Topic: Do mother's teach men to ...
Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 01/19/21 02:13 PM

My mother was not a good cleaner. I just started cleaning when I was a kid as it was embarassing to have friends over when the house did not look good.

My mother was the same way and it would make my dad upset so he would start an argument. I got so fed up with him doing that I would walk out.

My dad was working so much that I just started to clean and help him out. I was brought up to do dishes, clean the bathroom, do laundry, vacuum as a child I did these chores and did not get an allowance.

Asad's photo
Sun 01/24/21 01:45 PM
I can do every my own and I have been doing it since last 12+ years and I am proud to give hands to my family.
All men and women are not the same

no photo
Sun 01/24/21 02:17 PM
Do father teach girls how to change a tire or put a nail to a wall or use a screwdriver? Because most women I've met just can't do that...
On the other hand, I can cook and I've been ironing my shirts since I was 17

no photo
Sun 01/24/21 07:25 PM

Do father teach girls how to change a tire or put a nail to a wall or use a screwdriver? Because most women I've met just can't do that...
On the other hand, I can cook and I've been ironing my shirts since I was 17

Good on you :grinning: I taught myself to do those things.

no photo
Sun 01/24/21 07:26 PM

I can do every my own and I have been doing it since last 12+ years and I am proud to give hands to my family.
All men and women are not the same


Duttoneer's photo
Mon 01/25/21 02:03 AM

Did your mother teach you how to clean, cook and keep a house tidy?
Or did you learn later in life?
I actually want to know as I live with two men and yeah they are a bit slack in this area.

I would think nearly all mothers do teach their kids the basics, whether they learn anything and put it in to practice later in life is up to them.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 01/25/21 03:38 AM

Do father teach girls how to change a tire or put a nail to a wall or use a screwdriver? Because most women I've met just can't do that...
On the other hand, I can cook and I've been ironing my shirts since I was 17

Sounds like you feel wronged.
Doesn't mean you can compare apples & pears though.
Many live alone these days and then you have to be able to clean, cook, do laundry etc. regardless of gender. These are things one has to do daily.

Changing a tyre or putting a nail in the wall, however, aren't needed in day to day life. And you can get someone in or go to a garage to have it fixed.
Now you could also get someone in to cook and clean etc. but that's not affordable.

BTW putting a nail in the wall?? You need to drill a hole, put in a plug and then a screw. Some houses or flats have walls so hard you have to use a hammer drill to get in.

But none of that is daily stuff. So who cares if someone can't do that?

no photo
Tue 02/02/21 12:04 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 02/02/21 12:05 PM
Some Men I dated could cook and clean their residence nicely.

They Learned , they didn't need a Mom to teach them.

Moataz bellah karam's photo
Wed 02/03/21 04:36 PM
Forget about learning from television

no photo
Wed 02/03/21 05:35 PM

Forget about learning from television
why ???

Television and multimedia can be wonderful learning platforms . .. it all comes down to programme /channel choice waving

no photo
Wed 02/03/21 06:59 PM
Depends on what one watches. There's loads of useless programming on.

Laska Paul 's photo
Thu 02/04/21 01:30 AM
Thank You NL, for Putting up this Topic . Here i want to Highlight one Important thing . Today's New GEN will never never learn How to Cook , Clean , Wash and Keep the Room Tidy. They Come from School / College and throw thier Bag on the bed and Either Go to Sleep or grab the Mobile and start scratching Until their Parents come Home from Work, Here i will not blame the Parents bcoz they dont have time to spend with their Son/Daughter bcoz of their Tensions on work ,She will only learn this once she is Married, no other Choice left!

no photo
Thu 02/04/21 01:38 AM

Thank You NL, for Putting up this Topic . Here i want to Highlight one Important thing . Today's New GEN will never never learn How to Cook , Clean , Wash and Keep the Room Tidy. They Come from School / College and throw thier Bag on the bed and Either Go to Sleep or grab the Mobile and start scratching Until their Parents come Home from Work, Here i will not blame the Parents bcoz they dont have time to spend with their Son/Daughter bcoz of their Tensions on work ,She will only learn this once she is Married, no other Choice left!

Well this topic has shown me different things. I was kind of having a vent about my flatmate's being mysoginist and expecting me to do everything... Take care x

John's photo
Thu 02/04/21 02:07 AM
Mom did not only teach how to cook and clean, but also how to find a good woman. Every adult male should know how to do chores for survival, even when he has a wife that takes care of cooking and cleaning and so on. Likewise, every adult female should know some stuff about cars, cleaning the yard or at least show genuine interest in that. It's part of what makes us adults in complementing each other to the benefit our our relationship.

John's photo
Thu 02/04/21 02:17 AM
I think the comparison is on point, but maybe you should look at it differently. It should be every father's role to teach even his girls the basic male traditional chores, just like it should be every mother's duty to teach her sons the basis traditional female chores.
It doesn't matter how frequent they are needed to use these skills, but more their ability to be able to use them. In my experience, I was better able to decide which stove to buy and even which curtains to use because my mother did not spare me from assisting in the kitchen and taking care of house chores like cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing, while my father taught me carpentry, welding, mechanics and so on.
I found both to have made a contribution to the choice of my career and the benefit i bring to raising a family in this way.

John's photo
Thu 02/04/21 02:20 AM
But that may not be a matter of ability or the lack thereof, but attitude (in more ways than one). As suggested in the contributions, even if mom did not teach you to do these things, you can still learn them. That's a proactive attitude.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 02/04/21 05:30 AM

Thank You NL, for Putting up this Topic . Here i want to Highlight one Important thing . Today's New GEN will never never learn How to Cook , Clean , Wash and Keep the Room Tidy. They Come from School / College and throw thier Bag on the bed and Either Go to Sleep or grab the Mobile and start scratching Until their Parents come Home from Work, Here i will not blame the Parents bcoz they dont have time to spend with their Son/Daughter bcoz of their Tensions on work ,She will only learn this once she is Married, no other Choice left!

What's wrong with kids coming from school and not doing the housework and cleaning etc. etc.
Let them be kids! The demands on young children and teens are way too high as it is in current society.
If mom and dad give the example by who they are and what they do the kids will learn this, copy it and apply it later on when they have to take care of themselves. So in that sense much depends on the example the parents give the child.
Up till kids are approx 7 yrs they absorb everything, good or bad, without any filters so a good example is important.

Our kids never had to do anything and if I had to do it over I wouldn't change that.
They had their own PC with internet in their own room before any other teen had. They spent time on it each day but mostly they were with friends or playing outdoors.

My kids were horrible with cleaning their rooms during teenage years, esp. my son. Not my prob, I didn't have to sleep there, grin.
They never had to cook either. No problems there now though.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 02/04/21 07:55 AM

Men can do anything they put their mind to ...regardless of what they were or weren’t taught . I know plenty of men who are fantastic in the kitchen and keep a beautiful home . I guess age, life experiences and perception of gender roles are a factor in that success .

I totally agree with this..

My son started doing most of the outside grilling when he was around 11. Not because I made him do it cause he wanted to.. He is a great cook.. My daughter did not get into cooking but instead into baking due to I use to make all their cakes for B-days.. I went to a cake decorating class to learn.. My daughter picked up on that with ease cause she wanted to..

Both know how to clean & cook not cause I made them for I refused to make them due to growing up with just my dad and having to help around the house regardless..

Kids learn by watching..

The problem is even if they know how at times it is getting them to do it laugh laugh

TommyNI's photo
Fri 02/12/21 10:08 AM
My mother was a real Irish matriarch and she would never have had her sons do the cleaning, or cooking. (God be good to her). I however went to sea as a teenager and learned to cook for small numbers and also to clean.

Later in life I joined the army and that's where cleanliness really came into it. No slovenliness was ever tolerated and could attract penalties if it was ever detected.

In civilian life I found I stuck to the standards taught to me at the University of Life. Unfortunately I am now limited in the duration of cleaning etc, another gift from the army (courtesy of an enemy).

no photo
Fri 02/12/21 10:38 AM
My kids (especially my youngest) just like to help.