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Topic: Vaping vs. smoking
McGyver's photo
Sun 03/13/22 05:42 PM
If a woman or man for that matter vapes... do you feel it is the same as smoking?

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sun 03/13/22 08:17 PM
Vaping really stinks, most I've been around smelled like burned sugar..........

no photo
Sun 03/13/22 10:14 PM
I smoke and vape. They are not the same.

I'm a smoker, but I also use a little pocket vape (novo 2 to be specific).

I use a mint flavored juice in it, and take a couple puffs after a cigarette to leave a better taste in my mouth.

Also, since the vape itself is one of the little ones, if I hold my breath for a few seconds after inhaling, there is no exhale cloud.... so if I'm somewhere where I can't smoke (such as in a car with non smokers, or at work) , I can still sneak a puff here and there on the vape. Worst case is someone smells a touch of mint in the air.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 03/14/22 03:10 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Mon 03/14/22 03:12 AM
No, I don't consider it to be the same. I'm back to smoking myself (quit for a few months) but smoking is far more intrusive, even to me as a smoker.
Vaping doesn't make a person stink of tobacco, taste in the mouth isn't affected much, if at all, and vaping doesn't put a brown-yellow layer of yuk over everything in your home.
When someone smokes cigarettes my throat gets irritated and it affects my vocal chords. That bad while I'm not even smoking the crap. So I don't like smokers of cigarettes at all! (I only smoke rolling tobacco, which is very normal over here.)
I'd rather be involved with a vaper than a smoker.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 03/14/22 03:16 AM

Vaping really stinks, most I've been around smelled like burned sugar..........

How it smells depends on what liquid they're using. And also the type of vaper as some are so powerful you get huge clouds of steam when exhaling.
Many use a fruity flavour to vape which would of course smell sweet.
I never vape that, not keen on it either. After all, I don't smoke fruit so I don't see the point of vaping fruit flavour.
The liquid I buy is 'tobacco'. Doesn't smell the exact same as real tobacco, nor nearly as strong, but that too depends on the brand and maybe the amount of nicotine in it.

I use 0% or 0% with a tiny little bit of 3% nicotine in it.
I doubt anyone would smell anything much coming from my vaping.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Mon 03/14/22 07:05 AM
I am off the smokes for 7 months now. Vaping a lot though, due to stress. But still glad, I didn't fall for the temptation of smoking.

no photo
Mon 03/14/22 07:09 AM
Prefers mouth freshner..

Larsi666 😽's photo
Mon 03/14/22 07:17 AM

Prefers mouth freshner..

Try berry mint vaping pods, they taste great :thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 03/14/22 07:43 AM
Try berry mint vaping pods, they taste great :thumbsup:

Thank You. @Larsi:wave::slight_smile::thumbsup:

cleve's photo
Mon 03/14/22 11:29 AM








no photo
Mon 03/14/22 12:27 PM
Good Vs Bad
Now will have to Smoke one more for that.:pray:

no photo
Mon 03/14/22 03:16 PM
I thought that both are bad for your lungs.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 04/16/23 09:05 AM
Came across this topic. They discovered that vaping is so bad that doing it once can kill you instantly!
In a way it's worse than smoking, in different ways as when the chemicals in the liquid are burnt inside you get real nasty chit that you then inhale.

So if you want a partner that's healthy and likely to stay alive for a long time, you shouldn't go for a vaper.
Smoking isn't healthy either, but I have never heard of someone dying from smoking once. And apparently that seriously can happen with vaping.

Since I read that the other day I'm never ever vaping again in my life!!

no photo
Sun 04/16/23 03:27 PM
I am so thankful that my parents did not smoke. Nobody in my family smokes.

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Sun 04/16/23 09:05 PM
To me it's not necessarily the same. It could be, but not always. Some people are using them to help them quit smoking cigarettes, so they are inhaling a lot of vape. Others (like me) vape only occasionally, and purely for the fruity flavor, and not because they are necessarily looking for a hit of nicotine. A tasty and very low calorie way to satisfy an oral fixation. When I vape I do not inhale into my lungs. I just suck it into my mouth and blow it out. I like the fruity flavor and I like the feeling of it swirling around my mouth. Now, I'm fully aware that some residual vapor lingering in the air is going to get inadvertently inhaled by me, but it's a much smaller amount than if I intentionally inhaled it into my lungs. I definitely don't consider that the same as smoking cigarettes.

no photo
Mon 06/12/23 08:30 PM
I am off the smokes for 7 months now. Vaping a lot though, due to stress. But still glad, I didn't fall for the temptation of smoking.

hey good for you. I've been off ciggies for over 4 years now. In Australia we have to get a prescription for anything connected with vaping including accessories. Nicotine has to be imported from overseas, usually New Zealand. Scientific studies by the Royal College of London Physicians have shown that vaping is <1% harmful than cigarettes. The thing is that those who condemn vaping, are usually wanting people, even pre-teens to be on narcotics rather than vaping. The RCLP found that more children are turning to pot, speed, meth, coke and heroin rather than try smokes or vapes. This is due to media propaganda against vaping. Remember the Opium Wars in China circa 1860? The Western governments went to war with China as the West made enormous profits from smuggling opium. China wanted to stop the smuggling. The UK government owned the East India Trading Company which was thΓ© largest and richest company in the world due to smuggling opium.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 06/22/23 09:34 PM
As far as looking for a relationship partner, vaping and smoking are about the same. They are both bad for your health so that does not look good for the long term.

If it is just a casual thing, then at least vaping does not stink as bad. I have not dated anyone who vapes yet but hopefully without the stink like smoke then kissing should not taste like tonguing an

Morticia's photo
Thu 06/22/23 09:49 PM
My ex used to smoke cigarettes, he started at age 11 (he's 50 now), until he turned to vaping a couple of years ago. But he chooses the flavours with the highest nicotine content, so I think there's no difference - except vaping doesn't stink like cigs.

no photo
Wed 01/03/24 04:31 PM

If a woman or man for that matter vapes... do you feel it is the same as smoking?

yes and
it just got banned Jan.1 here in my State.
You can not vape where smoking is not allowed.

no photo
Wed 01/03/24 06:58 PM
I was the Only Kid in Grammer Primary School to get Busted for Smoking Oregano.
So I Switched to Smoking German Orienta Cigarettes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smokin <<<<<<<<<<<<<

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