Topic: Latest shooting | |
This is so horrific, I can’t even begin to imagine how devestating this is for the families. I heard that the police officer killed had 7 children. As a gun owner, I had no problems whatsoever going through handgun training and background check, 7 day waiting period, etc. I don’t understand why this is an issue. Colorado had an assault weapon ban since 2018, but a judged overturned it 10 days before this recent shooting. The shooter bought the gun 6 days before the shooting. It’s possible this never would have happened. Banning ‘assault weapons’ won’t stop these attacks. If someone is hell bent on shooting innocent bystanders they will use whatever weapon is available. To think if these weapons are banned than these attacks will stop is just plain naive. I don’t think we have heard about this guys background. He may have been able to own a gun. Everyone’s a law-abiding citizen until they aren’t. You’ll never hear about the person that maybe the gun laws in their state kept them from doing something so horrific. |
I think you Americans need real gun control laws/regulations in every state. The "live free or die" ideology was great back about 2 hundred years ago. There's a reason why gun crimes per capita are low in Canada & the UK, it's called GUN CONTROL! ... just sayin' Firearms are inanimate objects, with more than 20,000 laws on the books to control them in the U.S.. What we need, is better liberal control. If liberals were forbidden to own or possess firearms, crimes with guns, would drop by 96% I don't think that will really help. What needs to be done is filling up the loonie bin with the LOONIES. Nobody is locking up crazy people anymore.... Doctors are prescribing psychotropic drugs, and sending the nutjobs on their way. Society has allowed people with mental health issues walk amongst the normal people, and if they receive the same rights and privileges as a normal person - bad things are gonna happen. I don't see how that isn't an inevitable outcome by letting them roam free. |
I think you Americans need real gun control laws/regulations in every state. The "live free or die" ideology was great back about 2 hundred years ago. There's a reason why gun crimes per capita are low in Canada & the UK, it's called GUN CONTROL! ... just sayin' Firearms are inanimate objects, with more than 20,000 laws on the books to control them in the U.S.. What we need, is better liberal control. If liberals were forbidden to own or possess firearms, crimes with guns, would drop by 96% I don't think that will really help. What needs to be done is filling up the loonie bin with the LOONIES. Nobody is locking up crazy people anymore.... Doctors are prescribing psychotropic drugs, and sending the nutjobs on their way. Society has allowed people with mental health issues walk amongst the normal people, and if they receive the same rights and privileges as a normal person - bad things are gonna happen. I don't see how that isn't an inevitable outcome by letting them roam free. We're saying the same thing. Even though google, and other search engines, have made it all but impossible to find... Johns Hopkins Psychiatric Department, has determined, that liberalism is a mental illness. |
I think you Americans need real gun control laws/regulations in every state. The "live free or die" ideology was great back about 2 hundred years ago. There's a reason why gun crimes per capita are low in Canada & the UK, it's called GUN CONTROL! ... just sayin' Firearms are inanimate objects, with more than 20,000 laws on the books to control them in the U.S.. What we need, is better liberal control. If liberals were forbidden to own or possess firearms, crimes with guns, would drop by 96% I don't think that will really help. What needs to be done is filling up the loonie bin with the LOONIES. Nobody is locking up crazy people anymore.... Doctors are prescribing psychotropic drugs, and sending the nutjobs on their way. Society has allowed people with mental health issues walk amongst the normal people, and if they receive the same rights and privileges as a normal person - bad things are gonna happen. I don't see how that isn't an inevitable outcome by letting them roam free. We're saying the same thing. Even though google, and other search engines, have made it all but impossible to find... Johns Hopkins Psychiatric Department, has determined, that liberalism is a mental illness. ![]() Touche! |
I'll preface this post by saying the reason I wrote it ISN'T because I think there should be no restrictions on gun purchases or the type of guns that can be purchased by the general public.
I DO support strict background checks. I see NO reason with today's technology that a database can't be done to pre-check people who go to gun shows to prevent the sale of guns to people who can't LAWFULLY purchase a gun from doing so. In the wrong hands a baseball bat can be a weapon used to kill someone and becomes an "assault" weapon. By definition an "assault rifle" is a selective-fire rifle meaning it has BOTH a semi automatic and an AUTOMATIC mode/action of firing. AR15's have ONE mode of firing, semi automatic. The AR15 is called an "assault rifle" by people ONLY because of cosmetics which make it look like ACTUAL assault rifles used by the military that ARE select fire. There are many long guns that have the same mode/action of an AR15 with different cosmetics that AREN'T called "assault rifles". There is a misconception that "AR" stands for assault rifle when it actually stands for "ArmaLite". The AR15 is often called a "military style" rifle but the military standard issue firearm for most units in the U.S. military is the M4/M4A1 5.56mm Carbine which is a SELECT fire weapon with semi and automatic modes/actions. Most "mass shooting deaths" aren't done with SEMI automatic long guns like an AR15. Most "mass shootings" are done with semi automatic hand guns. There has been a lot of talk in the media and by politicians about "misinformation" while they are spreading misinformation themselves with regards to what is an assault rifle. Don't count on ANYONE with an agenda to give you FACTS, do your own research. |
The problem isn't the weapon.
The problem isn't linked to any specific mental illness. The problem is 'rational emotional control'. Most spree shooters seem to be fine, till they snap. The snap is usually something very personal to them which causes them to choose a specific action over rational behavior. Many times they enter into the "all or nothing" mindset and end the behavior with their own death. They usually have some type of 'prime target' in mind when they carry out this action. Not necessarily a specific person but a group which represents their delusion. Sometimes their motives are not the people but the feeling of power over life and death which drives them. Many are not dim-witted or insane but all become irrational. I've never heard of a spree shooter who accidently kills a bunch of people then themselves (either by direct suicide, suicide by cop or suicide by defense). Some even get arrested because they ran out of ammo before they were done. The spree shooter wakes up one day and decides to kill a bunch of people. They go thru the preparation for the event over time, gathering stuff they need to enact their behavior. The action day is chosen, the place is chosen, the time is chosen. Their motives are irrational but their preparation is rational. Up until the shooter fires the first shot, they control their actions. Once they fire, their irrationality takes over. How many spree shooter have gathered intel and equipment and planned the act but get there and decide NOT to pull the trigger? The irrationality they feel must overpower their rationality. I assure you, mass murderers do not need guns to kill people. There's bombs, arson, vehicular slaughter, gas, flooding and nearly any action which can kill large groups of people in a gathering. |
I'll preface this post by saying the reason I wrote it ISN'T because I think there should be no restrictions on gun purchases or the type of guns that can be purchased by the general public. I DO support strict background checks. I see NO reason with today's technology that a database can't be done to pre-check people who go to gun shows to prevent the sale of guns to people who can't LAWFULLY purchase a gun from doing so. In the wrong hands a baseball bat can be a weapon used to kill someone and becomes an "assault" weapon. By definition an "assault rifle" is a selective-fire rifle meaning it has BOTH a semi automatic and an AUTOMATIC mode/action of firing. AR15's have ONE mode of firing, semi automatic. The AR15 is called an "assault rifle" by people ONLY because of cosmetics which make it look like ACTUAL assault rifles used by the military that ARE select fire. There are many long guns that have the same mode/action of an AR15 with different cosmetics that AREN'T called "assault rifles". There is a misconception that "AR" stands for assault rifle when it actually stands for "ArmaLite". The AR15 is often called a "military style" rifle but the military standard issue firearm for most units in the U.S. military is the M4/M4A1 5.56mm Carbine which is a SELECT fire weapon with semi and automatic modes/actions. Most "mass shooting deaths" aren't done with SEMI automatic long guns like an AR15. Most "mass shootings" are done with semi automatic hand guns. There has been a lot of talk in the media and by politicians about "misinformation" while they are spreading misinformation themselves with regards to what is an assault rifle. Don't count on ANYONE with an agenda to give you FACTS, do your own research. |
I'll preface this post by saying the reason I wrote it ISN'T because I think there should be no restrictions on gun purchases or the type of guns that can be purchased by the general public. I DO support strict background checks. I see NO reason with today's technology that a database can't be done to pre-check people who go to gun shows to prevent the sale of guns to people who can't LAWFULLY purchase a gun from doing so. In the wrong hands a baseball bat can be a weapon used to kill someone and becomes an "assault" weapon. By definition an "assault rifle" is a selective-fire rifle meaning it has BOTH a semi automatic and an AUTOMATIC mode/action of firing. AR15's have ONE mode of firing, semi automatic. The AR15 is called an "assault rifle" by people ONLY because of cosmetics which make it look like ACTUAL assault rifles used by the military that ARE select fire. There are many long guns that have the same mode/action of an AR15 with different cosmetics that AREN'T called "assault rifles". There is a misconception that "AR" stands for assault rifle when it actually stands for "ArmaLite". The AR15 is often called a "military style" rifle but the military standard issue firearm for most units in the U.S. military is the M4/M4A1 5.56mm Carbine which is a SELECT fire weapon with semi and automatic modes/actions. Most "mass shooting deaths" aren't done with SEMI automatic long guns like an AR15. Most "mass shootings" are done with semi automatic hand guns. There has been a lot of talk in the media and by politicians about "misinformation" while they are spreading misinformation themselves with regards to what is an assault rifle. Don't count on ANYONE with an agenda to give you FACTS, do your own research. Agreed! ![]() |
Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Harris Slams All White Men After Boulder Shooting — Then Quietly Deletes Tweet After Shooter ID’ed as Muslim Seems the whole Harris family is it's own speshul kinda stooopid. |
first a shout out to colorado who led with the colombine shooting and were getting behind but now back up on the leader board...
frankly i see it as waning hope....america dream is gone, ie a house and good retirement while congress lives like kings passing laws they would never dream of living under... also i lived in canada 9 years seemed like everyone there had a rifle so they could get a deer once or twice a year... some say trickle down economy...i say trickle down violence....randi rhodes political pundit said "if there wasn't war prosperity we wouldn't have someone at the top is selling arms and associated things or even investing in said companies and making bank off of wars..... lots of heartless people don't care how they prosper....where is sherlock holmes and the justice league when you need them? 2chronicles 7:14.... |