Topic: What is something fun you've done recently?
no photo
Mon 08/28/23 04:26 PM
Spent the last two hours looking for a date on line... not sure it was fun, but if it works, then it will have been worth it.

Lava Cookie's photo
Mon 08/28/23 04:29 PM
I’m sure you gonna love em coz I’ve got an epic content that would blow up your mind :relieved::heart::peach::eggplant::sweat_drops:

Lava Cookie's photo
Mon 08/28/23 04:29 PM

I’m sure you gonna love em coz I’ve got an epic content that would blow up your mind

Take for one ... Role-playing it's my specialty

no photo
Wed 08/30/23 04:56 AM
Did your daughter give you detention? :joy:

Thank God, I wasn't given such a tough thing 🤪 she wrote a message to my mom in my school diary, her grandma from the next room signed it too :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 08/30/23 05:08 AM

Did your daughter give you detention? :joy:

Thank God, I wasn't given such a tough thing 🤪 she wrote a message to my mom in my school diary, her grandma from the next room signed it too :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

At least you didn't get detention or have to stand in the corner with a pointy hat on your head :joy:

no photo
Wed 08/30/23 05:15 AM
At least you didn't get detention or have to stand in the corner with a pointy hat on your head :joy:

:smile: thats interesting, i should have been mischievous during childhood and could have enjoyed these 🤪 missed them.. were you a mischievous kid or a studious one?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 08/30/23 10:58 AM

At least you didn't get detention or have to stand in the corner with a pointy hat on your head :joy:

:smile: thats interesting, i should have been mischievous during childhood and could have enjoyed these 🤪 missed them.. were you a mischievous kid or a studious one?

I wish I could say a bit of both, studious for my parents, and good to learn and pay attention in the class...

But really, I guess I failed because I have no university degrees or certificates like diploma etc... And I just have a working class wage (national minimum wage) I'm not on some 100k a year salary :sob:

Maybe if I was on 100K a year, I might be a toffee nosed twit :joy:

To be honest, I give Thanks to God :pray: for a good life and letting me know whatever I know :innocent:

More than anything, I appreciate what little I have and know the grass is same colour on the other side of the fence lol :joy:

no photo
Thu 08/31/23 11:01 AM
I wish I could say a bit of both, studious for my parents, and good to learn and pay attention in the class...

But really, I guess I failed because I have no university degrees or certificates like diploma etc... And I just have a working class wage (national minimum wage) I'm not on some 100k a year salary :sob:

Maybe if I was on 100K a year, I might be a toffee nosed twit :joy:

To be honest, I give Thanks to God :pray: for a good life and letting me know whatever I know :innocent:

More than anything, I appreciate what little I have and know the grass is same colour on the other side of the fence lol :joy:

Nice to know about you, Jaan Doh :slight_smile:

Finally, what I got to realise is how we use the wisdom during struggles and how much we are humble with gratitude during happiness.

Some of us get these learnings only after a degree but few legends alone get it from experience without a degree too :innocent: and there's lot to learn from them.

None of us can be judged based on their degree, their job and the salary.. For each of us is uniquely created with abundance of skills by God and should be treated with respect is something I believe..

Living a simple life, appreciating whatever we have is much more peaceful for me as you said :slight_smile:

Thankyou for taking your time and sharing such good thoughts too :cherry_blossom:

Rock's photo
Fri 09/08/23 09:12 PM
Ate a bacon cheeseburger, loudly, in front
of two vegans.

no photo
Sat 09/09/23 02:38 AM
Made a floral arrangement for the upcoming Fall season

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 09/09/23 02:49 AM
Only fun thing I did recently was bet on the wrong team , thanks to Mikey.... flakey Mikey!!!!

no photo
Sun 09/10/23 04:46 PM
This morning, I drove home in the rain.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 10/08/23 03:10 PM
Had a kidney stone blasted. That was fun! ill

no photo
Sun 10/29/23 11:19 AM

Had a kidney stone blasted. That was fun! ill

Felt this......i recently had dealings with a kidney stone and ended up with sepsis.

Friday me and my boys had the best seats to see Gabriel Iglesias aka Fluffy live! We laughed til we couldn't breathe and our sides hurt. I even caught Martin's attention and he waved at me! (Cool mom points earned!)

no photo
Sun 10/29/23 04:56 PM
I read an email prepping ticket holders for the P!nk concert. Public parking garages, etc.

That was fun. laugh

Rock's photo
Sun 10/29/23 06:00 PM
Peppersprayed a tweeker.

no photo
Sun 10/29/23 06:45 PM
I'll watch tv to get rid of the fake fun people.

no photo
Mon 10/30/23 08:06 AM

Peppersprayed a tweeker.

Honestly I would love to pepper spray a certain someone.... That would be fun!

Rock's photo
Mon 10/30/23 10:09 AM

Peppersprayed a tweeker.

Honestly I would love to pepper spray a certain someone.... That would be fun!

When/if I go into remission, we'll talk about that
Plus, I can introduce you to paintball guns.
They make pepperballs for those.

no photo
Mon 10/30/23 10:27 AM

Peppersprayed a tweeker.

Honestly I would love to pepper spray a certain someone.... That would be fun!

When/if I go into remission, we'll talk about that
Plus, I can introduce you to paintball guns.
They make pepperballs for those.

I know about paintball guns. Got shot in the boobie once and when I ran away in the back! I had bruises! Lol