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Topic: Things You Could Find in a Van... A to Z - part 2
no photo
Tue 08/18/20 02:51 PM
pop-up book

no photo
Tue 08/18/20 03:13 PM
Queen CD

no photo
Tue 08/18/20 04:10 PM
Rottweiler (to protect all the other good stuff there!)

Rock's photo
Tue 08/18/20 05:12 PM
Sack o' weed

no photo
Wed 08/19/20 12:09 AM
Twang, Northern

no photo
Wed 08/19/20 05:26 AM
Underwear (hopefully clean...)

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 08/19/20 05:57 AM
Violin to play to make the van sound good.

no photo
Wed 08/19/20 08:13 AM
Wrappers, left over from all of the candy bars!!!


Rock's photo
Wed 08/19/20 04:50 PM

ivegotthegirth's photo
Wed 08/19/20 05:02 PM
YEILD sign and part of the post it was on laugh :wink:

no photo
Wed 08/19/20 05:03 PM
Zig Zag papers, for those so inclined to partake of mother nature...

Rock's photo
Thu 08/20/20 01:33 AM

no photo
Thu 08/20/20 08:38 AM
Blimpie sub -half eaten

no photo
Thu 08/20/20 09:53 AM
Chains for the tires

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 08/20/20 04:38 PM
Dead squashed mosquito's on windshield.

no photo
Fri 08/21/20 08:16 AM
Elvis bobblehead

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Fri 08/21/20 01:44 PM
Flares, for those dark moments...

no photo
Sat 08/22/20 02:48 PM
glitter gun (it's a thing)

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Sat 08/22/20 09:08 PM

High Times Magazine smokin

no photo
Sun 08/23/20 07:05 AM
Indigo colored T-shirt

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