Topic: Destruction of feminine | |
Just because you're born male doesn't make you masculine. It's the same for females that you aren't feminine. These are inherently natural potential biological traits that need to be developed. Over thousands of years people found living by this rule aloud for a person to have a more satisfying life.
Five feminine traits are: Faithfulness Reputation Personality Understanding Nurture Five masculine traits are: Loyalty Honor Character Compassion Cherish As you can see the traits are similar but not exactly the same. Masculine is Yang(action) and feminine is Yin(conclusion). Masculine builds a house and feminine takes that house making it a home. Instead of a father selling his daughter or buying a wife for his son, modern relationships are based on self worth. The nihilism lots of people embrace these days has lead to the destruction of feminine. Or should I say, "Got women to reject their feminine". Some women have run themselves into the ground. Just like men becoming pansy-boys. |
I don't understand this at all.
I don't understand this at all. What's not to understand? Although, I didn't mention talking with younger women who have no clue what feminine is or how it works. Also younger guys who find those women repose and visa versa. |
You make some interesting points and is generalised. However, I think that women do have the choice to become pawns of society or to do what is best for their family. You can either build up your home or tear it down.
Women are faithful but men are not.
No ,All are same
Men can have loyalty but woman don't.
Men can have loyalty but woman don't. No,its not like that men and women. it's individual heart things |
From now on, I should not expect anything from men. They should not expect anything from me. That is what I got from this topic.
From now on, I should not expect anything from men. They should not expect anything from me. That is what I got from this topic. The enchant Chinese refereed to this as "Walking the path of the Devin". In the west it's known as "Living according to Reality". Contrariwise cat, you expect more from a man and yourself as well by this standard. After all, he'll be responsible for your life as will you be for his. |
You post doesn't make sense.
The feminine was suppressed for hundreds of years by a patriarchal society. This is not what women did themselves, in a way not even what man chose. It happened, I guess more by group dynamic and power of a the few in power. It was forced upon everyone to get power. Before that patriarchal society came to be it was more matriarchal and the feminine aspect was highly revered. The new society didn't like that so they came up with whatever to destroy that high regard of women. Resulting in oppression, rape, abuse, taking away freedom of choice and speech for thousands of years. This began to change in the early 20th century, mostly during WW1. Then men tried to force it back to the old situation, sort of succeeding, but then came WW2... Women kept the homefront going. Including the war industry, building airplanes and so on. We didn't go back to the kitchen after that, and things really took off in the 60s. No one knows what femininity means anymore, not the way it was. But people are finding it again. This means a huge shift for men too. you cannot have women change and grow and evolve, taking back their rightful power and place, and not have men stay unaffected by it. This is why so many relationships are in dire shape and/or people break up sooner than ever before. We are all trying to work out the new way of being, equal and more loving. Considering we haven't had that for thousands of years it's quite logical that things are chaotic concerning this. Men don't know what it means to be masculine anymore either. It's not being 'Marlboro man' with a fag in your mouth and wearing cowboy boots and being an insensitive hard ***. The so called 'macho' man is not the empowered masculine. Both genders have been tremendously damaged over the years and we're now attempting to crawl out of that. I think this is why many men are lost, bitter and so on. Women usually have better ability to recover and heal. Partly because the feminine is used to dealing with feelings and emotions. But men have a feminine part to but the damage caused them to be cut off from it. That's the collective masculine wound: the heart. Women's collective wound is in the belly, because we lost the right to be, to be ourselves, to voice ourselves, to make our own decisions, to be authentic. So we withdrew from the area that holds that energy, men withdrew from the feeling area, the heart. Both need to heal. These are huge processes that will take a lot of time. Especially since in many countries men are resisting. They don't want to let go of suppressing woman because they feel lost without that. They don't seem to have a sense of identity anymore because they're still fully woven into the old system of suppressing woman (among others). Letting go and change induces fear. A human trait. |
Oh and to add to that: there is no destruction of the feminine. We are experiencing a rising and restoration of the feminine.
I've heard men say on here that there's a destruction of the masculine because of this which is also not true. There's a destruction of the old patriarchal system where women were suppressed by men. Woman rising and becoming empowered again means there's space for man to do the same: the empowered masculine rising again! And we need that. You cannot have one half of a population being healthy and empowered and the other sodding around in something old that's based on anger, fear, power and oppression. But like I said above, many men fear this shift and refuse to let go and shift into the new more loving way of being. |
![]() ![]() That's nice. Or do you want me to go on? You know as well as I do I'll get kicked off this site or just have my posts removed for "Mansplaining". |
egotism is delusional
Now I have to wonder.. What lead us to this nihilism? Look around you. It's the technology that's destroying us.
We are incapable of basic face-to-face human interaction. We are bound to our cellphones, we can't live off without internet. Also we have way too much times on our hands. This leads to absolute emptiness and meaningless life. We are all living in our bubble, our comfort zone. As our societies have been built on patriarchy do you really need to wonder why women are becoming less and less feminine? Or why men have become less masculine? It's because we keep trying to push the thing called "gender equality". That thing itself is not ever going to happen. Not at least how most understand it. We really need rewiring of human nature and society if we were ever to achieve this kind of thing. That's just the harsh reality |
Just because you're born male doesn't make you masculine. It's the same for females that you aren't feminine. These are inherently natural potential biological traits that need to be developed. Over thousands of years people found living by this rule aloud for a person to have a more satisfying life. Five feminine traits are: Faithfulness Reputation Personality Understanding Nurture Five masculine traits are: Loyalty Honor Character Compassion Cherish As you can see the traits are similar but not exactly the same. Masculine is Yang(action) and feminine is Yin(conclusion). Masculine builds a house and feminine takes that house making it a home. Instead of a father selling his daughter or buying a wife for his son, modern relationships are based on self worth. The nihilism lots of people embrace these days has lead to the destruction of feminine. Or should I say, "Got women to reject their feminine". Some women have run themselves into the ground. Just like men becoming pansy-boys. |
I for one am feminine AF. So much so that I have been told I cannot wear my high heels anymore when using the treadmill at the gym , seems some men complained that I was puncturing the tread surface with my heels, personally I think they were just jealous that I was celebrating my feminity.
Women in the west have never had such a better life than they do now! Until recently 2 women ran England!? Where do you get that rape is also accepted within the west!? No, its most definitely have been falsely accused of rape on many, many occasions and this has ruined their lives! And yet the woman has walked away, Scott free!! If found guilty, of rape, these men are punished by the justice system. And plus men can and are being raped in the hundreds within the prison systems!! Men have the highest rate of suicides in the UK. They are expected to just suck it up and deal with it like a man.. Men will always have the rough end of the deal when it comes to parental rights regarding their own children and have zero rights of access to their children if they're not married. And think that you're a little bit deluded...
Women in the west have never had such a better life than they do now! Until recently 2 women ran England!? Where do you get that rape is also accepted within the west!? No, its most definitely have been falsely accused of rape on many, many occasions and this has ruined their lives! And yet the woman has walked away, Scott free!! If found guilty, of rape, these men are punished by the justice system. And plus men can and are being raped in the hundreds within the prison systems!! Men have the highest rate of suicides in the UK. They are expected to just suck it up and deal with it like a man.. Men will always have the rough end of the deal when it comes to parental rights regarding their own children and have zero rights of access to their children if they're not married. And think that you're a little bit deluded... If you're talking to me I'd thank you to not be rude. I can get rude too you know. And again, if you're addressing what I wrote, get educated on the subject like I have. And learn to read. Women have been sexually abused AND raped for thousands of years. I'm not talking about today alone. If you have a different view, you're entitled to that. But DO NOT start telling me what I am! |
Society is insane.
This is just more of the insanity of the current PC (politically correct) movement. It seems there are fewer and fewer people able to just accept others as they are. There's a need to label everyone and everything with some type of PC judgement. On February 7, 1894, Mississippi adopted the state flag. ![]() Now, there is a movement to remove this flag from state buildings because the flag has suddenly become too offensive. Mississippi's 2nd largest city removes state flags from all government buildings Mississippi's 2nd largest city removes state flags from all government buildings ... Workers quickly removed the banner from City Hall. ![]() Does it really matter if Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben get retired? Frankly, when I see a MS state flag, I just see a flag. When I use Aunt Jemima syrup I'm just using syrup. When I see another person, I just see a person. I don't pay attention to my own masculinity or femininity, I just act as I want. I don't expect others to act a specific way because of their gender. I figure they too just act as they feel like. The insanity of society prevents people from just being natural. Why must people judge, classify and box up everything before they can cope with their worlds? Acceptance and serenity is alien to today's society. Y'all just need ta chill out a lil. ![]() |