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Topic: MY QUOTE OF THE DAY - part 4
SpaceCodet's photo
Wed 03/17/21 02:07 AM
"Speak to a child properly, so they can learn properly."

My Grandpa

Trixie's photo
Thu 03/18/21 04:41 AM
:heart: “To be beautiful means to
be yourself. You don’t
need to be accepted by
others. You need to accept
yourself.” :heart:

- Thich-Nhat Hanh

Trixie's photo
Fri 03/19/21 06:59 AM
:heart: “A life spent making mistakes
is not only more honourable, but
more useful than a life spent
doing nothing.” :heart:

- George Bernard Shaw

Trixie's photo
Mon 03/22/21 09:06 AM
:heart: “A little consideration,
a little thought for others,
makes all the difference,” :heart:

- Eeyore :heart:

no photo
Mon 03/22/21 09:36 AM
Unless things change, they remain the same winking

~ Captain Obvious ~ laugh

mysticalview21's photo
Fri 03/26/21 05:29 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Fri 03/26/21 05:33 AM
first ? thing out of their mouth... of my health care personlaugh
when I see them ...

no photo
Fri 03/26/21 09:30 AM

Your prayer must be for a sound mind in a sound body

Acquired Taste's photo
Sat 03/27/21 03:30 AM
the sooner you fall behind the more time you have to catch up - oklahoma proverb, don't get me started

let's be proactive--canadian proverb---not like i like canadians all that much but they have more beer choices and generally don't shoot random people in public places.

Trixie's photo
Mon 03/29/21 05:00 AM
:heart: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.:heart:

- Maya Angelou

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 03/29/21 09:20 AM
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls,
The most massive characters are seared with scars.

~ Khalil Gibran

no photo
Mon 03/29/21 10:43 AM
Beest not daunted, love and f'rtune joyn with the couragious

~someone or other.

Trixie's photo
Wed 03/31/21 01:46 AM
:heart: :heart: “Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face.
It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
and a pretty soul.” :heart: :heart:

- source unknown

SpaceCodet's photo
Wed 03/31/21 05:52 PM
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

yoda minch's photo
Wed 03/31/21 07:22 PM
Quote of the day : never fart in public places

Trixie's photo
Thu 04/01/21 06:11 AM
:heart: “You can’t go back and
change the beginning,
but you can start
where you are and
change the ending.” :heart:

- C.S. Lewis

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 04/01/21 06:12 AM
This too shall pass!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 04/01/21 06:13 AM

:heart: :heart: “Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face.
It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
and a pretty soul.” :heart: :heart:

- source unknown

Thank you Trixie, this is a beautiful quote!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 04/01/21 07:50 AM
Scars tell us where we've been,
They don't have to tell us where we're going.

~ Derek Morgan

Trixie's photo
Thu 04/01/21 09:42 AM

:heart: :heart: “Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face.
It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
and a pretty soul.” :heart: :heart:

- source unknown

Thank you Trixie, this is a beautiful quote!

:heart: you’re welcome :heart:

Trixie's photo
Fri 04/02/21 07:16 AM
:heart: When you can’t control what’s
happening, challenge yourself to control
the way you respond.

That’s where your power is. :heart:

- Source unknown

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