Topic: Do you believe in love at first sight? | |
I am very cynical I don't believe its possible to fall in love on sight yes be physically attracted what are your opinions?
Yes it's definitely possible
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sort of. IMO what's relevant to dating and romantic relationships is a biological definition. As a biological phenomena I believe it's possible for some people to experience "love at first sight." IME a lot of people have expectations of (romantic) "love" being some sort of magic circumstance that lasts forever bequeathing knowledge and peace (guarantees and security); negating the need for commitment, effort and escalating need for adaptation to change being necessary to maintain a relationship. I believe (romantic) "love" is a biological tool that facilitates and supports efforts to maintain a relationship for the sake of procreation and keeping offspring alive, and without fulfillment of breeding it has a definite EOL date in order to get you to go out and breed. I do not believe (romantic) "love" is an ego based reward system meant to guarantee perpetual selfish emotional gratification. Biology is not absolutely designed, perfect, working the exact same for everyone, therefore I do believe some people can have "love at first sight" shortcuts in their biological "wiring." I don't believe when you're walking around there's a magic diapered fairy that shoots you with an arrow granting you guaranteed "love bliss" if you just encounter the "right one." So, I believe love at first sight "can" happen when defined a specific way. I just don't think it's something anyone can/should expect, train themselves for, or that it will lead to what a lot of people think it will lead to. |
Twice physically attracted to the point of love at first sight. Only me though, not the girl.
1st girl, still and always in love with her, waited decades for her, unrequited. 2nd, my jaw dropped and I stopped in my tracks when I saw her. She quit work 2 days later because of another D.H., and I never saw her again. |
My personal opinion is love is a choice I have only fallen in love Four times in my life the other relationships were more based on physical attraction.
I didn't choose either of my examples, it happened instantly without thought.
1st was about 12 yo and I was about 14 yo; no thinking, just in awe. 2nd, came into view while walking, and my brain just stopped; no thinking then either. Just a need to meet her. |
Do you believe in love at first sight? No. That is how serial killers get you. |
I would have to agree look at Ted Bundy....
meh, doubtful, haven't had it happen but i hear people say it all the time so....maybe, maybe not i just don't see it happening, sorry.
I can happen. I know cos it happened to me. Once.
But why does it matter? If you find love and it wasn't at first sight does it make that less valuable? |
Quieres pene
I'm also in the "sort of" group, though for another reason.
It seems to me, that people get instant attraction, and even fall instantly under the sway of the "in love" brain chemicals that are what we "feel" when we "feel in love." But it's a matter of chance or luck, whether the real people involved can actually make a go of things in life. On the chance occasions that things do work out, the people may proudly say forever after that it was True Love At First Sight. But actually, it wasn't. It was just another instant lust sensation, that happened to be for someone that also turned out to be a good match. I also no longer believe in the most common explanation that I've heard others give, that the instant lust boils away, and turns into real deep love later. There's no "turning into" going on, there's just "brain chemicals wash through, and real life is very pleasant as well." That's why people who do really do well together, and do really love each other, still experience the instant lust sensation for other people, but don't do anything about it. Because the "love at first sight" experience IS just fantasy-triggered chemicals. Even when we feel it for someone who we ALSO truly love. And it's also why some couples, hungering for those wonderful brain chemicals again, will indulge in role play games, or pretend to be strangers or try reenacting episodes of their own life together. Because those brain chemicals are a lot of fun. But I'm very confident that they are NOT messages from the gods, telling you you've sighted your soul mate or twin flame or whatever the latest fad term is. |
Love at first Sight...
Love is something that is felt within. You don't 'catch' it, 'find' it, 'give' it or 'take' it. Love is an emotion-based feeling or sensation that is felt inside. There are people who are sensitive to feeling love. They are very aware of their feelings of love. Their sensations are sensory based. People who fall in love at first sight with a person also tend to love other things at first sight as well. There are also people who are 'in love with' the idea of being in love. They tend to seek out people and things where they feel the sensations of love within. They tend to 'run with' the feeling and ignore reason based on experiences they have learned. My gf told me in the first few days that she loves me. She constantly tells me she loves me. She is 'wired' to love easily. I on the other hand, feel love for her sometimes but not so overwhelming as she expresses to me. I accept she loves me. She accepts that I am reserved about sharing that emotional state. She tells me, I show her. In my experience, claiming love tends to ruin a relationship, eventually. I tend to not give undue power to any of my emotions. Having control over my own emotional states allows me to make more rational decisions in life. Since love is an emotional state, it is included. I have a preference to a body type, yes. More importantly I have a preference to personality type and emotional maturity. The appearance may open an idea that I 'could' love her but I can't know if I actually love her till I learn the type of person she actually is. I've been wrong too many times to ignore it. Yes, there are people who do not have emotional maturity. They 'run' with their initial feelings and build fantasies to support them. Sometimes, it works for them. Then there are people who have some control over their emotional states. They tread slowly until they have enough information to make a rational decision. Sometimes, it works for them. Plus, there are shades of grey between because people can't be classified into little boxes. Life is much too diverse. Its also important to realize "Love At First Sight" means love at first sight. Love at first sight does not mean I am attracted to how you look and after meeting you and learning something about you we have many things in common. First Sight means "First Sight". Love based on appearance only. You can love many things at first sight, a picture of a puppy or a kitty or a person, etc... Its not the same as how people infer the term "Love At First Sight". What is inferred is better defined by the term "Love At First Meet" or "Love At First Sharing Of Personality", certainly not love at first Sight. |
Nothing is impossible!
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Love at first Sight...
Love is something that is felt within. You don't 'catch' it, 'find' it, 'give' it or 'take' it. Love is an emotion-based feeling or sensation that is felt inside. There are people who are sensitive to feeling love. They are very aware of their feelings of love. Their sensations are sensory based. People who fall in love at first sight with a person also tend to love other things at first sight as well. There are also people who are 'in love with' the idea of being in love. They tend to seek out people and things where they feel the sensations of love within. They tend to 'run with' the feeling and ignore reason based on experiences they have learned. My gf told me in the first few days that she loves me. She constantly tells me she loves me. She is 'wired' to love easily. I on the other hand, feel love for her sometimes but not so overwhelming as she expresses to me. I accept she loves me. She accepts that I am reserved about sharing that emotional state. She tells me, I show her. In my experience, claiming love tends to ruin a relationship, eventually. I tend to not give undue power to any of my emotions. Having control over my own emotional states allows me to make more rational decisions in life. Since love is an emotional state, it is included. I have a preference to a body type, yes. More importantly I have a preference to personality type and emotional maturity. The appearance may open an idea that I 'could' love her but I can't know if I actually love her till I learn the type of person she actually is. I've been wrong too many times to ignore it. Yes, there are people who do not have emotional maturity. They 'run' with their initial feelings and build fantasies to support them. Sometimes, it works for them. Then there are people who have some control over their emotional states. They tread slowly until they have enough information to make a rational decision. Sometimes, it works for them. Plus, there are shades of grey between because people can't be classified into little boxes. Life is much too diverse. Its also important to realize "Love At First Sight" means love at first sight. Love at first sight does not mean I am attracted to how you look and after meeting you and learning something about you we have many things in common. First Sight means "First Sight". Love based on appearance only. You can love many things at first sight, a picture of a puppy or a kitty or a person, etc... Its not the same as how people infer the term "Love At First Sight". What is inferred is better defined by the term "Love At First Meet" or "Love At First Sharing Of Personality", certainly not love at first Sight. You're amazing! I really enjoy your insight and knowledge, with sound examples. I might not agree to everything but it makes me think. Thanks ![]() |
You're welcome.
Its just one man's opinion based on my own personal wisdom. It isn't meant to be right or wrong, just something to consider. The love we have is the love we know best because it is us. What works for me may not work for others but by sharing my own personal insight, I try to expand others possibilities for finding their own personal contentment. |
I do not believe in love at all. It's an irrational feeling that fades away once reality strikes again
depends on time nd ur emotions both are change without our premission in that case little changes to fall in
Yes it is possible but not probable!
Once but the douche ruined it by talking