Topic: Stop the stupidity! | |
In six days America will have the opportunity to stop the democrats from their continued efforts to destroy the things that make this country great. The democrats are doubling down on the lies they think will help them win. They have absolutely nothing in their bag of tricks to boast about , so they automatically start their campaign of lies about the other side. For Biden to say republicans will gut social security and Medicare is a bold face lie . He also says republicans will ban marriage among the gays . Another lie. Biden is the king of mis-information. Would it be any different if I said that the democrats will limit the # of children a couple can have and they will outlaw citizens from owning canines as pets or farms from owning cattle. Lies are lies no matter who’s telling them or how many times they are repeated by the media… on nov. 8 let’s all vote to bring some common sense back to the halls of congress and stop Biden from his desire to ruin the American way.
With any luck, our country will have a
new Speaker of the House. |
Yes indeed, and they should own a good pair of knee pads …
I agree with some of that, Bart, but I gotta say... I'm so tired of all of the hate. It's not like republicans don't lie dude. They do, just as often. The tactics are different, and I think the democrats are a bigger threat to our nation than the republicans.... but you never catch me saying I like either side lol. Regardless, here's hoping you get what you're after out of the midterms man!
Your right Mark, they all lie , they are politicians after all and that’s what they do. But I think the democrats heavy handed treatment of Trump and anybody that supported his policies , never mind his crude personality . But the tactics they undertook to destroy a duly elected President was beyond forgiveness , thus you create hate. Especially when all those accusations were investigated and proven to be fake and started by the democrats. I do think our democracy will still be intact come November 9. And maybe we can resort to positive messages to bring people together. I hope we all get what we deserve this election … common sense!
In six days America will have the opportunity to stop the democrats from their continued efforts to destroy the things that make this country great. The democrats are doubling down on the lies they think will help them win. They have absolutely nothing in their bag of tricks to boast about , so they automatically start their campaign of lies about the other side. For Biden to say republicans will gut social security and Medicare is a bold face lie . He also says republicans will ban marriage among the gays . Another lie. Biden is the king of mis-information. Would it be any different if I said that the democrats will limit the # of children a couple can have and they will outlaw citizens from owning canines as pets or farms from owning cattle. Lies are lies no matter who’s telling them or how many times they are repeated by the media… on nov. 8 let’s all vote to bring some common sense back to the halls of congress and stop Biden from his desire to ruin the American way. agree! But then, I've said since the Nov20 election this was a faux administration. |
Term limits for all positions, including dog catcher.
Edited by
Tue 11/15/22 06:09 PM
Rather than start a new thread, figured I'd post here.
No red wave in the midterms for a Dem president with 42% approval, this should have been a wipeout. Mark, above makes a single statement that I think sums it well "...I'm so tired of all of the hate...". A handful of regular posters here epitomize that sentiment, non-stop angry blame and insult, the Trump way is no more. Every single candidate Trump endorsed failed, independents like myself have had enough. Food for thought to some of you, what you might think is normal, bad mouthing others who don't share your views. You might go to the local Elks lodge and get good reception, but when online a lot of people are put off, they won't bother engaging because it's pointless. The anger, name calling, blame and histrionics is costing you. Trump's going to announce tonight and that's not a good thing for Republicans, especially where he will be running against DeSantis. The two will engage in a pissing contest for the next two years that's going to drag the entire party down. Your party needs moderates like Romney, but you push them out, label them "RINO" and no one can tell you different. I voted D this week, solely for the fact the Trump is going to run and I do not want a republican majority for him to manipulate when he loses. I live in one of the tight districts, the Dem won. |
One good thing about this election. No more Nancy Piglousy. Good riddance to a very disgusting person that did nothing for the people in her district. During her 40 years in politics she devoted all her policies for the sake of gaining wealth and power for herself, not for her constituents. She singled handily disgraced the position of speaker of the house by ripping up the state of the union address as our President was giving it..and she has turned her city, San Francisco into one of the dirtiest, immoral cities in the U.S. . Homelessness and drugs and feces strewn streets run rampant in this city that at one time was a paradise. This will be Nancy’s legacy( turning gold to garbage).
Term limits for all positions, including dog catcher. First political statement that I fully agree with! |
Well... Nancy "the beard" Pelosi claims she'll be
stepping down from leadership roles. I'm not quite sure, who the republican house majority will elect as their speaker. But, I'm hoping it won't be that oxygen thief, Mitch McConnell... |
Mitch McConnell is minority leader of the senate, which the republicans lost in their bid to gain majority…Kevin McCarthy will become the speaker of the house( 3rd in-line to the presidency) . I agree Mitch is terrible.
Starting to snowball. LE sigh.
Mitch McConnell is minority leader of the senate, which the republicans lost in their bid to gain majority…Kevin McCarthy will become the speaker of the house( 3rd in-line to the presidency) . I agree Mitch is terrible. Mitch McConnell could be both the senate minority leader and the speaker of the house. The Constitution does not require the speaker to be a member of the House of Representatives, although every speaker thus far has been. The fact is the speaker of the house can be someone who has never held a political position.....they just need to get 218 House Representatives to vote them to the position. |
My bad John, from the way I hey talk I thought McCarthey had already been voted . But I guess they have to wait till the new congress takes office. I hope it wont be Mitch.
Edited by
Fri 12/02/22 12:12 PM
N.Pelosi is still in Congress putting her 2 cents in.
She needs to go retire on her millions she's got for doing nothing productive for USA. |
.... I agree Mitch is terrible. Let's not underestimate the fact that he did keep Obama from becoming a three term president with all that filibustering. |
Three terms? What happened to the 22nd Amendment?
Edited by
Sun 12/04/22 05:36 AM
Three terms? What happened to the 22nd Amendment? Warning: this statement may cause some people to become nauseous.. read only in your safe space… Amendments? Democrats think amendments are for everybody else, and that they are above any rule of law when it comes to putting brakes on their agenda of total power over the people…sooner or later the truth about their election corruption to elect Joe will come crashing down on them… |
Topic: Stop the stupidity!
If you want to stop stupidity, then stop American voters from voting for Republicans. ![]() |