Topic: You're Current Weather Report - part 4 | |
4°C Partly Cloudy
Chance of Rain 10% Humidity 93% Wind SSW 6 mph Feels Like 2°C Pressure 1009 hPa Visibility 16.1 km UV Index 0 |
3c (feels like 1c) rising to 6c and falling to 2c overnight. Cloudy, with an 80% chance of rain this evening and a light 6kph SW wind.
3°C Mostly Cloudy
Chance of Snow 10% Humidity 94% Wind NE 10 mph Feels Like -1°C Pressure 1013 hPa Visibility 16.1 km UV Index 0 |
12C clouds, dark & grey, and rain rain rain rain.
It seems it'll keep raining right through Christmas. |
3c (feels like -2c). Rising to 5c and falling to -1c overnight. Cloudy, with a moderate 27kph NE wind and a 60%chance of rain this evening.
1c (feels like -3c). Rising to 3c and falling overnight to -4c. Cloudy, with a light 16kph N wind and a 50% chance of rain this afternoon.
2°C Sunny
Chance of Snow 10% Humidity 70% Wind N 7 mph Feels Like -2°C Pressure 1030 hPa Visibility 16.1 km UV Index 0 |
Around 3 C at the moment, blue sky and the sun is shining, a nice day for mid-winter. Forecast to drop quickly after dark, to around 0 C. |
7C but feels much colder. Lots of clouds, rain & sun alternating.
Strong wind. I woke from the noise of the storm wind last night, howling around the house. ![]() |
2°C Cloudy
Chance of Rain 60% Humidity 100% Wind SW 8 mph Feels Like -2°C Pressure 1029 hPa Visibility 16.1 km UV Index 0 |
-2c (feels like -5c). Rising to 3c and falling to 2c overnight. Cloudy, with a light 8kph SW wind and a 40% chance of rain this evening.
16 F clear high of 46 today
5c (feels like 1c). Rising to 7c and falling to 2c overnight. Cloudy with a moderate 27kph W wind and an 100% chance of rain this afternoon.
6C cloudy. Wind' s going to build up again over the course of the day.
6°C Showers
Chance of Rain 80% Humidity 90% Wind SSW 23 mph Feels Like 1°C Pressure 1005 hPa Visibility 4.8 km UV Index 0 |
Awaiting another frigging storm with gusts of 9-10 Bft expected
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Awaiting another frigging storm with gusts of 9-10 Bft expected ![]() We are in the midst of Storm Bella. Could it be the same one?? |
Awaiting another frigging storm with gusts of 9-10 Bft expected ![]() We are in the midst of Storm Bella. Could it be the same one?? I just Googled and yes, Bella... Hope you're okay? |
Awaiting another frigging storm with gusts of 9-10 Bft expected ![]() We are in the midst of Storm Bella. Could it be the same one?? I just Googled and yes, Bella... Hope you're okay? I did wonder. Yep, I’m okay thank you. Just dealing with high winds. Not much can be blown away in my garden but keeping my fingers crossed my 6’ high fence stays put 🤞 Hope you’ve secured your gates and you won’t suffer too much ![]() |
Awaiting another frigging storm with gusts of 9-10 Bft expected ![]() We are in the midst of Storm Bella. Could it be the same one?? I just Googled and yes, Bella... Hope you're okay? I did wonder. Yep, I’m okay thank you. Just dealing with high winds. Not much can be blown away in my garden but keeping my fingers crossed my 6’ high fence stays put 🤞 Hope you’ve secured your gates and you won’t suffer too much ![]() Glad to hear, and thank you. There are two ratcheting bands on the gates, nothing much else I can do than pray it all ends well and both my gates and my garage will still be standing by the end of tomorrow evening :/ Wind is SW which is the most favourable direction during a storm for me. Fingers crossed! |