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Topic: Halloween
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Thu 10/01/20 09:26 PM
When I was a kid I loved to go trick or treating for candy. My sister and I, couple of friends and go out for hours getting candy. Not the same these days.

no photo
Fri 10/02/20 05:25 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 10/02/20 05:26 AM

When I was a kid I loved to go trick or treating for candy. My sister and I, couple of friends and go out for hours getting candy. Not the same these days.

So true!

My brother and I went !

Older boys stole our candy from us once, it was heartbreaking ! :triumph:
We had two huge bags of candy.

In those days people would give great treats! Huge candy bars!

We lived in a very small town growing up.

no photo
Fri 10/02/20 05:28 AM
Tom you have some scary movies! :grimacing:laugh

Is there any movies you don't have !!

no photo
Fri 10/02/20 05:32 AM

Children still enjoy going trick or treating and many will not this Year.

You're only a Child once!

When you grow up, You shouldn't act childish.

Bite me.

My great grand kids will be pushing my
wheelchair, so I can still go trick or treating.



no photo
Fri 10/02/20 05:35 AM

Anyone have some good Costumes to post ?

Tim Ray's photo
Fri 10/02/20 06:27 AM

no photo
Fri 10/02/20 02:47 PM
My sister and I would stay out as long as possible getting candy. I remember one house, a guy yelled, Go home! Halloween is over!

Williams flex's photo
Sat 10/03/20 01:12 AM
Im happy u don't love candy
But for a person that likes candy .. u sure have good dentals :joy::joy:🤣

Rock's photo
Sat 10/03/20 01:51 AM

My sister and I would stay out as long as possible getting candy. I remember one house, a guy yelled, Go home! Halloween is over!

I hope The Great Pumpkin showed up
to poop in his yard.

You, and your sister, should have pelted him,
his house, and his car, with potatoes.

no photo
Sat 10/03/20 08:04 AM

Im happy u don't love candy
But for a person that likes candy .. u sure have good dentals :joy::joy:🤣



Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 10/03/20 08:12 AM
They are having some events some virtual and some not. I am not going to anything live this year.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 10/04/20 11:56 AM
Although I am not into Halloween anymore I would still like to go to a costume party dressed as either Beavis or Butthead.

koriya89's photo
Sun 10/04/20 12:09 PM

koriya89's photo
Sun 10/04/20 12:09 PM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 10/04/20 12:11 PM


Another thought provoking response!

no photo
Sun 10/04/20 12:18 PM

Although I am not into Halloween anymore I would still like to go to a costume party dressed as either Beavis or Butthead.


no photo
Mon 10/05/20 10:15 AM
Wear a mask, other than just a Halloween face.
Social distancing 6 ft apart all times.
Don't eat Any candy Before you wash Your hands, all Adults included!

Rules on
Local news here in my state today!

Good luck with that ! :smile:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/05/20 10:51 AM

I completely dislike it. In Dublin, Halloween means illegal bonfires and fireworks, drunken eejits and terrified pets what

Considering the ancient Pagan roots in Ireland, not so strange. Maybe they shouldn't have banned bonfires but instead made it possible to have them at places that are safe. After all, fire is a really big part of Samhain. People used to even extinguish the fires in their homes on Samhain night and rekindle it with fire from the communal bonfire.
Personally I feel it's a shame all this has to be forbidden. Church effed everything up too much as it is.
It's the same here with the Easter fires. At some point people started doing that at one communal place, so not like in their city / town garden of course.
Loads of people happy but... it has to be forbidden. W@nkers I say.

And drinking, well... you see the same on our regular NYE. What's different if people drink on Celtic NYE?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/05/20 10:56 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Mon 10/05/20 10:58 AM
Celebrating Halloween here gets boosted since some 10-12 yrs I think. Only because shops can make money out of it I gather, like Valentine's Day.

In the village I lived in before this one, they organised a big thing on Hallow's Eve and my then partner and I participated. We always loved it, we were the show of the village.

In this village they were only started it up the same year I'd moved here. The kids reacted really weird, clearly not knowing wtf Halloween was about but they DID know it meant getting free sweets.
I never participated again after that year. I do like it, but then you have to be among people who do too and at least know what it's all about.

I always plan to do a Samhain ritual and somehow it never happens...

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