Topic: What Are You Thinking Right Now? - part 2
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Wed 09/25/24 10:36 AM
Thinking everyone needs to see the music video by
Tom MacDonald "Me vs. You" , Especially Americans.

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 09/25/24 01:03 PM
Thinking I may do as Hammer suggests , even though I dont wanna be American .... but I am still trying to understand that mind set ...

no photo
Thu 09/26/24 02:52 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 09/26/24 02:54 AM

Thinking everyone needs to see the music video by
Tom MacDonald "Me vs. You" , Especially Americans.

Thinking what a great song, so much passion. The kind of passion that moves mountains, creates worlds. Wouldn't it be nice if the focal point of all that powerful passion was directed at things and reasons to love, rather than hate... Now those are the glorious mountains I prefer to create. love

Thanks for sharing it Hammer, it's just what I needed to help me stay focused today, on the things that matter to me, while I'm creating magic in my new home. :heart: smooched

no photo
Thu 09/26/24 10:01 AM

Thinking everyone needs to see the music video by
Tom MacDonald "Me vs. You" , Especially Americans.

Thinking what a great song, so much passion. The kind of passion that moves mountains, creates worlds. Wouldn't it be nice if the focal point of all that powerful passion was directed at things and reasons to love, rather than hate... Now those are the glorious mountains I prefer to create. love

Thanks for sharing it Hammer, it's just what I needed to help me stay focused today, on the things that matter to me, while I'm creating magic in my new home. :heart: smooched

I thought that he became aware of the divide and conquer narrative put forth by government and msm, and made this song to get Americans to open their eyes to this gaslighting, so they could stop the hate and find the path to peaceful coexistence

no photo
Thu 09/26/24 03:42 PM
Thinking there is no way I emailed Seattle a year ago this October.

no photo
Thu 09/26/24 04:22 PM
Thinking that I'll watch one live storm chaser of Hurricane Helene. Been watching for quite a while.

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 09/26/24 04:41 PM
I'm thinking,
It's Fridayyyyyy tomorrow :pray:
Whoop whoop :laughing:

no photo
Fri 09/27/24 01:25 AM

I thought that he became aware of the divide and conquer narrative put forth by government and msm, and made this song to get Americans to open their eyes to this gaslighting, so they could stop the hate and find the path to peaceful coexistence

Thinking... I feel that was his intent and it is well meaning. However, focusing on things we don't like or want to get rid of only feeds that energy and creates more of that which we are trying to rid our realities of. It is law, by way of Law of Attraction.

Thinking the beauty of Law of Attraction is that the same holds true when we focus on the things we love and wish to exist in our realities. It feeds that energy and creates more of it.

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 09/27/24 02:43 AM
Thinking it's Friday and time to head out to peace and quiet.... with one chore along the way only !!!

no photo
Fri 09/27/24 02:50 AM
Thinking it is time for another French press.

Sir's photo
Fri 09/27/24 08:50 AM
Thinking about people I know dealing with the hurricane right now.

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Sun 09/29/24 03:07 AM
Thinking the music I'm listening to right now is pretty cool. It gives me a feeling of ease, while uplifting me at the same time.

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Tue 10/01/24 02:53 AM
Thinking a good cuddle under the covers would help falling asleep, after 2-3 minutes that is.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 10/01/24 02:55 AM
Thinking its about time to crawl outta bed and put away the phone .... and kickstart my lazy day !!!

no photo
Tue 10/01/24 02:56 AM
Thinking seeing another rainbow on the way to work would be wonderful. Also thinking it's going to be a fun day.

no photo
Tue 10/01/24 03:06 AM
Thinking a man needs something to believe on, l believe I'll get me some more sleep!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 10/01/24 01:03 PM
Thinking what a shame Kris Kristoferson passed away yesterday at 88 ...and I was listening to ' here comes that rainbow again '....

no photo
Tue 10/01/24 01:44 PM
Thinking, time to get back to cutting firewood.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 10/01/24 01:46 PM
Thinking if only he lived nearby , he could even do that for me ... seeing as he likes it that much !!!!

no photo
Tue 10/01/24 04:46 PM
Thinking about two cars I saw driving on the road that were smashed up. How are are they able to drive?