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Topic: Things You Could Find in a Van... A to Z - part 2
no photo
Thu 09/03/20 07:33 AM
Queso cheese to go with the chips from earlier!


Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 09/03/20 07:37 AM
Remote control that is universal so one can drive through a rich neighborhood and open all the garage doors and then flee.

no photo
Thu 09/03/20 07:43 AM

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Thu 09/03/20 12:53 PM
Time Magazine

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 09/03/20 01:59 PM

Remote control that is universal so one can drive through a rich neighborhood and open all the garage doors and then flee.


Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 09/03/20 01:59 PM
Undergarments that need to be cleaned.

no photo
Thu 09/03/20 02:03 PM
Violin (Hey, now this van has some culture!)

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 09/03/20 02:05 PM
Waiters to wait on our orders!laugh

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 09/03/20 06:39 PM
X-Men costume that the driver had to return because he gained too much weight and looked no where close to being a super hero.

no photo
Thu 09/03/20 10:43 PM
Yu-Gi-Oh! cards

ivegotthegirth's photo
Thu 09/03/20 11:34 PM
Real imitation ZEBRA seat covers.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Thu 09/03/20 11:38 PM
A hammer

no photo
Fri 09/04/20 05:07 AM

Beach blankets

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Fri 09/04/20 07:08 AM
Coffee cups, empty of course!


Rock's photo
Fri 09/04/20 06:04 PM
Drugs... Lots of drugs

no photo
Fri 09/04/20 09:54 PM
Elephant sculpture

ivegotthegirth's photo
Fri 09/04/20 09:58 PM
Full tube of zit cream................exp 2/1996

no photo
Sat 09/05/20 12:06 PM

Good memories bigsmile

no photo
Sat 09/05/20 12:12 PM
handy aaa trip tick for the trip to the white mountains

no photo
Sat 09/05/20 12:14 PM
Iced down cooler

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