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Topic: Things You Could Find in a Van... A to Z - part 2
no photo
Sun 08/23/20 08:17 AM
Janky junk, jars of jam and jelly

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Sun 08/23/20 10:34 AM
Killer Klowns From Outer Space DVD

cityblues21's photo
Sun 08/23/20 12:19 PM
lunch box..

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sun 08/23/20 12:32 PM
My missing maintenance memos.

no photo
Sun 08/23/20 12:55 PM
Napkins to go with the lunch in the lunchbox


cityblues21's photo
Sun 08/23/20 01:02 PM
Oreos.. that fell out of the lunch box.. Reckless driver..laugh

no photo
Sun 08/23/20 02:03 PM
Partiers going to a party :confetti_ball: drinks

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 08/23/20 02:38 PM
Quilters making a quilt.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 08/23/20 03:22 PM
Remains of a moth that was squished on the windshield.

Rock's photo
Sun 08/23/20 10:44 PM
Slurpee straws

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 08/24/20 04:48 AM
Tires for the van.

no photo
Mon 08/24/20 06:13 AM
Umber Crayon that fell out of the Crayon box

no photo
Mon 08/24/20 11:50 AM
Very tired travelers yawn :sleeping:

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Mon 08/24/20 12:23 PM
Windshield wipers (left over from the last time they were changed!)


Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 08/24/20 01:10 PM
Xray machine to take xrays in case people in the van need them done!laugh

no photo
Mon 08/24/20 03:59 PM
Yellow "Baby On Board" sign, complete with suction cup to stick it to the window!!!


no photo
Tue 08/25/20 11:29 AM

Zots candy from the ‘70s that had that fizzy stuff inside :yum:

no photo
Tue 08/25/20 11:50 AM

Zots candy from the ‘70s that had that fizzy stuff inside :yum:

I remember those, yum!!!

An empty box to hold all of the other junk in this van.

no photo
Tue 08/25/20 07:22 PM

Zots candy from the ‘70s that had that fizzy stuff inside :yum:

I remember those, yum!!!

An empty box to hold all of the other junk in this van.

Glad somebody knew what I was talking about laugh

OT: Box full of junk....it was empty earlier winking laugh

no photo
Tue 08/25/20 10:44 PM
Clarion cassette deck

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