Topic: Whatever Happened To... | |
Universal Health care has worked for hundreds of years in the military, and works well in Japan. It works well in Canada and most of Europe too. You just keep falling for the AMA's propoganda and lies!! Any one can see a doctor under Universal Health and get treated, including in hospital / clinic meds. Time of wait is the only problem and as Fanta stated it's because Doctors and nurses are recruited by American hospitals / clinics / HMO's. Those who go to the States for treatment do so because they don't want to wait not because treatment not available here. See that's the problem, they don't want to wait. Waiting 6 months for a treatment that could save you life or go to the states and be sure it could save your life? Hmmm, hard decision there. You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] |
John Edwards!!! ![]() Get the power away from corporations and back to the people and we could fix the rest. As long as corporations are allowed to buy politicians votes, we cant fix anything! John Edwards is the original thinker in this group of Pres hopefuls, and he has a real plan, (in writing), not just promises, but a bona-fide plan! Everyone else is a copy-cat. Talking about change with no clear plan on what change means. Only problem is, they'll be playing that psychotic episode Edwards had 4 years ago. And it doesn't matter what's in writing, because when you get elected, nothing you promised matters, just that you "try". Besides... the President still has to go through all those Congressmen and Senators. There's no guarantee they're going to get enough of them to see eye to eye on any issue. |
See that's the problem, they don't want to wait. Waiting 6 months for a treatment that could save you life or go to the states and be sure it could save your life? Hmmm, hard decision there.
Alot of complaining with no suggestions other than staying with the status quo! My friend, that itsnt working. ![]() ![]() |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^]
Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Unless you're an illegal. |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Oh please. The poor in this country are better off than ANY other country in the world. Where else can someone who doesn't work, get free healthcare, have a car, a place to live, cable tv and internet, all provided by the government? |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Oh please. The poor in this country are better off than ANY other country in the world. Where else can someone who doesn't work, get free healthcare, have a car, a place to live, cable tv and internet, all provided by the government? Sure. If you aren't white, male, and born here. |
Edited by
Wed 01/16/08 09:12 AM
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Oh please. The poor in this country are better off than ANY other country in the world. Where else can someone who doesn't work, get free healthcare, have a car, a place to live, cable tv and internet, all provided by the government? Sure. If you aren't white, male, and born here. I concede the white male part. But a white woman with 8 kids, can live better than I can, with both jobs that I have. And because I'm responsible, and work for the things I have and want, instead of being given everything. That's just not right. |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Oh please. The poor in this country are better off than ANY other country in the world. Where else can someone who doesn't work, get free healthcare, have a car, a place to live, cable tv and internet, all provided by the government? Where does government provide computers, cable or internet to the poor? Health care is a nessecity, and for those who fall just above the poverty line but not enough to be well off, get stuck from having to choose between getting sick or buying groceries. On a side note, it's funny the "free ride" propeganda, people on social security don't get very much;^] |
If everyone would get behind Edwards and he won with 80 something percent of the vote. We would impower him enough that Congress would be afraid not to support his policies!
Vote Hillary or Obama and the bickering on capital hill will continue and nothing will change! Give either one of them the Democratic nomination and the Independents (like me) will vote Republican again!! Think about that! The Independents will determine the next President!! |
Edited by
Wed 01/16/08 09:15 AM
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Oh please. The poor in this country are better off than ANY other country in the world. Where else can someone who doesn't work, get free healthcare, have a car, a place to live, cable tv and internet, all provided by the government? Sure. If you aren't white, male, and born here. I concede the white male part. But a white woman with 8 kids, can live better than I can, with both jobs that I have. And because I'm responsible, and work for the things I have and want, instead of being given everything. That's just not right. This is supposed to be the land of equal opportunity (yeah, right) and yet some get more opportunity than others for some reason. Oh that's right, corrupt politicians after the minority voters. Sorry. In case you couldn't tell, I've been griping about this for a while now. |
Back on topic, if a republican called himself a TR republican I'd be much more willing to listen than with these so called "reagan" republicans;^]
Well work calls, Peace-out brothers!
Have a good one!! ![]() ![]() Vote Edwards!! |
TR founded the Bull Moose party because his hand-picked successor(Taft) had the support for the 1912 republican party nomination. In doing so he assured the defeat of both parties and handed the presidency to the democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson. That is the legacy of TR on the republican party.
TR founded the Bull Moose party because his hand-picked successor(Taft) had the support for the 1912 republican party nomination. In doing so he assured the defeat of both parties and handed the presidency to the democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson. That is the legacy of TR on the republican party. Taft was that generations George W, he tried to undo half the advances TR had made, he was right to run as a third party and republicans should remember his boldness and forgive. Good thing anyway, Woody was the right man to fix tafts mess;^] |
Edited by
Wed 01/16/08 04:08 PM
TR founded the Bull Moose party because his hand-picked successor(Taft) had the support for the 1912 republican party nomination. In doing so he assured the defeat of both parties and handed the presidency to the democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson. That is the legacy of TR on the republican party. Taft was that generations George W, he tried to undo half the advances TR had made, he was right to run as a third party and republicans should remember his boldness and forgive. Good thing anyway, Woody was the right man to fix tafts mess;^] Wilson was the worst president of them all. Your attempts to rewrite history keep failing so please stop. Anyone care to read about Woody? |
That's subjective as it gets, Wilson made a few bad calls, especialy when it came to segregation and free speech. However, his record on worker rights and diplomacy is a differant story. Taft was definatly alot worse, with him government in politics was business as usual, while the american worker was exploited at the corperations profit. It was actualy the one issue TR and Woody shared, and with just cause. So, who's rewriting history? The history books already show both TR & Wilson as great american heroes while Taft is remembered as the ineffective failure of a presidant as he was. I'm telling the same story historians are telling;^]
Liberals claim President Bush shouldn't have started this war. They complain about his prosecution of it. One liberal recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S. history. Let's clear up one point: We didn't start the war on terror. Try to remember, it was started by terrorists BEFORE 9/11! Let's look at the "worst" president and mismanagement claims:
FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us: Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 per year. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea. North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,333 per year. John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5800 per year. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent. Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions. In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled Al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea without firing a shot and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year. Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist attack at home. Worst president in history? Think about it! |
You think Canada doesn't have ER's? We have long waits here too, my grandad waited 8 months for surgery for his adrenile cancer;^] Yep, and if he doesnt have insurance or cash he'll wait till the Cows come home! I never had cows myself!! ![]() ![]() Exactly, but of course in this country if you're poor you don't matter;^] Oh please. The poor in this country are better off than ANY other country in the world. Where else can someone who doesn't work, get free health care, have a car, a place to live, cable tv and internet, all provided by the government? where the heck do you live because none of the non workers i know have free cable or a car or free health care (only for kids}.. and even if they live in subsidized housing they don't get a free ride because there is a cap on how low the rent can go.people need to get a clue.the only people who get the free perks are in jail. |