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Topic: How Do You feel right now? - part 22
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Wed 10/25/23 12:38 PM
I feel like my house is that house from the Tom Hanks/Shelley Long movie Money Pit.

Well I managed to break the toilet tank lid. cracked it in 2 pieces today. :upside_down:

Makes me feel like this :poop:

no photo
Wed 10/25/23 12:53 PM

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Wed 10/25/23 02:35 PM

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Wed 10/25/23 02:37 PM


OT... Hungry

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Wed 10/25/23 02:40 PM

Feel some minglers should eat.

no photo
Wed 10/25/23 02:51 PM
I feel like I want pizza

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Wed 10/25/23 02:54 PM
Feel like I should have bought what I wanted to get earlier but didn't because my sister said she was cooking dinner. She decided to go out instead. grumble laugh

no photo
Wed 10/25/23 04:31 PM
I feel that this is the time of year to stock up on items if you are a baker. From now until January are usually the best sales of spices, sugar, chocolate chips, flour and other baking items.

no photo
Fri 10/27/23 10:57 AM
Fed up with the home situation

no photo
Fri 10/27/23 04:56 PM

Fed up with the home situation

Anguish, Happy trails to you River:bear::hugging:.

Devo1974's photo
Fri 10/27/23 06:54 PM
Mixed emotions, they still haven't found the shooter but think he's committed suicide so are opening things up again and searching for his body. I don't understand how do many victims are still unidentified, doesn't make sense.

no photo
Fri 10/27/23 07:48 PM

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 10:39 PM
I'm feelin', that ribeye and fried onions hit the spot.

no photo
Sat 10/28/23 03:30 AM

Mixed emotions, they still haven't found the shooter but think he's committed suicide so are opening things up again and searching for his body. I don't understand how do many victims are still unidentified, doesn't make sense.

((( Devo )))

no photo
Sat 10/28/23 10:08 PM

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Sun 10/29/23 02:33 AM
Lighter, the heaviness I've carried for the past few days is gone. It's a very liberating kind of feeling.

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Sun 10/29/23 03:08 AM

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Sun 10/29/23 12:37 PM
It's been a busy past few days. Honestly I'm tired. The rain doesn't help. I learned my lesson the last time my body told me I was tired and I didn't listen. Today is a day of calm and rest.

Rock's photo
Sun 10/29/23 05:23 PM
It's been a great day.

stan_147's photo
Sun 10/29/23 07:05 PM

It's been a great day.

I can agree with this. One I give thanks for, actually.

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