Topic: Should We Smack Or Kids | |
I don't spank mine, it's not going to teach them respect, just fear...and my children respect their elders
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I'll do it. I already spank john Hey, you can spank me, too ![]() |
even though i think spanking them is okay. i was spanked. but i deserved to be. smacking your kids across the face or using a belt, hanger, etc...i dont think thats acceptable. I agree with that one. |
I've been co-raising my nephew with my mother for 8 years now. When he was REALLY little and the diaper was still a barrier, a cupped hand pop for noise was all it took. Once the diaper came off I absolutely refused to spank him. By then he understood time outs and no toys, THAT is what got him to behave. With most children just knowing they've disappointed their parents is enough punishment. I want to build his self esteem and respect for others. I never want him to fear me or hate himself and think he's a bad kid. My mother spanked me a few times when I was a kid, and that made me fear her. The fear did not make me behave better, it just made me alot more sneaky and untrusting of her. I did alot behind her back and put myself in harms way more than I care to remember b/c I was scared to ask her if I could do anything or anywhere. I was always scared of upsetting her b/c the few times she DID spank me, it really hurt, emotionally more than physically. The person I was supposed to be able to trust more than anyone else hit me. The woman who said I couldnt' live with my dad b/c she was afraid HE'D hurt me, HIT me. I had no trust or respect for her b/c of it. I was 21 years old before she and I ever had a good relationship b/c I was always scared of making her mad and being hit for it. I STILL only tell her things on a need to know, sugar coated basis. I dont' want my nephew to feel that way towards me, and I dont' want my future children to feel that way. Besides, its a reward to a child when you give them a chance to EARN their things back b/c it shows them that they really can do well if they try.
i personally have never had kids but if i was naughty or rude we got what was coming. Kids these days even to teenage years are rude and have no respect for other peoples things. What they need is a good caning or a shumbok (made out rhino hide) makes your eyes water and your bum numb for a few hrs. Felt it a couple of times at school. Yes, things have changed. Every time I hear of a parent who does not believe in spanking their kids at all, I just wonder what kind of nonsense they will get into later in life because their parents never taught them the consequences of doing wrong. No wonder the world we live in is getting crazier and crazier. one doesn't have to spank their children to discipline them. it's been proven that behavioral methods such as positive and negative reinforcement work better than punishment. punishment is counterproductive. it also makes no logical sense. let's...teach a child not to strike out when striking him. let's teach a child it's never okay to hit hitting HIM. if i hit an adult, it's assault. how is it okay to do the same thing to our most defenseless and precious ones? where's the logic? i want my children to look at my hands...and never, ever fear. |
there are many alternatives to physical my case when i was with my ex jackie..she had three children from a previous marriage,her son brandon was a big big 14 he was 145 pound and 5 foot 5...and he had the temper of satan himself....i had to find a way to calm him down...and believe me i did....FOORTBALL!!!...HE WANTED TO TAKE HIS AGRESSION OUT..LET HIM TAKE IT OUT ON THE FIELD!!..
being an ex rugby player myself,i knew from experience how sportshas the power to release tension...and when he was on that field people let me tell you that he shinned!!!... |
Well how I was raised was like, if you were just being a ****head, you got grounded, time out, etc etc.
but if you did something momumentally wrong then it was time for a smacking. I agree with physical punishment, when needed. I don't think anybody here says thier kids should be belted everyday when they say they agree with it. |
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I don't think spankings are necessary. I remember taking a quiz in my Child Development class as to what should be used as a last resort to punish a child. A lot of people circled spanking and they were marked wrong because spanking should never be used (of course this is the belief of the makers of the test.) I also agree with that, I feel like there has to be an alternate root to discipline with out hitting.
never spanked mine, well..........I mean my child
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i think you can disipline children without hitting them although a tap on the hand is what my brother does to his child when really naughty
A little tap on the rear is O K I guess, but I do not persoanilly believe in hitting a child, that just teaches them to fear you!
A little tap on the rear is O K I guess, but I do not persoanilly believe in hitting a child, that just teaches them to fear you! why in the world would i want my precious children to FEAR me? |
totaly agree..
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If they are misbehaving or being rude a good smack on the bum should put their brains back into motion again Yes, spanking your child when they misbehave is the best way to let them know you love them. It teaches them boundaries. ![]() |
I had three children. I was taught the most difficult way to discipline children is with your hands behind your back. It means you must think. My children are now adults. All three went to college. All three are working. And not one has been in trouble with the law. Go figure.
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Mon 01/14/08 04:21 PM
Huh, try growing up Irish/catholic, between my parents & the nuns, it was wacks all around
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Mon 01/14/08 04:30 PM
I have a respectful, well-behaved child that has never been spanked. I did the time-outs.
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Mon 01/14/08 04:27 PM