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pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 10/12/23 10:29 PM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Thu 10/12/23 10:33 PM

You made my lip snarl with that snark! laugh

SlimG Stp once again! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 10/13/23 02:01 AM
wow ... i made you do something , even though I didn't ask ..... that gives hope for bigger and brighter things to come !!

keep stirring You can get good at it

no photo
Fri 10/13/23 04:25 PM
I vote for Bonnie, just because :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sat 10/14/23 12:53 PM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Sat 10/14/23 12:53 PM

wow ... i made you do something , even though I didn't ask ..... that gives hope for bigger and brighter things to come !!

keep stirring You can get good at it

whoa you're going to make my eyes stick in the back of my head is all you'll do!rant

Stp=SlimG of course laugh

Bart's photo
Sat 10/14/23 02:45 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 10/14/23 02:46 PM
with most of my posts
It seems I stir Pumpis pot,
From the political forum to the game hot or not ,
But that’s ok with me cause I think she’s quite a gal
One day I’d like to have her be my fishing pal…

:v: All in good fun..

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 10/14/23 07:08 PM
you know how many woman want eyes at the back of their?@ Pumpi

Pumpi for STP .... of the week , month and year !!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sun 10/15/23 08:36 PM

with most of my posts
It seems I stir Pumpis pot,
From the political forum to the game hot or not ,
But that’s ok with me cause I think she’s quite a gal
One day I’d like to have her be my fishing pal…

:v: All in good fun..

Aww, super sweet :heart: thank you Bart.

You still give me high blood pressure sad laugh

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sun 10/15/23 08:44 PM

you know how many woman want eyes at the back of their?@ Pumpi

Pumpi for STP .... of the week , month and year !!

SlimG gets another Stp for falsely accusing others by deflecting that which he is obviously guilty of!!

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 10/16/23 03:58 AM
I see a little progress.... now its so sweet of him . @bart ...hmmm !
a possible fishing trip coming up ... yipee!!!

Bart's photo
Mon 10/16/23 07:42 AM

with most of my posts
It seems I stir Pumpis pot,
From the political forum to the game hot or not ,
But that’s ok with me cause I think she’s quite a gal
One day I’d like to have her be my fishing pal…

:v: All in good fun..

Aww, super sweet :heart: thank you Bart.

You still give me high blood pressure sad laugh

Lol.. YW, … you get my blood flowing to, but for a whole different reason. ..

no photo
Mon 10/16/23 05:44 PM
I love the sexual tension I came back to or playful banter. :smirk:

no photo
Tue 10/17/23 03:00 AM

I vote for Bonnie, just because :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I concur. laugh

no photo
Tue 10/17/23 08:03 AM

I vote for Bonnie, just because :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I concur. laugh

As a good cook, she was making sure things didn't burn on the bottom... :thumbsup:

laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 10/19/23 06:43 AM
Hey, this looks like a fun game... I was doing that all on my own, which was fun...but STP with other people?! Party! :grin:

From what I've read here... I'm just gonna vote for Two

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 10/19/23 08:06 AM

with most of my posts
It seems I stir Pumpis pot,
From the political forum to the game hot or not ,
But that’s ok with me cause I think she’s quite a gal
One day I’d like to have her be my fishing pal…

:v: All in good fun..

Aww, super sweet :heart: thank you Bart.

You still give me high blood pressure sad laugh

Lol.. YW, … you get my blood flowing to, but for a whole different reason. ..

Sexual tension according to gia. :thinking:

Could be you just want to try & brain wash me to convince me to be a Republican scared :grimacing:

Stp to gia for her sexual tension comment laugh

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 10/19/23 10:46 AM

I see a little progress.... now its so sweet of him . @bart ...hmmm !
a possible fishing trip coming up ... yipee!!!

I can't tell if you're being dramatic or sarcastic laugh

no photo
Thu 10/19/23 11:07 AM

I see a little progress.... now its so sweet of him . @bart ...hmmm !
a possible fishing trip coming up ... yipee!!!

I can't tell if you're being dramatic or sarcastic laugh

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 10/19/23 01:29 PM
@ Pumpi... so sweet is dramatic , fishing trip is sarcastic... thought you tead between line ... its not fun When an explanation is required ... :heart:

OT: vote for Not looking for STPing elsewhere !!!!

no photo
Thu 10/19/23 01:53 PM
Hahaha I read that as "everywhere" and yep... That's pretty accurate... :grin:

no photo
Thu 10/19/23 03:36 PM
How about a vote soon, after Hii leaves and Mike is back.... unless there's a volunteer to rig, I mean count the votes.

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