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Topic: Relationship
millerschneider's photo
Mon 06/08/20 06:39 PM
How long will relationship last before marriage?

no photo
Tue 06/09/20 03:33 AM
One year five months and twelve days.

no photo
Tue 06/09/20 03:47 AM
One year five months and twelve days.

and what is your source?
because someone mentioned 18 months in a different discussion

Larsson71's photo
Tue 06/09/20 03:48 AM

How long will relationship last before marriage?
As long as it takes before you're both thinking the same way!

Rock's photo
Wed 06/10/20 05:05 AM
Better dead, than wed.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 06/10/20 05:44 AM

How long will relationship last before marriage?
As long as it takes before you're both thinking the same way!

That, except my version is, as long as it takes before you're both feeling the same way :)

Duttoneer's photo
Wed 06/10/20 07:47 AM

How long will relationship last before marriage?

You need to take at least a year before even thinking about marriage, remember the old saying "marry in haste, repent at leisure", you need to know someone very well before taking such a big step in life as marriage in my opinion, no matter how long it takes.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 06/10/20 09:08 AM
Just marry the first girl you meet who says yes.
After that, you won't need to ask this question.
You'll be experienced.

So the answer is, get married THEN have the relationship.

no photo
Fri 06/12/20 03:53 AM

no photo
Fri 06/12/20 05:23 AM


SpaceCodet's photo
Fri 06/12/20 06:42 AM

Just marry the first girl you meet who says yes.
After that, you won't need to ask this question.
You'll be experienced.

So the answer is, get married THEN have the relationship.

Most effeminately. :grinning: Take a look at Johnny Depp. His wife cut off the tip of his finger and took a dump in his bed. That got him blacklisted from working.

hashtag Believe all wahmans !

no photo
Fri 06/12/20 07:41 AM
Hahaha this is too funny!

no photo
Fri 06/12/20 07:43 AM

Better dead, than wed.

This is too funny :)