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Topic: conversations
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Sat 02/04/23 07:12 PM
question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 02/04/23 07:15 PM
I prefer chatting with people that sound like they have at least half a brain and are not bots or scammers.

no photo
Sat 02/04/23 07:18 PM
I prefer chatting with people that sound like they have at least half a brain and are not bots or scammers.

know how that feels, these apps are full of them

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Sat 02/04/23 08:25 PM
Both. Only deep meaningful conversation if I get that vibe - and I need to know a person first or keeping the obvious private.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 02/04/23 09:07 PM

question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone

If I wanted to know the weather I would look outside or check my app.

If you ask somebody how they are doing most often they will lie. If they are having a bad day they will say they are OK, if they are having a great day they will say they are doing GOOD. That is unless they like drama, or want somebody to feel sorry for them.

Please don't ask if that dress makes you look fat ( no, it's your fat that makes you look fat)

If you have to ask somebody if they love you then you should focus on what they do, not what they say.

Thank you for holding the door, well you should have done that anyway, but I will thank you anyway because everybody deserves a participation award.

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Sat 02/04/23 09:30 PM
Both. Only deep meaningful conversation if I get that vibe - and I need to know a person first or keeping the obvious private.

thank you gia

no photo
Sun 02/05/23 01:33 AM
question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone

It depends on 'someone' who is trying be 'one' of the some an then one on one chats.. 🗨️..:anger_right:...:thought_balloon: .:thought_balloon:

Laska Paul 's photo
Sun 02/05/23 05:51 AM

I would like to say just a Hi.. and then a Good Bye
Short and Sweet !.

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 02/06/23 07:29 AM

question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone

Small talk and gossip are for the weak minded. Like the kinda people that watch reality TV.. or sex-based shows like "too hot to handle".

If someone can't form individual thoughts and opinions, then they aren't worth speaking with unless they're at least open, and willing to grow themselves intellectually.

The other type of people that are annoying, are the sheeple. The ones that have all kinds of strong opinions, none of which they actually formed themselves.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Tue 02/07/23 12:09 AM
I usually start off with some type of small talk, asking a random question to see if it is actually a real person. Then I work my way into some deeper conversation if they seem to want to go there. But it is hard to get into any real deep conversation online, most of the deep topics should be face to face, in person, so you can see their reactions as the conversation goes back and forth...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 02/07/23 08:58 AM
Granted, I've been out of the online date seeking 'game' for a few years now but...

Seems to me, the first conversation subjects online should be ones which allow you to figure out if you actually have anything in common.
How long that takes is governed by the individuals participating in the conversation.
Subject matter might start off with talking about what each has written in their profile or the obvious markers found in their photos.

Once a 'rudimentary connection' is formed, the next step would be subjects of personality which are not evident in the profile. This involves a bit of trust and the ability to divulge information not given easily to the public.

Once trust is better established and a personal connection is formed. then you might consider exchanging phone numbers and setting up a meet in real life. The real-life meet is vital to closing the gap between personal and private relationships.
Only after a real-life meet should sexual preferences be discussed. Only if that is the connection both of you have made.
Sexual preferences is private and should be reserved for private, face to face interaction.
You can't get the full picture of alignment with someone without using all your senses.

Since M2 is mainly used for finding someone for some type of romantic, personal relationship, idle conversation is the act of using this tool wrong.

If your only interest in M2 is the community message boards and you are not actively using the 'profile' side to find someone, Idle conversation is common and understandable. Idle conversation is normal for non-romantic, non-relationship interactions. That is the type of conversations you have with co-workers and people met in passing.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 02/07/23 02:36 PM
A good balance of the two.
Having only deep & meaningful conversations is too much of a good thing.
Time and place for everything and lighthearted chit-chat sure as heck deserves its place in life :)
I wouldn't want to be with someone that only wanted either one all of the time.

no photo
Wed 03/08/23 09:29 AM
I am very introverted and prefer deep meaningful conversations which is an acknowledge trait of introverts. I imagine a woman who is much more balanced introvert / extrovert would feel comfortable in both spheres of conversation, chit chat or weighty.

I am new to this site and many of my attempts at conversation or connection are for the purpose of verifying if someone is real and serious. Often I only need to start by requesting a first or second photo as well as completing some of their profile and get no response to my request.

no photo
Sat 03/18/23 06:10 PM

question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone

Small talk if he contacted me !

Bigsy8's photo
Sun 03/19/23 03:29 PM
Theres a time and place for both but I prefer deep and if there's attraction scuba diving deep bigsmile

no photo
Wed 04/05/23 04:35 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 04/05/23 04:39 AM

question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone

If I contacted him .
That means I'm really interested!
Chatting Privately I ask many questions!

Birdwatcher's photo
Wed 04/05/23 11:43 AM
it depends totally on (1) how well do i know the person (2) do I Feel like chat right now -- maybe want to later.

no photo
Wed 04/05/23 11:53 AM
I do not like endless small talk

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 04/05/23 01:27 PM
How about small but deep conversations?

no photo
Wed 04/05/23 01:48 PM

question of the day: do you prefer small talk or deep conversation when chatting privately to someone
That's not a metaphor is it?
Like "It's not how deep you fish, but how you wiggle your worm".

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