Topic: D&D
brian325's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:23 PM
it's over 25 years old, I guess that's what she means

talk2jvm's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:23 PM
If Im not wrong I think he is refering to Dungeons and Dragons...You are too young to remember it. It was a "fantasy" game that people use to gather together on a regular basis and play a make believe type game...very strange...

rowdybrooke21's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:23 PM
I just meant old like in i havent heard it mentioned for awhile. Im talking years. No offense i just heard a couple guys talking about it before, never asked even what it was about.

rowdybrooke21's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:24 PM

If Im not wrong I think he is refering to Dungeons and Dragons...You are too young to remember it. It was a "fantasy" game that people use to gather together on a regular basis and play a make believe type game...very strange...

Thanks, so im not going crazy then when i say its old.

rowdybrooke21's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:24 PM

it's over 25 years old, I guess that's what she means

Thanks. lol. read the other one i posted also. lol.

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:24 PM

If Im not wrong I think he is refering to Dungeons and Dragons...You are too young to remember it. It was a "fantasy" game that people use to gather together on a regular basis and play a make believe type game...very strange...
To young...:sigh: D&D has been remade over the years, 70s,80s,90s, 2000 ish ect.

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:25 PM

If Im not wrong I think he is refering to Dungeons and Dragons...You are too young to remember it. It was a "fantasy" game that people use to gather together on a regular basis and play a make believe type game...very strange...
Care to inform me as to whats normal?

rowdybrooke21's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:26 PM
Well mostly guys/men get into it from what i have heard so i wouldnt know the first thing about it. This is a girl that plays go fish lmao!!! Im into the first Nintendo etc. easy crap and im not extremely intelligent so i dont play games that require a lot of strategy..that is what i dont know what your talking about . lol.

thegooddude24's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:26 PM

Dungeons and Dragons.

At least we know why he's single.........
laugh laugh

brian325's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:27 PM

Dungeons and Dragons.

At least we know why he's single.........
laugh laugh

laugh laugh

TheMagicalMatt's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:27 PM
havnt played it in a while.. lost my books >< :( oh well.

Thats y god invented women.

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:31 PM

Well mostly guys/men get into it from what i have heard so i wouldnt know the first thing about it. This is a girl that plays go fish lmao!!! Im into the first Nintendo etc. easy crap and im not extremely intelligent so i dont play games that require a lot of strategy..that is what i dont know what your talking about . lol.
D&D isnt exactly hard, if you care The Wiki for it

rowdybrooke21's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:32 PM
maybe i should check it out just to see what this hype is.

Scinn's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:33 PM
Aw yah'll are so mean grumble I personally don't play D&D though it's not from lack of interest. I just don't have anyone local to play. My brother plays it (for the record...he's married to a great, pretty girl who also plays) but sadly he lives across the country from me so makes it difficult to teach me. lol

And there's nothing "odd" or "abnormal" about people who play D&D, I mark it into the same category as LARP'ing. People with an imagination and inclanation to do more than go to movies, go to bars, get drunk, sleep with people they don't remember the next day and consider horseshoes, Nascar and beer an "American Past-time" lol

I'll take imagination any day ;) Those are the sweet, quiet and romantic type guys anyway. lol

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:35 PM

Aw yah'll are so mean grumble I personally don't play D&D though it's not from lack of interest. I just don't have anyone local to play. My brother plays it (for the record...he's married to a great, pretty girl who also plays) but sadly he lives across the country from me so makes it difficult to teach me. lol

And there's nothing "odd" or "abnormal" about people who play D&D, I mark it into the same category as LARP'ing. People with an imagination and inclanation to do more than go to movies, go to bars, get drunk, sleep with people they don't remember the next day and consider horseshoes, Nascar and beer an "American Past-time" lol

I'll take imagination any day ;) Those are the sweet, quiet and romantic type guys anyway. lol
Thank god, intelligent people still roam the earth! happy

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:36 PM

maybe i should check it out just to see what this hype is.
Yea, if you think its stupid or what ever, thats fine, I have no problem with that, but when people start attacing other people for something they enjoy, well, we wont get into that.

rowdybrooke21's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:37 PM
um honestly i wasnt trying to attack you. i was questioning what the heck it was lol. sorry.

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:37 PM

Dungeons and Dragons.

At least we know why he's single.........
Coming from the 34 year old who is on a dating site...laugh

Scinn's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:38 PM

Aw yah'll are so mean grumble I personally don't play D&D though it's not from lack of interest. I just don't have anyone local to play. My brother plays it (for the record...he's married to a great, pretty girl who also plays) but sadly he lives across the country from me so makes it difficult to teach me. lol

And there's nothing "odd" or "abnormal" about people who play D&D, I mark it into the same category as LARP'ing. People with an imagination and inclanation to do more than go to movies, go to bars, get drunk, sleep with people they don't remember the next day and consider horseshoes, Nascar and beer an "American Past-time" lol

I'll take imagination any day ;) Those are the sweet, quiet and romantic type guys anyway. lol
Thank god, intelligent people still roam the earth! happy

haha lol I suppose that is debatable, I'm sure some people here might argue with you on that one. But since when did we really bother to consider their opinions anyway? :tongue:

ZStarWind's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:40 PM

Aw yah'll are so mean grumble I personally don't play D&D though it's not from lack of interest. I just don't have anyone local to play. My brother plays it (for the record...he's married to a great, pretty girl who also plays) but sadly he lives across the country from me so makes it difficult to teach me. lol

And there's nothing "odd" or "abnormal" about people who play D&D, I mark it into the same category as LARP'ing. People with an imagination and inclanation to do more than go to movies, go to bars, get drunk, sleep with people they don't remember the next day and consider horseshoes, Nascar and beer an "American Past-time" lol

I'll take imagination any day ;) Those are the sweet, quiet and romantic type guys anyway. lol
Thank god, intelligent people still roam the earth! happy

haha lol I suppose that is debatable, I'm sure some people here might argue with you on that one. But since when did we really bother to consider their opinions anyway? :tongue:

Very true, if they dont like it thats fine, but when 34 year olds find it necessary to insult a 19 year old to make them selves feel good, well thats just sad.