Topic: Unfit to stand trial, but fit to be President! How? | |
Yea you are right, there is no way one of these “wonderful “ illegal immigrants would ever think of trying to attack the U.S…🤪.. Everyday we hear of another attack against the cops, school children , the elderly , committed by these “ wonderful” immigrants. Only a matter of time before these immigrant thugs start dying in the streets from Americans defending themselves . Reality= Most are coming for the freebies Biden and the democrats are giving to them, in NY they can get up to $10,000 on a debit card, free housing , free food , free education . While they supply these immigrants with a free living they are displacing homeless Americans including our vets and the elderly.. I say it again.. Anybody that thinks Joe Biden is doing right for the American people are living in denial, and I don’t mean the river…
Edited by
Wed 02/28/24 01:48 PM
Yea you are right, there is no way one of these “wonderful “ illegal immigrants would ever think of trying to attack the U.S…🤪.. Everyday we hear of another attack against the cops, school children , the elderly , committed by these “ wonderful” immigrants. Only a matter of time before these immigrant thugs start dying in the streets from Americans defending themselves . Reality= Most are coming for the freebies Biden and the democrats are giving to them, in NY they can get up to $10,000 on a debit card, free housing , free food , free education . While they supply these immigrants with a free living they are displacing homeless Americans including our vets and the elderly.. I say it again.. Anybody that thinks Joe Biden is doing right for the American people are living in denial, and I don’t mean the river…
You're more likely to be a criminal or terrorist than the average immigrant. Should I worry about you dying from Americans defending themselves? |
I couldn’t force myself to read more than about three paragraphs or your link before I reliezed it was just another liberal talking point written by a liberal hack.. To think that deporting any illegal immigrant is a “tough punishment “ for a minor crime is ludicrous. It’s not a punishment because they shouldn’t be over in the first place. Deporting is the first act we should be doing as soon as they cross over anywhere other than the legal checkpoints. Those coming in through the legal way should be processed to see if they qualify for asylum. All others are commiting criminal acts just by coming in anywhere other than the checkpoints. Those should be charged with felony and criminal trespassing..
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Wed 02/28/24 06:27 PM
If you've got evidence that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than the rest of the population, I'd be happy to take a look. All the studies I saw looking into immigrant criminality more or less come to the same conclusions, citing various reasons. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, much less violent crimes, than native-born US citizens.
Here's a link for the Cato Institute (a libertarian research organization) report: |
Edited by
Thu 02/29/24 04:21 AM
If you've got evidence that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than the rest of the population, I'd be happy to take a look. All the studies I saw looking into immigrant criminality more or less come to the same conclusions, citing various reasons. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, much less violent crimes, than native-born US citizens. Here's a link for the Cato Institute (a libertarian research organization) report: The evidence is fairly plain to see without a report. If the liberals and democrats would extricate their head out of their posterior, they might actually see the many violent crimes being commit and the special treatment and $$$ the illegal alien's are receiving in the blue cities and states. Why do democrats have to have a lengthy study and spend $ millions to investigate a crisis, when a little visual observation will tell them all they need to know. I know you think Fox News is driven by Russian collusion, but they actually report all the news, no matter what party that report affects . The MSM ( msnbc, cnn, pbs) won’t even cover speeches from a former and future president. That is the epitome of sensoring speech and a form of democrat collusion.. they are doing exactly what they accuse the Trump camp of doing… A double standard? You better believe it… |
You seem to be confused on your last statement. So let me correct it for you.
It's Ok if other countries makes jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump too. At least Trump was getting the job done and was respected around the world. If Trump broke international laws, there are international agencies for that. If Trump broke domestic laws there are domestic agencies for that. Bush jr had a size 10 shoe thrown at him. He was made fun at. The difference is that Bush jr and Trump was respected around the world and America was respected around the world. The world is watching a new movie called ' America' America under Biden is a laughingstock to the world and Biden is tolerated. Sure it is, Slimme. Biden's such a laughingstock that he's rallied all the NATO countries together to help Ukraine resist the Russian invasion, and returned America to the Paris Climate Accords, showing understanding that global climate change is a serious matter. The US economy under Biden is doing better than every other national economy after countless conservative pundits declared that it would crash into recession along with our stock market and create explosive unemployment. The competent administration has defied all the doomsayers. But Biden has plenty more work to do, so doesn't whine and cry about pundits and comedians poking fun at his old age. We appreciate that the freedom to tease is a good thing, and see that Biden's above that kind of pettiness. The law is coming after Trump right now. There were so many crimes that the courts are having difficulty scheduling them over the next months and years, and even Trump supporters can't keep the different cases straight. But go ahead and tell yourself that some YouTube video proves Biden is the joke. Respected - someone deeply admired for their achievements, abilities and accomplishments. Tolerated - to accept or put up with someone or something but not particularly liking them or it. |
Yea you are right, there is no way one of these “wonderful “ illegal immigrants would ever think of trying to attack the U.S…🤪.. Everyday we hear of another attack against the cops, school children , the elderly , committed by these “ wonderful” immigrants. Only a matter of time before these immigrant thugs start dying in the streets from Americans defending themselves . Reality= Most are coming for the freebies Biden and the democrats are giving to them, in NY they can get up to $10,000 on a debit card, free housing , free food , free education . While they supply these immigrants with a free living they are displacing homeless Americans including our vets and the elderly.. I say it again.. Anybody that thinks Joe Biden is doing right for the American people are living in denial, and I don’t mean the river… Imagine the frustration, resentment and bitterness of folks waiting for years to gain American citizenship legally, spending thousands on legal fees then to see 9 millions illegal immigrants waltz into America given free cell phones, free housing, free medical care etc and now a 10,000 debit card. Imagine the thinking of folks who can't afford or access medical care or housing in the US for whatever reason but seeing their own government distributing vital resources to illegals like themselves don't matter or they don't count. Any government around the world that does not put its own citizens first does not care about their citizens. |
The evidence is fairly plain to see without a report. If the liberals and democrats would extricate their head out of their posterior, they might actually see the many violent crimes being commit and the special treatment and $$$ the illegal alien's are receiving in the blue cities and states. Why do democrats have to have a lengthy study and spend $ millions to investigate a crisis, when a little visual observation will tell them all they need to know. I know you think Fox News is driven by Russian collusion, but they actually report all the news, no matter what party that report affects . The MSM ( msnbc, cnn, pbs) won’t even cover speeches from a former and future president. That is the epitome of sensoring speech and a form of democrat collusion.. they are doing exactly what they accuse the Trump camp of doing… A double standard? You better believe it…
Sure, you could assume research is pointless when you and Conservatives in general just ignore the evidence. Here in the real world, it just makes you look dumb, crying about crime rates when they're going down, or fearing some terrorist attack when we haven't had anything like 9/11 in over 20 years. Time to put your head back in the sand? |
The evidence is fairly plain to see without a report. If the liberals and democrats would extricate their head out of their posterior, they might actually see the many violent crimes being commit and the special treatment and $$$ the illegal alien's are receiving in the blue cities and states. Why do democrats have to have a lengthy study and spend $ millions to investigate a crisis, when a little visual observation will tell them all they need to know. I know you think Fox News is driven by Russian collusion, but they actually report all the news, no matter what party that report affects . The MSM ( msnbc, cnn, pbs) won’t even cover speeches from a former and future president. That is the epitome of sensoring speech and a form of democrat collusion.. they are doing exactly what they accuse the Trump camp of doing… A double standard? You better believe it…
Sure, you could assume research is pointless when you and Conservatives in general just ignore the evidence. Here in the real world, it just makes you look dumb, crying about crime rates when they're going down, or fearing some terrorist attack when we haven't had anything like 9/11 in over 20 years. Time to put your head back in the sand? The evidence is what we witness daily. We aren’t ignoring that, what we do ignore or as the saying goes’ we take with a grain of salt’ is the numbers or research done by any governmental group in this era. The Trump hatred has wormed its way into most agencies or private entities doing historic research dating back to the past 20 years..They have a way of twisting facts to accommodate the progressive agenda… You say no attack in twenty years let’s drop our guard and not worry about it.?.. . sound advice there bubba,, Biden should make you his border czar, I heard that job is up for grabs.. your real world must be in fantasy land , cause what you describe as real is being rejected by about 75% of American citizens… so who is really living in the real world? |
Poopy pants Biden believe doods in dresses
are women. |
The evidence is what we witness daily. We aren’t ignoring that, what we do ignore or as the saying goes’ we take with a grain of salt’ is the numbers or research done by any governmental group in this era. The Trump hatred has wormed its way into most agencies or private entities doing historic research dating back to the past 20 years..They have a way of twisting facts to accommodate the progressive agenda… You say no attack in twenty years let’s drop our guard and not worry about it.?.. . sound advice there bubba,, Biden should make you his border czar, I heard that job is up for grabs.. your real world must be in fantasy land , cause what you describe as real is being rejected by about 75% of American citizens… so who is really living in the real world?
So you actually see crime increasing? Crime rates are down, and following a general trend lower each year since Dubya left office. I guess it's easier to ignore the statistics when you're being fed the horse dung from Fox each night. The reason those newscasts stop covering Trump's speeches is because he spews garbage, and those networks have responsibilities to not deliberately spread misinformation. President or not, Trump doesn't deserve unquestioned acceptance of his BS. Even Fox News cuts away sometimes--probably to avoid having to pay another $787 million. |
Edited by
Tue 03/05/24 05:44 AM
The reason these so called media outlets like cnn , msnbc, cut away from Trump speeches is the same reason they never reported about the border crisis, or the mass of shoplifters , carjackings, rapes, murders and attacks on cops. It’s called “ hiding the truth”. Because the people commiting these crimes are mostly democrats, these are Biden’s folks. The media doesn’t want the american people to know that democrats support that kind of lifestyle , all in the name of DEI.. Biden and his band of corrupted colleagues are trying to destroy our democracy in order to install their socialist regime. While these nuts accuse Trump of anointing himself as a King. Biden and his administration are the ones trying to rule like that now… it’s amazing how the democrats preach about rule of law.. until that ruling doesn’t fit their agenda and than they start screaming about how wrong that ruling was and how they can change it.. That’s NOT democracy..