Topic: Happy Mabon! (autumn equinox)
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 09/21/20 05:50 AM
HAPPY MABON! (Autumn Equinox)

Time to harvest, also figuratively reap what you had sown earlier on this year or maybe even earlier.

And celebrate, be happy and grateful for what you have, what you have achieved, make merry :)

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 09/21/20 05:52 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 09/21/20 05:53 AM
I love Autumn! You can reap what you sow Anytime of the Year!:relaxed:

LarchTree's photo
Mon 09/21/20 06:19 AM

no photo
Mon 09/21/20 10:50 AM
Middle of Autumn for us but middle of Spring for the Southern hemisphere :slight_smile:.

no photo
Mon 09/21/20 11:06 AM
Happy Mabon!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 09/21/20 11:23 AM
Edited by Cutiepieforyou on Mon 09/21/20 11:23 AM
Now I have learned what Maboon is. The Autunm Equinox.

Happy Maboon!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 09/21/20 12:09 PM

Middle of Autumn for us but middle of Spring for the Southern hemisphere :slight_smile:.

Not middle of autumn yet. It's starting tomorrow. Then night & day will be as long :)
Summer's ending tomorrow.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 09/21/20 12:14 PM

I love Autumn! You can reap what you sow Anytime of the Year!:relaxed:

I can really love autumn as well :) Not if it's rainy though :p
But the colours, having fun outdoors with the fallen leaves and acorns etc.

I like both 'in between' seasons: spring & autumn.

Rock's photo
Mon 09/21/20 12:54 PM
Party time! drinks

no photo
Mon 09/21/20 12:57 PM
frost on the pumpkins last couple of days. fall is here!!!

hopefully we won't get a ton of rain this week so we can enjoy the leaves turning

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 09/21/20 01:08 PM

frost on the pumpkins last couple of days. fall is here!!!

hopefully we won't get a ton of rain this week so we can enjoy the leaves turning

Pumpkin time is coming up fast now too!! Samhain is only just over a month away. Another harvest feast, the last of the year.
Damn... doesn't time fly?!
For now I'm gonna forget about that and think of leaves turning only, hihi.

no photo
Mon 09/21/20 03:52 PM
I prefer Summer.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/21/20 07:24 PM

Middle of Autumn for us but middle of Spring for the Southern hemisphere :slight_smile:.

huh Middle?

Equinox marks the beginning, not the middle.

For example, this particular equinox is the beginning of Spring for Mingle2 members who are south of the Equator.

no photo
Tue 09/22/20 02:41 AM

Middle of Autumn for us but middle of Spring for the Southern hemisphere :slight_smile:.

huh Middle?

Equinox marks the beginning, not the middle.

For example, this particular equinox is the beginning of Spring for Mingle2 members who are south of the Equator.

The Equinoxes and Solstices mark the middle of the seasons which began six weeks earlier and end six weeks later, hence the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere is also generally known as "Mid-Summers Day". In the ancient Celtic calender the beginnings and ends of the seasons have their own Feast days, Imbolc, Samhain etc.