or basic than that. If you live in that reality of 'wanting', the very exact laws of attraction will keep mirroring you're 'wanting' state of being, and deliver a sense of shortages and penury. It will match you're state of 'always something missing'. For wanting to occur as real, you must 'attract' it's exact correlate: something missing, penury, shortage. If you're a masochist, focus all your energies on 'what you want'. It's the surest bet to unhappiness!!! The laws of attraction do not address or 'fill-up' holes. It matches that which is already there. Focus on being 'whole', exactly the way you are, with exactly that which surrounds you! Focus on appreciating exactly what is around you! Be thankful for the gift that is there, rather than wanting what you think is missing! The laws of attraction will match your exact state of being! |
Don't worry. Voil and I will be subtle. We'll just sneak behind you and sing "do wop" every now and then... Although I'd be happy to shake my tamborine.... We all know how much you love music so I'm sure it will be a joy for you. And the social aspects might be good for you too... Happy Saturday everyone! ![]() That's right 'Abra', like Anoasis said, you don't need to worry about anything. It wouldn't be true for just anybody, but I promise I will let Anoasis teach me 'HOW TO BE SUBTLE'!!! And you've got to agree 'Abra', 'cause I really want to be there to see 'Anoasis' 'shake her tamborine' !!! ![]() Anoasis, you can start the 'subtle coaching' NOW!!! ![]() |
My Dearest Voil-
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I can see I will have my work cut out for me in teaching you sublety. Try to think of yourself as already subtle... we will test the laws of attraction on this point. I will practice my tamborine shaking. It's been a while. I'll have to dust it off first. ![]() |
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Sat 02/02/08 01:53 PM
My Dearest Voil- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I can see I will have my work cut out for me in teaching you sublety. Try to think of yourself as already subtle... we will test the laws of attraction on this point. I will practice my tamborine shaking. It's been a while. I'll have to dust it off first. ![]() "... we will test the laws of attraction on this point..." That's good 'cause poeple say I'm quite attractive, so it should make your coaching job a lot easier!!!..." How's that on the subtle scale 'coach' ?!?!? ![]() |
Jeanniebean replied, If you had all the women and sex you could stand, what else would you want? Given the manner in which the question is posed, '... If you had all the women and sex you could stand, what else would you want?...', ... and after long and profound soul searching, the only possible answer is ... ... NOTHING!!! I find that hard to believe!!! However, I wonder- if you ever in fact had everything you ever wanted, what would you do? What would there be to look forward to? |
Focus on being 'whole', exactly the way you are, with exactly that which surrounds you! Focus on appreciating exactly what is around you! Be thankful for the gift that is there, rather than wanting what you think is missing! The laws of attraction will match your exact state of being! ![]() |
And you've got to agree 'Abra', 'cause I really want to be there to see 'Anoasis' 'shake her tamborine' !!!
![]() That would be quite a sight wouldn’t it. ![]() The floodgates of social opportunities have finally opened for me. In addition to being invited to participate in the orchestra on Wednesday nights, I have also just been invited to join a Celtic club where everyone is invited to play if they like! In addition to that I’ve been invited to join the local choir too, but I think I’ll pass on that one. ![]() Be careful what you ask for! You might end up receiving more than you had bargained for! ![]() I think I’ll do the orchestra on Wednesday nights, and the Celtic club on Friday nights for now. This will be the most I’ve socialized in a very long time. The hermit in me is finally about to die. I don’t know whether to rejoice or grieve. I guess if I have to be here on this planet I may as well participate right? I’ll meditate on an incantation for Rabbit’s dream of scantly clad women. So watch out Rev! I’m feeling connected here! Be on the lookout for an avalanche of flesh. ![]() |
If you live in that reality of 'wanting', the very exact laws of attraction will keep mirroring you're 'wanting' state of being, and deliver a sense of shortages and penury. It will match you're state of 'always something missing'.
For wanting to occur as real, you must 'attract' it's exact correlate: something missing, penury, shortage. If you're a masochist, focus all your energies on 'what you want'. It's the surest bet to unhappiness!!! I once thought I could help a woman in her unhappy situation of being without a job and I asked her what kind of job she wanted. She said she did not know. I asked her what she wanted to do or where she wanted to go with her life. She said she did not know. It stands to reason that if you do not know what you want or where you want to go, you will get nothing and go nowhere. But this is not the case. The truth is if you don't know what you want, you probably do know what you don't want, therefore that is what you think about, so you think about what you don't want and you focus on what you don't have, and that is why you perpetuate that. The Universe is aware and intelligent and it will give you what you want. It determines what to give you by what you think about. It does not understand the negative. "I don't want that." It only sees the picture of the thing you are thinking about that you say you don't want. Desire is important in creating what you want. Gratitude for what you have is paramount also. Gratitude will put you in touch with the Divine consciousness directly. You have a choice to make. Focus on where you want to go and what you want, or focus on where you do not want to go and what you do not want. If you are happy with exactly what you have and where you are,focus on that and nothing much will change. This is how the law of attraction works. Jeannie |
You can tell if you are focused on the lack of a thing or the attracting of a thing by the way you are feeling. To some, "wanting" something is painful. That is because they are wanting something they believe they will never have. Therefore they are miserable and unhappy. But if that thing you wanted was something that you knew you were going to get you would not be miserable. You would be excited in anticipation of receiving it. You believe you will get it. You are very happy. For example if you wanted a beautiful woman and you believed you could never have her, it might be painful and frustrating. But if you knew she liked you and you knew you could have her, you would be excited and anticipating the event. If you go around with the attitude that you are a looser and can't get a date, or that you are broke and will never make any money, that belief will attract that kind of experience to you. That kind of attitude is felt by everyone you come into contact with. Desperation can be sensed in a heartbeat by other people and they will avoid you like the plague. Wanting something and knowing what you want is very important because if you have no goals aspirations or desires ... well,you might just go watch the "boob tube" and turn into a mindless vegetable. |
Desire: You can tell if you are focused on the lack of a thing or the attracting of a thing by the way you are feeling. To some, "wanting" something is painful. That is because they are wanting something they believe they will never have. Therefore they are miserable and unhappy. But if that thing you wanted was something that you knew you were going to get you would not be miserable. You would be excited in anticipation of receiving it. You believe you will get it. You are very happy. For example if you wanted a beautiful woman and you believed you could never have her, it might be painful and frustrating. But if you knew she liked you and you knew you could have her, you would be excited and anticipating the event. If you go around with the attitude that you are a looser and can't get a date, or that you are broke and will never make any money, that belief will attract that kind of experience to you. That kind of attitude is felt by everyone you come into contact with. Desperation can be sensed in a heartbeat by other people and they will avoid you like the plague. Wanting something and knowing what you want is very important because if you have no goals aspirations or desires ... well,you might just go watch the "boob tube" and turn into a mindless vegetable. ![]() But I also think that it is not good to focus your desire too intensely on one specific thing.... if I want to go to Jamaica and my flight gets canceled I'm human and I'm disappointed but I try to think- "maybe the diversion from that path to another will lead to something even better- maybe I will meet a really great friend while stuck here in this air port" or something similar. And obsession is only good if it is mutual IMO. |
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Sun 02/03/08 08:46 AM
I’ve always lived be the motto, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.
If you have enough will to make something happen the universe will provide a way to make it happen. This isn’t quite the same as the way many people describe the ‘law of attraction’. You can’t just sit around thinking about what you want, you need to actually participate in making it happen. Where the universe comes into play is that it will provide you with the opportunities and guidance to make your dreams come true. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened. These are the premises pantheism, even though most people attribute to the Bible. Sure, Jesus taught these things, but so did many other sages. This is the nature of the universe! It’s not specific with respect to how you think of God. It doesn’t matter how you view the higher power. The higher power doesn’t care how you view it. It’s not the slightest bit egotistical nor judgmental. It just gives you what you want! But it does require your participation! It’s certainly not going to hurt if you imagine that this power is personified. But just imagining that it is personified isn’t enough. You need to do what the sages taught. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened. But you need to understand how to ask, and even more importantly how to knock! Knocking means to get out there and DO SOMETHING! You can’t just lay around asking and not go out knocking. The universes will provide a way for you to get what you want, but you will still need to actively pursue it. Your participation and cooperation is required. The universe provides the way, and will actively bring you together will people, places, and things that will help you achieve your goal. But you must act to take advantage of those opportunities. Those opportunities are YOURS! They are being given to you by the universe. It is your birthright to receive them and act on them. I like the cliché “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”, because it defines truth. If you aren’t finding the way, it can only be because you haven’t the will. You simply don’t want whatever it is that you are seeking bad enough. And one way to really bring this home is by looking at what you already have and asking yourself, “How much do I appreciate what I already have?”. If you have little appreciation for what you already have chances are very good that you aren’t going to appreciate what you think you want either. You merely want it because you don’t have it, but as soon as you get it you’ll take it for granted, and deep down inside you know this. So deep down inside you know that your quest to make it come true isn’t worth the effort because you aren’t truly going to appreciate it anyway. Therefore you don’t have the necessary will to find the way. You must have the will to find the way. The universe will show you the way via your feelings, your urges, your natural intuition. The universe speaks to you thought your feelings. If you feel good about something go with it, if you feel bad about something avoid it. Go with your feelings! However, you need to really want what you seek. If you aren’t genuinely going to appreciate it after you get it you’ll know it, even if only on a subconscious level, and that will become a barrier to getting it. Or it may also cause you to settle for something far less than what you really wanted because you knew you weren’t going to appreciate it anyway, so you may as well get something easier and not appreciate that. ![]() You have to have the “will to want”. Without the “will to want” your quest to seek the things you desire will be watered down and become as mundane. You need to have a great appreciation for what you desire. An appreciation that isn’t going to fade away after you get what you want. If your appreciation fades with the attainment of the things you want, you will know this. It will show in your life. How many things do you have that just sit around and collect dust? How many things to you have that you never use or appreciate? Those things are examples of things you sought after at one time but after gaining them you lost interest. If you do this often, you become subconsciously aware of it, and subconsciously you know that this will happen again with future gains. So you subconsciously loose your ‘will’ to obtain them. And where’s there’s no will, there’s no way! You must appreciate and be grateful for the things you receive. Otherwise you’ll lose the will to receive them. If you realize that this has become your lifestyle, the first thing you must do is rid yourself of the things you don’t appreciate. Get everything out of your life that you don’t fully appreciate. Lighten your load to where the only things in your life are things you fully appreciate. Be grateful for what you have, and treat everything you have with “first day enthusiasm”. If you can’t do that, then you are taking things for granted and you have no appreciation for them. You must appreciate what you receive! The universe is a feeling universe. It reacts much more to your feelings, than to the technicalities of your thoughts. It gives you what you feel. It’s a feedback loop of feelings. The universe runs on emotion! And the emotions of being grateful and of being appreciative are emotions of LOVE. You must LOVE everything you want. And this includes, inanimate objects, skills, talents, pets, plants and people. Whatever it is that you have. The universe LOVES LOVE. To be grateful and appreciative of things is to LOVE them! You must LOVE everything in your life. You must love yourself, your skills, talents, and the physical world around you, and even inanimate things that make enjoying your skills and talents possible. To love your toys, and/or tools, is to love what you DO with them! To love what they make possible. Do get lost in wanting things because of what other people might think of you. That’s the wrong reason to want things. You must want them because you truly LOVE them, or LOVE what they will make possible for you. It’s all based on LOVE. You must truly LOVE the universe and all of the things that it provides for you and makes possible for you. If you can’t do that, then all the thoughts in the world won’t do you any good at all. It’s not just what you think. It’s what you feel! It’s all about passion and love. |
And obsession is only good if it is mutual IMO.
I agree one should not become obsessed with another person. In the book "The Science of getting rich" by Wallace D. Wattles he states that the will must never be used to control other things or other people. You have no right to use the will against other people. The will is to be used only to direct yourself to focus on the thing you want. The will is for self mastery. There is never anything to master except self. If you feel that you love someone who does not love you and you are miserable about that, then you really do not love them. You only desire them to love you. You can love a person as much as you wish and if you do, then you want what is best for that person. It is not about owning that person or making that person be in your life when they do not wish to be. Having an obsession for someone is having a weak will that does not direct your attention to things that will make you happy. You cannot use your will to control other people so why use it to make yourself miserable by being obsessed with a particular person. We are all one being. There are others who need your personal attention and love. Jeannie |
The universes will provide a way for you to get what you want, but you will still need to actively pursue it. Your participation and cooperation is required.
This is very true. You must take action. You cannot imagine how many things the universe puts into action to help you with bringing you what you want. The action you take may seem to fail completely, and the thing you want comes to you another way. Never be disappointed if your plans seem to fail. An intelligence that knows more than you is working in your best interest to bring you what you want when you think and act in that certain way that tells the thinking stuff what you want. It is not what you do but how you do it that brings it to you. Act in love and gratitude at all times and never in the competitive mode. Always act in the creative mode and always keep in mind the thing that you want and know that it is on its way towards you. If the love of you life seems to not be interested in you it is because he or she IS NOT the love of your life. Don't get involved with the wrong person because you will be too engaged to see the right person when that person arrives. You may not even see him or her. |
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Sun 02/03/08 10:53 AM
If you feel that you love someone who does not love you and you are miserable about that, then you really do not love them. You only desire them to love you. You can love a person as much as you wish and if you do, then you want what is best for that person. It is not about owning that person or making that person be in your life when they do not wish to be.
Absolutely. One thing that has often caused me ‘disillusionment’ in life, is not an inability to attain things or even skills or talents. In the end, these are all things that only require my cooperation. When it comes to interacting with other people there is a loss of control if you want to think of it that way. And this is true of anything that requires the cooperation of other people. Whether it’s gaining employment, or romance, or any social interaction whatsoever. We simply have no control over how other people view life. I think we do have an ability to be an influence on them. I think we can also contort our own behavior in order to impress or otherwise become attractive to others. In fact, there should be a certain about of ”contortion”. In other words, we should be willing to “give and take” when it comes to social interactions. The question then becomes, “How do you find a balance?” If you are constantly contorting your own behavior in order to please someone else, that’s not good. On the other hand, if you aren’t willing to give of yourself by bending some for the other person then you are being totally selfish. There needs to be a certain degree of give and take in all relationships, whether they are professional relationship, casual platonic relationships, or passionate romantic relationships. All relationships necessarily require give and take or “compromise”. It’s just a fact of life. The universe can bring you what you want, providing that what you want is realistic. I think there are limits in what a person can expect, or even should expect. The bottom line is LOVE. If you’re only thinking of yourself then you aren’t LOVING the other people involved. As Jeanie implied, if you truly love someone you’ll be glad to see them happy even if that means they are being happy without you! The “law of attraction” as they call it, is indeed a law of the universe not unlike any other law of physics. It works in a precise way, and that way is through LOVE. If there is no LOVE involved in your desires, then all the intellectual thinking will be for not. It’s not just the technical thoughts that you think. It’s how you FEEL about them. It’s ultimately your feelings that cause the magic to happen. The bottom line with thoughts is this,… You can’t be feeling good if you are having bad thoughts. And you can’t be feeling bad if you are having good thoughts. So they are linked. And so by consciously controlling your thoughts, you can also consciously control your feelings. Or vice versa! Either approach will work, and approaching your life from both perspectives simultaneously (i.e. taking conscious control of both your thoughts and your feelings) will produce the greatest results. It’s all about LOVE. If you aren’t feeling LOVE then you aren’t going anywhere. You're not going to use this magic for selfish purposes. It just won't work for that. You must love what you want, whether it's a living spirit, or a physical object. You must LOVE it! Not LUST it! You must truly appreciate the things you want and be grateful when you receive them. |
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Sun 02/03/08 10:57 AM
Ground Hog Day
In the movie "Ground Hog Day" the man found that he loved his new boss but she would not have anything to do with him because of where he was at that moment. He was not the kind of person she wanted. After repeating the same day for probably hundreds of years, he knew everything about her and everything she wanted and he also knew everyone in town and what they wanted. He had slept with probably every possible woman in town. He learned to be a doctor, he learned to play the piano, he learned how to be an ice sculpture. He learned how to become a person that she could love. He finally became a match to her vibration. Then she stayed. Then she fell in love with him. So it is not that a particular person cannot love you, it is that you may not be a match for them in who you are right now or where you are in your evolution. We don't have the ability to stall time like in the movie in order to become a better match for a person, so you must find one who is a match. You can also become a better person in the time that you have in order to attract the kind of person you want. If he had not repeated that same day over and over, he would have never been able to attract the woman he wanted. |