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Topic: Pot luck Party
no photo
Sat 06/08/24 11:43 AM

no photo
Sat 06/08/24 11:57 AM
Muffins :upside_down:

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Sat 06/08/24 12:03 PM

Muffins :upside_down:

you made me gigglesnort on this! laugh

OT: Tequila (with Triple Sec, Limes and Salt)

no photo
Sat 06/08/24 04:23 PM
Mac n cheese :cheese:

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Sat 06/08/24 10:40 PM
Delicious desserts

Maree's photo
Sun 06/09/24 02:28 AM

You invited to a pot luck party and you have to bring something , which starts with the FIRST letter of your name ... whatcha bringing ??
... Sweets

Me Gorgeous

Merry's photo
Sun 06/09/24 02:38 AM
Mushroom and chicken pie

Sir's photo
Sun 06/09/24 08:10 AM
Sour cream dip

Merry's photo
Sun 06/09/24 09:25 AM
Mince pie

no photo
Sun 06/09/24 09:58 AM
Mars bars

no photo
Sun 06/09/24 11:08 AM
Grape pop

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Sun 06/09/24 04:35 PM
Mojitos :tropical_drink:

no photo
Sun 06/09/24 11:57 PM

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 06/10/24 03:00 AM

Merry's photo
Mon 06/10/24 03:07 AM
Malva pudding

no photo
Mon 06/10/24 08:44 AM
Marshmallows for smores

Sir's photo
Mon 06/10/24 08:55 AM
Spaghetti :spaghetti:

no photo
Mon 06/10/24 08:55 AM
Merlot :wine_glass:

Leah's photo
Mon 06/10/24 10:23 AM

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 06/10/24 01:45 PM
sweet corn chicken soup

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