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Topic: Pot luck Party
Merry's photo
Mon 06/10/24 02:20 PM
Milk Tart...!

no photo
Mon 06/10/24 03:59 PM

no photo
Tue 06/11/24 08:42 AM
Meatballs and gravy

Sir's photo
Tue 06/11/24 09:50 AM
Sliced sausage

no photo
Tue 06/11/24 01:14 PM
Delicious tiramisu

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 06/12/24 06:24 AM
Sweet corn roasted with butter and salt rub !

no photo
Wed 06/12/24 06:42 PM
Miso soup

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 06/13/24 02:56 AM
sweet potato fries

Merry's photo
Thu 06/13/24 07:36 AM
Margherita pizza

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 06/13/24 09:28 AM
strawberries and cream

Merry's photo
Fri 06/14/24 08:39 AM
Mutton curry

no photo
Fri 06/14/24 12:01 PM
M&M’s (original)

Merry's photo
Fri 06/14/24 12:41 PM
Marshmallows to roast (for dessert)

no photo
Fri 06/14/24 03:30 PM

no photo
Fri 06/14/24 03:59 PM
Grapes :grapes:

Sir's photo
Fri 06/14/24 07:13 PM

no photo
Fri 06/14/24 07:30 PM
Melons :melon:

Merry's photo
Sat 06/15/24 06:06 AM

Sir's photo
Sat 06/15/24 07:20 AM

no photo
Sat 06/15/24 06:56 PM
maraschino cherries

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