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Topic: What are you doing? - part 15
delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 09/04/23 04:19 AM
Crocheting whilst waiting to hear from the garage when I can collect my car :red_car:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 09/04/23 09:40 AM
Trying to find an old friend from M2... no luck so far !!!!!

no photo
Mon 09/04/23 11:04 AM
Trying to survive one more day of heat and humidity, tomorrow the temps will be back to normal in the mid '70 s.

Merry's photo
Mon 09/04/23 11:32 AM

Trying to find an old friend from M2... no luck so far !!!!!

I'm right here! :grin:

no photo
Mon 09/04/23 12:16 PM
Taking a break

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 09/04/23 12:36 PM
Saying hello to Ms riverwaving flowers

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 09/04/23 12:39 PM
checking in to see if some cute friends are back .... yup they are ....

no photo
Mon 09/04/23 04:32 PM
Saying hello to Pumpi waving flowers

no photo
Tue 09/05/23 04:12 PM
Relaxing for a bit while dinner cooks

Devo1974's photo
Wed 09/06/23 08:38 PM
Trying to stay awake, have to work a night shift tomorrow and am trying to adjust my sleep schedule.

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 09/07/23 01:06 AM
On the 192 bus :bus: to work(AKA The Dungeons) :joy:
Charging my phone up :iphone:

Another late start :grimacing:
Means another late finish :sob:
Thank God :pray: the week is nearly over
And the weeks punishment will end tomorrow :joy:

no photo
Thu 09/07/23 08:57 AM
I'm going outside to take back my yard, the mosquitoes have had it long enough pitchfork bigsmile

no photo
Thu 09/07/23 02:14 PM
Getting something to eat, then back to yard work.

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 09/11/23 02:37 PM
Wondering if I should use Mr Bean's photo on my profile :joy:

Devo1974's photo
Mon 09/11/23 02:41 PM
Sitting outside in perfect weather, love September here. :sunglasses:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 09/11/23 04:23 PM
getting ready to watch some MNF ....go Bills ...

Devo1974's photo
Mon 09/11/23 05:06 PM
I'm with you on that, Go Bills. Not a fan but I hate the Jets.

no photo
Mon 09/11/23 05:11 PM
Wishing I was hanging out again with Wolf.

stan_147's photo
Mon 09/11/23 05:12 PM
Watching a local game, in the bleachers. Lol

Rock's photo
Mon 09/11/23 06:28 PM
Got the paintball gun loaded, gettin' ready
to go splatter paint some random tweekers.

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