Disillusioned words are like a bullet's bark As human gods aim for their mark Make everything from toy guns that spark To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark Easy to see without looking too far That not much is really sacred While preachers preach of the evil fates Teachers teach that knowledge waits Can lead to the hundred-dollar plates Goodness hides behind its gates But even the President of the United States Sometimes must have to stand naked Robert Zimmerman - It's alright Ma, I'm only bleeding Some Jewish dude people are forever waxing lyrical about as if they knew him personally and he was their best friend Often we are missing the TRUTH of the bible. It's not an easy book and was written with a purpose. That's why I will sometimes ask people about their understanding of the bible in general. The KJV 1600 bible, is a compilation of 80 books with one TOPIC. That's how great the books is. It stands alone and doesn't have it's mate. It's the word of God put in de mouth of the prophets as they were commanded to write it down. We will truly know that we have the right understanding of the Holy Bible, if we can summarize the 80 books within few words, and not more than ONE short sentence. If not, then we are lost. |
To tdion.
Yes, you said that Jesus was born in late March or early April. But you have not provided any evidence. The evidence is in the Bible itself. According to the Bible - Jesus Christ was born in September-October of the second year BC. |
1. Jesus was born about 6 months after the birth of John the Baptist. 2. At this time, the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus (31 BC - 14 AD) and Publius Quirinius, ruler of Syria (between 4-1 BC), near the end ruled reign of King Herod in Judea. The time of Jesus' birth is relative death of King Herod. ======================================= Jesus was born in 2 BC. King Herod died in 1 BC. e. Many events took place between the birth of Jesus and the death of Herod: a) Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day (Luke 2:21); b) Jesus was brought to the temple in Jerusalem on the 40th day after his birth (Luke 2:22, 23); c) ostologues "from the east" came to Bethlehem (at this time Jesus was already in the house, not in the cattle feeder) (Matt 2: 1-11); d) Joseph and Mary fled with the child to Egypt (Matt 2: 13-15); e) Herod orders to kill all boys under the age of 2 in Bethlehem and its environs (which means that Jesus was no longer a newborn baby) (Matt 2: 16-18). If Jesus was born in the fall of 2 BC. e., then all these events could occur between his birth and the death of Herod in 1 BC. e. The time of Jesus' birth in relation to the ministry of John. ============================================================== Luke 3: 1-3 The mothers of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were relatives, probably cousins. When Mary came to visit Elizabeth, she was already pregnant for about 6 months. And Maria just got pregnant. That is, the difference in terms of pregnancies was about 6 months. Therefore, the difference in the age of the children born was about 6 months: John (the son of Elizabeth) was older than Jesus (the son of Mary) by about 6 months. At that time, people began to serve in the temple or carry out special assignments from God at the age of 30. John the Baptist, at this age, began his ministry in the spring of A.D. 29. e. From this it follows that John was born around the spring of 2 BC. e. And Jesus, who was about 6 months younger than John, began his ministry in the fall of 29 CE. e. And he was born, therefore, in the fall of 2 BC. e. The difference between John and Jesus - in birth and in ministry - is about 6 months. John the Baptist came into the world six months earlier than Jesus Christ to prepare the way for him to help people recognize Jesus as the Messiah. This is what God intended and it happened. |
To tdion. Yes, you said that Jesus was born in late March or early April. But you have not provided any evidence. The evidence is in the Bible itself. According to the Bible - Jesus Christ was born in September-October of the second year BC. I had previously mentioned that Christ was born in the Passover. So, his birth must have been in late March or the beginning of April. |
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus was born at Passover.
But Jesus really died on Easter - in March-April 33 A.D. e. |
Edited by
Sun 01/31/21 09:46 AM
Awesome! I have not heard others talk about the origin of Christ.
It is so awe-inspiring to think of God's anticipation for the wonderful future he imagined and is making real even though he realized it would require a temporary period of unhappiness as we learn. No matter, because he will then make all things new -and the former things will eventually not be remembered or called to mind. I think of his words about Adam... that it was not good for the man to be alone. It is not good that God should be alone, either -so he is making new beings forever. That is as opposite to being alone as imaginable! "and of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end" |
Awesome! I have not heard others talk about the origin of Christ. It is so awe-inspiring to think of God's anticipation for the wonderful future he imagined and is making real even though he realized it would require a temporary period of unhappiness as we learn. No matter, because he will then make all things new -and the former things will eventually not be remembered or called to mind. I think of his words about Adam... that it was not good for the man to be alone. It is not good that God should be alone, either -so he is making new beings forever. That is as opposite to being alone as imaginable! "and of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end" I believe God is sufficient in Himself and does not need us to not be alone. I think He is a very creative being as the universe continues to grow and form. |
Not quite sure what you mean.
Perhaps he could be content or happy alone -but he certainly enjoys our creativity and company when we do well. There must have been some reason he did not decide to remain alone, I suppose. |
Not quite sure what you mean. Perhaps he could be content or happy alone -but he certainly enjoys our creativity and company when we do well. There must have been some reason he did not decide to remain alone, I suppose. Well once he grieved he made mankind (Genesis 6:6). I often think He looks down or around the world and facepalms. I have always looked at it like ... What if I was pregnant with twins and I had the foreknowledge that one twin would do good and would help many and one twin would do bad and hurt, even kill many. Would I still give birth? Actually that could make a good topic. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/31/21 06:59 PM
That is a good topic.
Biblically, though, all of those dead will be raised again and purified. It created a more favorable environment for righteousness in the meantime. He also continued with his plan -having declared the end from the beginning. Because we can make choices, there are unknowns -but not significant ones in the end. |
Edited by
Sun 01/31/21 07:14 PM
That is a good topic. Biblically, though, all of those dead will be raised again and purified. It created a more favorable environment for righteousness in the meantime. He also continued with his plan -having declared the end from the beginning. Because we can make choices, there are unknowns -but not significant ones in the end. Huh? What created a more favorable environment? The flood? But then we went on to sin more and more. The real truth is we are hopeless without Jesus dying for our wrongdoings that separate us from God. |
Edited by
Mon 02/01/21 07:25 AM
We did go on to sin, but removing all those people made a different world by removing all of those people who were doing evil at the time as opposed to Noah, etc.
By righteousness I mean the plan to cause it -which required the old covenant -then the new, etc... which would have been more difficult had those people not been removed. Even confusing speech at Babel simply postponed our inevitable self-destruction while God worked out his plan. That plan is to make "firstftuits" who will literally be the government under God in the "world tomorrow" -under which all who died will eventually live and learn God's ways. |
We did go on to sin, but removing all those people made a different world by removing all of those people who were doing evil at the time as opposed to Noah, etc. By righteousness I mean the plan to cause it -which required the old covenant -then the new, etc... which would have been more difficult had those people not been removed. Even confusing speech at Babel simply postponed our inevitable self-destruction while God worked out his plan. That plan is to make "firstftuits" who will literally be the government under God in the "world tomorrow" -under which all who died will eventually live and learn God's ways. I agree. The end times baffle me. There is different teachings on it. Some say Jesus and the New Jerusalem will come down and He will rule for 1000 years. The Word of God says that. I have questions about what happens to those already in Heaven, do they come with Jesus and then what? I am simply sharing some thoughts I have... ![]() |
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Mon 02/01/21 10:30 PM
The spirit returns to God who gave it, but it also says in quite a few places that they are "those who are asleep" -and though Christ will bring them (their spirits) with him when he returns, they will not have known the passage of time while since their death. The dead in Christ will rise first at his return -then the living in Christ will be caught up with them in the air -and all made immortal. Then they reign on Earth with Christ for the first thousand years.
After the thousand years, the rest of the dead are raised to the judgment. Those who did good works will receive eternal life then -and those who did not will be purified -then given eternal life (saved, yet so as by fire, as it says) |
Jesus Christ is the Savior of Mankind. He is the son of the Only Living God, Jehovah.
John 10:30 "I and the Father are one." Note: Jesus is the incarnation of God in the flesh. |
nobody really knows who he is, and never will. NOT A SOUL ON EARTH REALLY KNOWS. fact.
Why doesn't anyone know? Probably everyone knows who Jesus Christ is.
Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus "... the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation." Jesus is the first person to be created by Jehovah God, his firstborn Son. Firstborn means that only Jesus was created directly Jehovah. All the rest of creation (living and non-living) was created by God with the help of Jesus. Christians in the 1st century saw Jesus, talked to him, he taught them ... In Matthew 16:16, the apostle Peter said about Jesus: "... You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jehovah himself in the Bible tells us who Jesus Christ is. Who are we to doubt this? |
Why doesn't anyone know? Probably everyone knows who Jesus Christ is. Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus "... the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation." Jesus is the first person to be created by Jehovah God, his firstborn Son. Firstborn means that only Jesus was created directly Jehovah. All the rest of creation (living and non-living) was created by God with the help of Jesus. Christians in the 1st century saw Jesus, talked to him, he taught them ... In Matthew 16:16, the apostle Peter said about Jesus: "... You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jehovah himself in the Bible tells us who Jesus Christ is. Who are we to doubt this? I know who He is. I have met Him on several occasions also. Taking a few scriptures out of the bible does not cut it. The WHOLE BIBLE is about Jesus. |
Who is he?
Edited by
Fri 02/26/21 10:52 AM
Luke [2:41-42] Now his parents went to Jerusalem every Year at the feast of the passover. And when he was twelve years old (during the passover), they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast (Passover).
I repeat, Christ was born during the passover which is in late March or early April. For those astrologers among you, his sun sign was Aries (Ram) and his ascendant is not known. |