Topic: Pick one... - part 6 | |
In a tent under the stars!!!
With or without company ? |
With...! It's scary if you're alone and under the stars.
Reading poetry or playing a musical instrument? ( a fireplace would be ideal) |
Ideal ... playing u like a violin !!!!
Card game or a board game for money?? |
I do enjoy poker on occasion.
Play the lottery or buy scratch tickets? |
I'm quite a lucky girl, but I don't invest in that kind of luck. I've never done any of those things.
Bikini or full-piece? |
I look damn sexy in a Bikini...
but I am forever a Mankinki Man... Ocean Beach or Lake Beach? |
Lake Beach when I lived in Maine and Washington, ocean beach anywhere that the water actually gets warm.
Plan ahead or fly by the seat of your pants? |
I ruthlessly plan for a long trip.... Weekend or under I happily fly by the seat of my pants
Rather live in extreme heat? Or extreme cold? |
I loved the first half of my life in states that border Canada, I'm living the second half South of the Mason -Dixon line.
spring or autumn? |
Edited by
🍫 KitKat 🍫
Fri 09/15/23 05:00 PM
what are those? We don't get those in Florida
Honestly too tough to call....I love and miss both those seasons forgot.... Same question... Which is your fave? |
Fall is my favourite season
Night club or dance club |
Such a cop out... your as bad as Merry saying both all the time.
I like autumn better, from the leaves turning in Maine to no more unbearable August heart here in Tennessee it's wonderful. Gas grill or charcoal? |
charcoal !
Merry or Kit Kat |
Edited by
Fri 09/15/23 10:33 PM
Christmas is once year and chocolate is non-seasonal. So, KitKat it is!!!
Official break-up or ghost? |
Heavy comforter or multiple light blankets? |
I’ll take the comforting comforter 🥰
Gas or electric cook stove ? |
Electric( I honestly don't care)
Dee Devo... Best compliment ever, saying I was like merry! Gorgeous Merry I'd pick you Everytime! Pick red or white wine? |
Hello gorgeous KitKat
I didn't realise that Devo had said that. Such a meanie OT: whatever, I'm going to say both and go to bed A full course menu or one special meal? |
I misspoke... He said I was just as bad as Merry saying both all the time
I'll still take it as a compliment! Sleep gorgeous Both Pick being single? Or a couple? |
A couple ....
Live together or tie the knot kinda relationship!!! |