Topic: What I have discovered about men ...
Sir's photo
Wed 08/10/22 10:21 AM
Today's women aren't qualified for marriage.

no photo
Wed 08/10/22 12:47 PM

Today's women aren't qualified for marriage.

Why? Because they are not willing to be submissive, express their mind and speak up?
Or maybe because they are not willing to be ‘personal’ maids to the ‘husband’?

Women now are more vocal because they ate mire educated and are contributing equally if not more to the household. Still they have the ability to wear many hats when involved in a relationship.
They are outstanding mothers to their kids and to the husband, they have to be nurses, psychologists, teachers, drivers, maids, mediators, etc. etc., and the list goes on.
So please think twice next time you said a women today is not ‘qualified’ for married!

Actually they are overqualified!

no photo
Thu 08/11/22 02:54 AM

Today's women aren't qualified for marriage.

Why? Because they are not willing to be submissive, express their mind and speak up?
Or maybe because they are not willing to be ‘personal’ maids to the ‘husband’?

Women now are more vocal because they ate mire educated and are contributing equally if not more to the household. Still they have the ability to wear many hats when involved in a relationship.
They are outstanding mothers to their kids and to the husband, they have to be nurses, psychologists, teachers, drivers, maids, mediators, etc. etc., and the list goes on.
So please think twice next time you said a women today is not ‘qualified’ for married!

Actually they are overqualified!

:100: Couldn't say it better!

no photo
Thu 08/11/22 03:05 AM

Today's women aren't qualified for marriage.
abandon thread biggrin

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 08/11/22 03:23 AM
I saw a video recently where a woman talks about marriage and she says “It’s not a marriage, it’s an adoption”. I thought that was funny.

Sir's photo
Thu 08/11/22 05:29 AM
Edited by Sir on Thu 08/11/22 05:31 AM
Marriage is an option.... but a bad one for men. Women were tricked out of their beauty and femininity in exchange for strong and independent by Bi and manly women, who never wanted to be a woman.... so how's that working out for you guys, the majority become cat ladies and die alone.

Sir's photo
Thu 08/11/22 05:43 AM
Edited by Sir on Thu 08/11/22 05:44 AM
As far as the word " submissive " ... you should ask a real submissive woman what it means. It has nothing to do with being a slave or not being able to speak your mind. Be aware of who told you that, Your single mother, or girl friend that's never been married or have a man .... I'll wait.


no photo
Thu 08/11/22 11:56 AM

As far as the word " submissive " ... you should ask a real submissive woman what it means. It has nothing to do with being a slave or not being able to speak your mind. Be aware of who told you that, Your single mother, or girl friend that's never been married or have a man .... I'll wait.

You can go a look for the meaning! Because i am not ‘conforming’ to ‘your’ authority or will and meekly obey you!

And gender expression or identification has nothing to do with your statement of women not been qualified for marriage!

2 different topics, and what is wrong with liking and been a ‘cat loving’ woman???

And before you jump to conclusions: i prefer dogs!!!

Sir's photo
Thu 08/11/22 12:01 PM
Edited by Sir on Thu 08/11/22 12:05 PM
Nothing personal... just stating true facts. The majority of women don't understand the term.

Besides, I prefer dogs also.

no photo
Thu 08/11/22 03:15 PM
What I've discovered about women is they have all sorts of "fun" parts to play with.

The ones that claim they are not ticklish are proven wrong after a thorough physical examination. :sweat_smile::kissing_heart::yum:

no photo
Thu 08/11/22 04:25 PM

What I've discovered about women is they have all sorts of "fun" parts to play with.

The ones that claim they are not ticklish are proven wrong after a thorough physical examination.

LMBO! Smart guy!!!

no photo
Fri 08/12/22 06:18 PM
What I have discovered about the men Ive met over the years:

Some are excellent communicators. Some havent learned the art of communication. A few have walls so thick it feels almost impossible to reach them.

no photo
Fri 08/12/22 09:00 PM
All men are different.

no photo
Tue 10/04/22 03:42 PM
I don't think I want to be qualified for marriage anymore :P Last I knew, a typical marriage they didn't expect the fiance to work full time, pay half their rent, buy food, cook, clean, do laundry, do yard work and raise the kids. So yeah, I am no longer going to qualify for marriage, I will stick to being buds.

Vincent's photo
Wed 10/12/22 07:59 AM
If a woman finds a superior man compared to her current partner, she loses all loyalty to her current partner. I am basically saying women are not loyal. They are always looking for someone better. It's how they are made.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 10/14/22 02:22 AM
The oddest thing... when you're blunt because you're not interested men's interest is piqued and they start chasing you.
When you are interested, and are kind and warm it doesn't seem to pique the same amount of reaction & interest from men.

Clearly men need it to make an effort, to conquer a woman, but oddly enough this results in not discerning between 'not interested' and 'interested'. Or in other words, 'no game' and 'game'.

Vincent's photo
Fri 10/14/22 03:46 AM
Edited by Vincent on Fri 10/14/22 04:05 AM
Women are generally the dark side of the force. They tend to act subconsciously since they are less conscious than men. Women tend to be too emotional which makes them irrational. These qualities make it harder for them to become Enlightened/Enter Heaven.

Vincent's photo
Sun 10/16/22 12:55 AM
Edited by Vincent on Sun 10/16/22 01:49 AM
Most women will never find a man and will die alone because most women are not good enough to be a wife especially in the modern era because they have been corrupted by liberalism which is of the Devil.

As a woman ages, the less she is desired because her beauty, femininity, and youth are gone. When most women reach 30, they start falling apart inside and out.

When a man ages, his value does not go down that much, especially if he has achievements that are valuable to women. A woman's value is mostly based on their beauty, youth, and femininity. A woman that has achievements like a man are usually found unattractive by men, since women with many achievements are considered manly. As women waste their time making manly achievements, they become less desired, because the older a woman gets, the less she is desired as mentioned above.

Men are not intimidated by a woman's achievements, we just find them unattractive because men find manly achievements manly. Strong and independent women are manly and men don't want manly women unless they are unmanly.

Good men find promiscuous women disgusting, but modern women think that is what men want because they have been brainwashed by feminism. The only type of man that wants a promiscuous woman is a man that wants to use women for sex, and these types of men are the minority, but most women think these types of men are all men.

Women are crazy due to their emotional nature. Men are sane due to being more logical.

Women tend to need the attention of men because most are attention seekers. Men don't really need a woman's attention and many are fine living alone.

Men are more trustworthy than women. Women are often deceitful and cannot be fully trusted.

Men have honor and integrity. Women have no accountability. Women will never admit their dark nature.

Men are generally the Light side. Women are generally the dark side.

Women are the weaker gender in most ways compared to men.

These are just generalizations and I understand there are exceptions to the rules and there are gray areas.

If you understand the Yin and the Yang, you will understand men and women.

Vincent's photo
Sun 10/16/22 02:04 AM
Edited by Vincent on Sun 10/16/22 02:52 AM
Being alone is a woman's worst nightmare. Men love being alone. Women need men. Men don't need women. Again, there are exceptions to the rules, but exceptions are uncommon or rare.

A woman who knows they are the dark side and enjoys being the dark side should be left alone because they will only destroy your life and they will enjoy destroying your life.

Women are chaos and destruction. Men are order and creation.

Men run and create everything, while women mainly sit there and benefit from the men's power, knowledge, and capabilities.

When a woman loses her fertility, she has become useless when it comes to making children. A man that wants children has no need for an infertile woman. All these strong independent women who are working on building their careers and being whores are unknowingly making themselves unwanted and useless. Oftentimes when a woman wakes up to the reality that she is obsolete and redundant, she will turn to spirituality/religion/God because it will be her only solace. Only God will love a ruined woman. This is the reality of the strong and independent woman who has listened to Satan too much.

Vincent's photo
Sun 10/16/22 03:10 AM
The wild woman attitude is the self destruction of the woman. A wild woman destroys the people around her. The wild woman is the destruction of humanity. We are all suffering because of the rebellion of Pistis Sophia who created the material realm and the rebellion of Eve. Pistis Sophia was not qualified to create the material realm because she did not create it with her male pair therefore Earth Realm/Reincarnation Cycle has been corrupted from the start. Earth Realm is a mistake. All women have inherited Eve's rebellious nature. Women are the downfall of men. Women are the downfall of humanity. Women are the downfall of creation. We inherit our karma and sins from our ancestors and past lives and it is our responsibility to correct ourselves so that we can reverse the curses of our past lives and ancestors.