Topic: Sleepy Joes biggest problem | |
There is brand new info from a IRS whistle blower about the justice department blocking any felony charges being brought against the Presidents son Hunter. Council James Weiss wanted to bring felony charges against Hunter for tax crimes and gun application crimes in 2022 but the justice dept. under joe Biden directed him to stand down… several instances of shady at best activity continue to surface involving Joe and Hunter and these whistle blowers are credible according to the FBI and the IRS. So why isn’t there a real unbiased investigation going on . The democrats in our congress want to portray it as conspiracy theory, even though they were the ones who conspired to create a conspiracy theory with the Russia-Trump collusion hoax that went on for three years and millions of our tax payers money… So to believe anything they say to deflect the American people from what could be the biggest criminal corruption case coming from the White House would be a mistake and would be very naive. And why wouldn’t the media want to be the first to report a major news report if it turns out to be true of Joe and Hunters Illegal dealings. BTW if you are interested in this new info about the justice depts. involvement in this investigation that was supposed to have full cooperation from the DOJ with no interference.( so much for that)…. Watch or read about this and other news stories that may be harmful to the democrats on any Fox News site…. I know the democrats choice of media only reports anti trump news…
Poopy pants Joe came in 76th of his graduating
class of 85 students. He's an idiot, but a well protected idiot. As such, he remains useful to his puppet masters. |
More whistle blowers coming out everyday with credible story’s of Biden
family corruption including Joe, “ the big guy”. These folks have different recollections than Joes when it comes to Joe and his connections to his sons unlawful activity that accounts for millions of dollars for the Biden’s. For once the MSM is giving the Biden story some air time. And questioning the the lack of transparency coming from the White House. Could be just a matter of time before Joe finds himself in hot water with his own party. |
The SCOTUS just delivered another blow to Biden’s plan of buying votes by a 6 to 3 vote that Biden didn’t have the authority to implement his plan to forgive college loans . Seems as if Joe has given false hope to millions of people. I applaud the SCOTUS for their decision and the decision that came down yesterday that stopped race from being a factor in the admissions policy of universities… Why does Biden like breaking Americans into certain groups when it comes to the policies he wants to implement, that’s called segregation ( which Joe was all for twenty or thirty years ago) , a true leader of the people should try to inspire all the people . But this guy is not very inspirational.
These recent loses (3) of Biden's this week give me hope. Too bad it takes going all the way to the supreme court to stop the liberals crazy nonsense but it does restore a tiny little bit of faith that common sense is still attainable in our country. The 2024 elections will either make or break this country.
I’m really enjoying seeing the melt down from the waco liberal democrats about the supreme courts recent rulings . And thanks to the court for their correct rulings. The democrats actually want to impeach the justices because they didn’t agree with the courts decision. Boo hoo hoo, bunch of sniveling snowflakes. If you can’t handle hearing the word NO. Than maybe you should grow up and get a grip on reality…and reality is we shouldn’t ask people that didn’t go to college to pay for someone that did go.( one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard of) and why should the color of someone’s skin be any factor for receiving a education. Not in this the 21st century. And no one should have to sacrifice their 1st amendment rights to appease another’s 1st amendment rights. So to these loud mouth democrats that feel the SCOTUS is racist or extremists … sit down, shut up and start planning your next attack on freedom…
It’s hard to point out joes biggest problem. One of them is that he’s a heartless SOB. Two weeks after the devastation on Maui Joe decided to leave his vacation paradise and drug hisself to Maui where he proudly dismissed their crisis when he suggested that he went through the same thing as those residents , when there was a kitchen fire in his house and he almost lost his cat and his 67 corvette, “ ha ha” .. this guy hasn’t got a ounce of sympathy for anything but him and his own. Lies and false empathy is all this buffoon is about. Just one more reason why he’s under water in every topic concerning Americans
Come on, guys. We all knew the whole time that the Biden s were corrupt. Any man with any decency would not have accepted the results of a stolen election. He's creepy and sniffs people. Come on. He's gross. But yeah, just a puppet. A well protected one, which has already been stated. So who do y'all really think is running the show? Soros? The Clinton's? Who? Because we all know it ain't Joe. And what's going on with President Trump and all these charges?! At least maybe he will get to see his case in court and prove some of the election fraud.
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Congratulations Joe, it looks as if you and your DOJ has now given Donald Trump street credentials while making a him martyr . A powerful image to certain voting groups. Trump now joins the likes of other celebrities that have had a mug shot publicized. Elvis, Tupac, Frank Sinatra, Martin Luther King Jr. , even ( Hanoi Jane ) Fonda.. These celebs. went on to have successful careers or become martyrs for their cause..And now you can count on Trumps popularity to increase in all voting blocks…your desperation to get rid of him may be your biggest blunder of them all…
That's what I heard. It's gonna be the biggest mistake the left ever made. ... No one ever claimed they were all that bright.
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That's what I heard. It's gonna be the biggest mistake the left ever made. ... No one ever claimed they were all that bright. ![]() Lol … and no one ever will! |
Edited by
Wed 08/30/23 03:11 PM
These recent loses (3) of Biden's this week give me hope. Too bad it takes going all the way to the supreme court to stop the liberals crazy nonsense but it does restore a tiny little bit of faith that common sense is still attainable in our country. The 2024 elections will either make or break this country. I agree ! I think Biden is a Puppet for the communists. |
Sadly I BELIEVE Weiss is just as Corrupt as the rest!!! We NEED to shut down MOST of the 3 letter agencies move them from the DISTRICT OF CRIMINALS….and Vett everyone down to the janitor! At minimum…NSA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI! I strongly believe we need to move the Pentagon!! And STOP the LAUNDERING of money to NSA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI VIA the Department of Defense!!! We STILL haven’t got to the bottom of funding for Stephan Halper!!!
Another problem for joe, and maybe his biggest problem is his lack of promoting the protection of children in public schools. While the far left liberals want to take control of school children and mold them into mindless souls that are indebted to the Democratic Party . That’s their plan for the children that aren’t aborted with their No term limits abortion law they want enacted. The democrats may have had a chance to win over the majority of women with the abortion arguement, but I think they lose that advantage with their belief that the parents have no rights when it comes to the education of their child. This is why so many democrats are opposed to charter schools or private schools , even though many of these politicians have their own children in one of these schools that they don’t want any of your children to be able to attend. Biden’s secretary education is very harmful to our children and their futures.
I was reading my E edition of our local newspaper that a Broadway fundraiser for Joe Biden’s re-election was going to be held and tickets ranged from $250-7,500. This is the first time I’ve heard of such a thing.
They couldn't PAY me that much to attend. 🥴
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Yeah right Not Looking I agree
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Edited by
Tue 09/19/23 06:02 AM
It seems Joe Biden’s demented state of mind is contagious among other democrats. Many of them are promoting Joes policies as Grrreat… They claim his policies are creating great things for America… the best economy , the best job market , they tell us the border is the most secure it has ever been. Yet they don’t want YOUR child to get a proper education as they fight against school choice, knowing the public schools are failing. They say Joe is a leader on the world stage even though he shows weakness and indecisiveness to our allies and our enemy’s . It’s obvious the agenda of the Democratic Party is to lie to and deceive the average American into voting for their corrupt representatives. How can anybody take a unbiased look at the crime, the high cost of basic necessities, the mass of illegal immigrants flooding in to our country and depleating funds meant for our homeless and poor citizens. the school children that are not proficient in reading, writing and arithmetic in our public schools. This country can not take four more years under the democratic rule …for some reason over the last ten years the democrat party has refused to show respect for anything or any one that helped make this country the great republic it is or was…. What a shame…
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Mr Good Guy
Tue 09/19/23 07:34 AM
It seems Joe Biden’s demented state of mind is contagious among other democrats. Many of them are promoting Joes policies as Grrreat… They claim his policies are creating great things for America… the best economy , the best job market , they tell us the border is the most secure it has ever been. Yet they don’t want YOUR child to get a proper education as they fight against school choice, knowing the public schools are failing. They say Joe is a leader on the world stage even though he shows weakness and indecisiveness to our allies and our enemy’s . It’s obvious the agenda of the Democratic Party is to lie to and deceive the average American into voting for their corrupt representatives. How can anybody take a unbiased look at the crime, the high cost of basic necessities, the mass of illegal immigrants flooding in to our country and depleating funds meant for our homeless and poor citizens. the school children that are not proficient in reading, writing and arithmetic in our public schools. This country can not take four more years under the democratic rule …for some reason over the last ten years the democrat party has refused to show respect for anything or any one that helped make this country the great republic it is or was…. What a shame… |
This may concern Joe Biden: Senator Grassley has been given reports of 15 years of bribery and other crimes by Joe Biden and family.. The report says for the past 15 years the FBI has had 40 agents implanted in the Biden ontarage investigating all his dealings. But with each and every report of criminal acts the higher up in the FBI squelch the info as Russian propaganda. I’ve only seen this report on FOX news.. makes sense if true…