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Britty's photo
Tue 01/29/08 07:12 PM

I did not realize you did not know - well that explains it.

I was almost at a loss for words - smooched

no apologies necessary.

flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 07:26 PM

Good heavens Debs, I know you are joking.

Eljay is a married man, am outstanding christian one at that.


Oh goodness I did not know that.....take it back..and humbly apologize to you britty......

yes feralcatlady ..Britty wants the guy to be christian but want him to be unmarried....I hope you didn't already deliver a cupid arrow mark Britty into Eljay's rear end

see you have got to stop listening to that possum about who to match up

Britty's photo
Wed 01/30/08 04:09 AM

Funches, I kind of expected a comment from you. laugh
Have a good day.


Greetings and blessings to everyone who stops by today.

:heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 01/30/08 04:15 AM

Funches, I kind of expected a comment from you. laugh
Have a good day.

fear not Britty for "I AM" merely an observate shepherd tending the flock and making sure they do not stray off the path to true rightousness

Britty's photo
Wed 01/30/08 04:21 AM

laugh laugh laugh

Galatians 6:9-10 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)

9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.


Britty's photo
Wed 01/30/08 09:52 AM


I hope that I will always be for each person
what he or she needs me to be.

I hope that each person's death will diminish me,
but that fear of my own will never diminish my joy of life.
I hope that my love for those whom I like will never lessen
my love for those whom I do not.

I hope that another person's love for me will never
be a measure of my love for him or her.
I hope that everybody will accept me as I am,
but that I never will.

I hope that I will always ask for forgiveness from others,
but will never need to be asked for my own . . .
I hope that I will always recognize my limitations,
but that I will construct none.

I hope that loving will always be my goal,
but that love will never be my idol.
I hope that everyone will always have hope.

-Henri Nouwen


feralcatlady's photo
Wed 01/30/08 10:20 AM

Before all of God's creation
The Lord had formed me
From the very beginning of time
I was there beside thee
Before the mountains were formed
I was brought forth
While yet there was no land
I was with the Lord
When He created everything
The heavens, the sea and the sky
The earth, and all who live in it
I was His daily delight
Blessed are you that listen
Those that keep my ways
Do not neglect instruction
But receive God's wisdom today

Britty's photo
Wed 01/30/08 02:13 PM

nice Debs flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Wed 01/30/08 07:14 PM

Debs, a while back you asked if people would share a little about themselves so here goes.

I am an ex-Brit, lived in the states for several years. I had not planned on emigrating here when I was in my early 20's but grew to love it here. New Hampshire is one of my favorite states, I love the mountains as well as the ocean. Learning new things, exploring new places is a favorite pastime. I enjoy reading, tend to be a littly 'geeky'. I have a crazy British sense of humor, sometimes a little sarcastic, sometimes I get a fit of giggles at the most inopportune time. laugh
Protective of the things/people I care about, although at the same time I have learnt the subtle art of 'letting go' - at times from mere practicallity. I feel that I am more like my Dad - I admire intellect and logic, yet not deceived by it.
My Dad has been a role model in the qualities I look for in a man. Although I really enjoy meeting people, and getting to know them, I prefer to keep a few really close friends, and will try to keep them for life (I have 3 from school days from England). I am known to be a tad stubborn, which has served me well sometimes, I do not give up easily. I admire men with 'vision' or creative rather than those who own lavish homes. Being near to Newport, Rhode Island I have visited the 'Mansions'. They are pleasant to visit, but I enjoyed a discovery in Rockport so much better. It was a simple little dwelling, just one room and a porch. The reason I liked it was it was made with newspaper, layers and layers of it. Pretty cool. The roof is real of course.

Crikey, that's too many 'I's.

Enough for now.

Hope you are having a good evening Debs, and finding something to keep you busy. laugh

Britty's photo
Wed 01/30/08 07:28 PM

It is the pictures we hold closest to our hearts
that shape our lives most powerfully.

- Thomas Kinkade.

I have some nice pictures of his and others. I used to like
paintings by Constable when I was living in England.

This makes me think though not only about paintings, or even
pictures we take of our family, friends, pets, and possums!, but also the 'mental' pictures that we capture and hold for years. Some of those for me are my first view of Toronto as the plane came down through the clouds (it was a beautiul sunny day) to approach for landing; I had expected to be a little nervous of flying but the view was just so incredible.

Another time was flying over southern Ireland on a glorious, sunny afternoon.

My first view of palm harbor, Florida, after a 27 1/2 hour journey from a snow swept England.

My cousins two children when they were first learning to walk.


Anyone else care to share?


winnie410's photo
Wed 01/30/08 07:33 PM
just saying hello to all my lovely friends!!! and funches. LMAO laugh laugh (j/k dear funches. :tongue: ) its good to see the room growing. i only wish funches had a head. huh

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Thu 01/31/08 12:27 AM

just saying hello to all my lovely friends!!! and funches. LMAO laugh laugh (j/k dear funches. :tongue: ) its good to see the room growing. i only wish funches had a head. huh

drinker aye to that winnie

so its a bit chilly in northern ohio right now...hmmmmm a warm decaffeinated tea cause its 3:24 am in the morning but mmmmm on the tea. Hope everyone is having a blessed day. Its almost February (I've been talking to my guy for over a month now....EVERY night...lol), its been a long month but also a short month.

I wish everyone a blessed month to come.

flowerforyou :heart: Tiffany:heart: flowerforyou

Stay warm to those enjoying the wonderful teen weather like us in northern ohio.bigsmile

Britty's photo
Thu 01/31/08 02:37 AM

just saying hello to all my lovely friends!!! and funches. LMAO laugh laugh (j/k dear funches. :tongue: ) its good to see the room growing. i only wish funches had a head. huh

Maybe he's shy! laugh laugh laugh

Britty's photo
Thu 01/31/08 02:41 AM

Good morning Tiffa,

mmmm I am enjoying a nice cup of tea too! drinker

It sounds like things are going well with your friend -
does he live far away?

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Anyone - what was your favorite game as a child, any related funny, or memorable stories?


Thu 01/31/08 03:31 AM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Thu 01/31/08 03:32 AM
If any would like to see funches' face, simply click in his icon. In his profile the face appears.

Britty's photo
Thu 01/31/08 04:20 AM

I know that JB, I peeked a while back.

We are just playing with him. laugh laugh

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/31/08 05:54 AM

I know that JB, I peeked a while back.

We are just playing with him. laugh laugh
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

how rude

Britty's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:31 AM

that must be your favorite line, Funches.

laugh laugh flowerforyou

lynn83's photo
Thu 01/31/08 10:04 AM
hello everyone.

no photo
Thu 01/31/08 10:40 AM

that must be your favorite line, Funches.
laugh laugh flowerforyou

"Britty" I only respond with that line in situations when I'm in such a state of shock that it's the only rational response that a person that is pure as the driven snow like myself can come up with

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