Topic: should a Christian date an athiest
Birdwatcher's photo
Sat 04/08/23 07:50 PM
I won't. But am interested in what others think.
I have been contacted by a divorced atheist who has asked for my email. I responded that we are to chat on here and i do not give out my email. I also said I am a follower of Jesus Christ and cannot date an atheist. What is YOUR opinion

William's photo
Sun 04/09/23 02:09 PM
I have seen mixed "religion" marriages.....It all depends upon how much each chooses toshare with the other. If a Christian wants to attend services by themselves, then maybe it would work. Personally, my Spiritual path is so involved in my daily Life that I could not be with someone who was not on a Path at least similar to mine.

Don's photo
Sun 04/09/23 05:35 PM
I don't think your atheist friend realises how different your and his mind sets are, and I'd advise him to look elsewhere.

no photo
Sun 04/09/23 09:11 PM
I think if you are a TRUE follower of Christ, you wouldn't judge him based solely on his religious beliefs. Kind of cheapens Christianity and loving one another, loving the sinner and hating the sin, etc. My sister was deeply into following Christ, so I know the experience of someone judging when Christ himself said (Matthew 7:1) "Judge not lest you be judged."

We must judge (or discern) as Christians between right and wrong, good and bad. But we must not have a judgmental attitude. Anyone who sizes others up with a swagger of superiority is not behaving in a Christ-like way.

But you do you.....

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/09/23 09:11 PM
Basically you're not looking for opinions but merely saying that your beliefs are incompatible with any others, which shows an extremely closed and short sighted mindset.

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Sun 04/09/23 10:45 PM
Edited by Dramatic Muffin on Sun 04/09/23 10:48 PM
We all have to do what works for us. Religious differences would likely be a bigger issue for a person in their 20s who has never been married, as there may be obstacles that arise when it comes to child rearing. If that is not an issue, I think that religious difference can often be overcome by allowing each partner to worship/not worship as they see fit. If it's super important to you to have a partner attend church services/Bible study with you, then you're probably doing the right thing for you by only dating those of similar faith.

For me, it's not an issue. I believe in God, but I don't subscribe to any one religion. I think the Buddhist faith is most compatible with my own beliefs. As long as my partner is a good and kind, caring person I'm really not concerned with his religious beliefs.

no photo
Mon 04/10/23 01:53 AM
Basically you're not looking for opinions but merely saying that your beliefs are incompatible with any others, which shows an extremely closed and short sighted mindset.


Being Human

Amanda's photo
Sun 08/13/23 05:22 AM

I won't. But am interested in what others think.
I have been contacted by a divorced atheist who has asked for my email. I responded that we are to chat on here and i do not give out my email. I also said I am a follower of Jesus Christ and cannot date an atheist. What is YOUR opinion

You are right but with trust, I think you can make it possible

no photo
Sun 08/13/23 08:57 AM

Basically you're not looking for opinions but merely saying that your beliefs are incompatible with any others, which shows an extremely closed and short sighted mindset.


soufiehere's photo
Sun 08/13/23 09:20 AM

should a Christian date an athiest

If you mean an atheist, I do not have that prejudice.

Mexicolove's photo
Sun 08/13/23 11:27 AM
Is like a vegetarian dating a non veggie

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/13/23 02:22 PM

I think if you are a TRUE follower of Christ, you wouldn't judge him based solely on his religious beliefs. Kind of cheapens Christianity and loving one another, loving the sinner and hating the sin, etc. My sister was deeply into following Christ, so I know the experience of someone judging when Christ himself said (Matthew 7:1) "Judge not lest you be judged."

We must judge (or discern) as Christians between right and wrong, good and bad. But we must not have a judgmental attitude. Anyone who sizes others up with a swagger of superiority is not behaving in a Christ-like way.

But you do you.....

I have to admit that I'm David has the closest view to my own point of view (which is neither right nor wrong, it's just my view)...

Nowadays, in my old age (50's) I'm more of the belief that everything is destined by God, good and bad... and if God should allow that a person of different beliefs contacts me, who am I to go against it?...

If its good, like finding a soul mate then I should look deeper than normal at it or ask my learned scholars where the right path is...

If its bad, like getting ripped off/scammed then I look into myself to analyse what I could have done wrong, that God is punishing me...

Also I think you are doing the right thing by bouncing it off the community, because you can read everyone's views and at the end of it, use the most powerful computer on the planet (the human brain) to make a decision based on all the facts, or even pray to God to show you the right path...

Finally I think it's only fair to add that if the op respects your beliefs and doesn't ask you to change, then surely the op is also a believer in some respects and may revert back to the religion they were born into, since most people are born into a religion and because of not practicing it they change their beliefs-status to atheist or something else...

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 10/14/23 01:36 PM

I have seen mixed "religion" marriages.....It all depends upon how much each chooses toshare with the other. If a Christian wants to attend services by themselves, then maybe it would work. Personally, my Spiritual path is so involved in my daily Life that I could not be with someone who was not on a Path at least similar to mine.

This :thumbsup: