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Topic: Pick one... - part 6
Devo1974's photo
Sun 10/01/23 11:11 AM
Hiking, particularly if there's a great view as a reward at the end. :park:

Playing cards games or playing board games?

Gia's photo
Sun 10/01/23 12:16 PM
Both. It's like asking me to pick a favourite child. :joy:

Regardless the loser has to grant a wish, but I'm super competitive and I want my made-up song to be sung or do a crazy dance or something if you lose.

Thanksgiving turkey or ham?

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 02:25 PM
Turkey, porky pig is bad.

Pen or pencil?

Devo1974's photo
Sun 10/01/23 02:29 PM
Pen, I like to live dangerously :smirk:

Fish or shellfish?

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 02:33 PM
Fish, no slimy azz shell fish for me.

Beef jerky or cheese omelette

Devo1974's photo
Sun 10/01/23 02:53 PM
Cheese omelet- I like jerky but almost nothing better than a well made omelet.

Giving or receiving a gift?

Gia's photo
Sun 10/01/23 02:58 PM

Ebook or physical book?

Devo1974's photo
Sun 10/01/23 03:05 PM
I have a few physical books I need to read but honestly have grown into the habit of falling asleep to audio books. Is that an Ebook or do you mean books you read online? If it's books you read on screen than it's physical books. To make a short story long....

Real or artificial Christmas tree?

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:06 PM
Ba humbug.... No tree, never had one.

SNF... Chiefs or Jets

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:08 PM

Ice cream or cake

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:10 PM

Ice cream: Chocolate or Strawberry?

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:12 PM
Chocolate, of course

Hagen Dazs or Store brand

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:16 PM
Hagen Dazs, unless the other is much larger.

Spinach or celery

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:17 PM

Broccoli or carrots

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:22 PM
Its a tie!

Beets or radishes

no photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:23 PM

White potatoes or sweet potatoes>

Gia's photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:39 PM
Devo - Audio or any format of a book that isn't a physical book.

Sweet potatoes

Pumpkin or Apple pie?

Devo1974's photo
Sun 10/01/23 04:47 PM
Apple pie, I'll eat pumpkin bread or muffins but otherwise don't like anything pumpkin.

Stuffing inside the turkey, or dressing in a casserole outside the turkey?

Gia's photo
Sun 10/01/23 05:41 PM
I'm the same way. Hate pumpkin anything and not a big fan of pie in general. For holidays I normally buy both, because we have a big family and all my kids like pumpkin. At Christmas, it's normally pecan pie and Apple with vanilla ice cream.

I buy a stuffed bird and make sausage potato stuff on the side.

Chips or chocolate for trick-or-treaters?

no photo
Mon 10/02/23 12:53 AM

Being the driver on road trips, or the passenger

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