Topic: strangest topic wins a icecream
Rudie's photo
Sun 04/30/23 07:01 PM
Share the strangest thing that happend to you today...

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 04/30/23 07:53 PM
Some guy offered me an icecream if I shared the strangest thing that happened to me today.

Rock's photo
Mon 05/01/23 06:30 AM
Some weird dude offering ice cream.

Merry's photo
Mon 05/01/23 06:48 AM
A fella named Rudie offering ice-cream to random folk on the internet.

I do love ice-cream though, but I was warned of "stranger danger"

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 05/01/23 10:42 AM
Guy in a van offered me ice cream if I helped him find his lost puppy.

Merry's photo
Mon 05/01/23 11:02 AM

Guy in a van offered me ice cream if I helped him find his lost puppy.

Nooooooo Motown!!!
So dark

Douglas's photo
Mon 05/01/23 12:09 PM
The chicken soup I made turned out to be edible.

Does the ice-cream come by email? I could give the internet address of my freezer...

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 05/01/23 12:28 PM
Edited by Poetrywriter on Mon 05/01/23 12:31 PM
Topic: strangest topic wins a icecream

Can I take the cash option instead?

no photo
Mon 05/01/23 12:58 PM
I found 5 baseballs today.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 05/02/23 12:57 AM
Considering the fact I am just the strangest mf you could ever meet. I'd rather have gelato.

no photo
Wed 05/03/23 02:59 PM
It's odd that I found 5 baseballs in one day. The last time I found a baseball was 15 years ago.

no photo
Thu 05/04/23 08:50 AM

A fella named Rudie offering ice-cream to random folk on the internet.

I do love ice-cream though, but I was warned of "stranger danger"

Considering if someone walk upto me and say
Will you

Morticia's photo
Fri 05/05/23 05:04 AM
Ice cream gives me the heebie-jeebies so I'll pass on the offer

no photo
Fri 05/05/23 03:46 PM
I'll take the ice cream.