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Topic: Women who want only sex
Carl's photo
Fri 09/24/21 06:25 PM
I think wanting sex isn’t a bad thing. Most women have been through a lot by men. They turn to lose hope in finding true love, but still I believe true love exists no matter how many times you’ve been hurt. You just have to be patient enough to meet the right person.

no photo
Sat 09/25/21 07:43 AM
I hardly had seen any women asking,
maximum i had heard men mostly looking less for serious or friendly behaviour instead half been full of lust n desired minded..
If intentions are clear an thier are no cues..
Might be counted women may be desired (depend to thier personal life forma) for sex.. but thats thier own choice...depends on both sides opinion...

The wicked minded man shouldn't forget even then must be having a gf, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friends.. do you look them in a same way......:globe_with_meridians:
Even I flirt sometimes but in a healthy way..

Sorry Not To Hurt Any One Intention.
But each person prospects an opinion differ..

If my post has mattered some of,
then it doesn't matters to me.:middle_finger:


Cricket's photo
Sun 09/26/21 04:38 AM
Hells yeah there are plenty of women who want only sex it's the 21st century most women know what they want and I respect that

Gulfeshan's photo
Thu 09/30/21 08:07 AM
Sex is just a need of every woman which need to be fulfilled at specific time

Greay711's photo
Thu 09/30/21 12:33 PM
Of course, women have needs the same as men, and if at what ever stage of life they are in that is what they need then why not.
I am at the stage where I am looking for a FWB, do not wish to interfere with their life and vise versa unless they want a listening ear.
Having said that I am not adverse if the relationship matures and mutually wants to move onto more, that's fine. Firm believer what will happen will happen naturally.
Lovely talking.

Mark's photo
Thu 09/30/21 02:33 PM
Edited by Mark on Thu 09/30/21 02:34 PM

Sex is a human need, yes, but some of us see it differently than others, I personally feel it's empty when it's sex alone.

I just can't enjoy it without an emotional connection, that's just me though.

I do not begrudge anyone for their personal preference, as long as they respect mine..

My problem, especially with online dating here in particular, is that I specifically state on my profile I am NOT interested in sex alone, yet get non-stop messages from individuals promoting themselves as such.

It makes me feel as if I've been stereotyped, prejudged and I'm not worth at least reading my profile before being approached....literally gives me knots in my stomach.

Bastet127's photo
Thu 09/30/21 03:02 PM
Some of the best relationships start out as sex only, based solely on my own experiences lol. If you’re compatible in the bedroom you usually make great dance partners, and cooking together is amazing. :grin:

Kelly Smith's photo
Thu 09/30/21 10:04 PM
At this point If her head doesn't spin completely around and her voice isn't demonic hey I'm thinking she could be the one

no photo
Fri 10/01/21 07:40 AM
I think it is ok for women to just want a one night stand. this platform is much safer than going out and just trying to meet someone wherever. at least here you can talk first before meeting.

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 10/01/21 07:48 AM

Some of the best relationships start out as sex only, based solely on my own experiences lol. If you’re compatible in the bedroom you usually make great dance partners, and cooking together is amazing. :grin:

You took the words right out of my mouth ....especially about the cooking part ...
Now why did I not meet ya 10 years ago :grinning::grinning:

no photo
Sat 10/02/21 02:07 AM

Some of the best relationships start out as sex only, based solely on my own experiences lol. If you’re compatible in the bedroom you usually make great dance partners, and cooking together is amazing. :grin:

You took the words right out of my mouth ....especially about the cooking part ...
Now why did I not meet ya 10 years ago :grinning::grinning:

You have good taste in women Spooky bigsmile

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 10/02/21 09:36 AM

At this point If her head doesn't spin completely around and her voice isn't demonic hey I'm thinking she could be the one


Dramatic Muffin's photo
Sun 10/03/21 03:01 AM

At this point If her head doesn't spin completely around and her voice isn't demonic hey I'm thinking she could be the one


Khadim's photo
Sun 10/03/21 07:31 AM
Women is actually loving source of man. He should try to keep friendship to remain happy. Do not follow sex but perform love

no photo
Sun 10/03/21 04:16 PM
yes. great idea.

Saroj's photo
Mon 10/04/21 04:34 AM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:


mukeshhh's photo
Wed 10/06/21 12:56 AM

Mikki's photo
Thu 10/07/21 03:39 PM
That's all I am looking for right now

ashok's photo
Thu 10/07/21 11:47 PM

Sex is just a need of every woman which need to be fulfilled at specific time

Aman 's photo
Wed 10/13/21 03:05 PM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

Yes nice thinking , women not seek sex, women seeking respect, love and natural thing

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