Topic: so what do you | |
think the best way to get someone to respond 2 u is?
Witty remark on their page or talk to them in the do you get someone to talk to you in person? :)
yeah, ask them about something in their profile. something that obviously interests them. they're more likely to wanna talk about it then.
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dont just say "hey wanna chat?" it never works....i know from experience lol
i dont get people to talk to me in person? haha idk i dont really talk 2 ppl unless im friends with them. i try emailing everyone around me and no one responds? haha and usually when i talk 2 ppl its like just a random comment
think the best way to get someone to respond 2 u is? You mean here, on this site? Jeez, I have no idea. Back in the days when I was actually trying to send e-mails to some of the locals, I NEVER got any replies. Eventually I said screw that, and decided to let them write to me first. And now I get lots of e-mail here -- but still, nothing from anyone within 897,000 miles. And it doesn't even matter anymore because I don't want to talk to them anymore anyway! So there! ![]() |
haha i get no emails unless im friends w/ someone. i emailed pretty much every "local" some respond then just stop responding w/e screw em their loss.
whatever you do... do NOT say... "i think we have some things in common. you wanna chat?" be unique! make yourself stand out.
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whatever you do... do NOT say... "i think we have some things in common. you wanna chat?" be unique! make yourself stand out. ![]() |
their loss. exactly. it obviously wasn't meant to be, so don't sweat it. ![]() |
im so soured on this site because everyone just freakin ignores me or acts like they like me then just suddenly stops talking. is anyone on here actually honest? (amongst people near me of course everyone else is pretty nice and up front about things)
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its hard not to sweat it when u send out like 40 emails get 2 responses then the person just quits emailing you for no reason.. at least say sorry i'm not interested instead of just straight up ignoring someone ya kno
Don't let it rent too much space in your head. Don't get upset if it does not work out to your expectations.. In fact! Loose the expectations. Women, generally ~ are pretty intuitive creatures. They can pick up on stuff even though you think you are doing a good job of hiding it. Anxiousness, desperation, neediness.. are all things that will have most women worth befriending, heading the other direction. While drawing little girls looking for little boys, toward you. |
im so soured on this site because everyone just freakin ignores me or acts like they like me then just suddenly stops talking. is anyone on here actually honest? (amongst people near me of course everyone else is pretty nice and up front about things) |
not true! i almost always try to respond. if you took the time to write to me, the least i can do is write you back.
and yeah, gangsta, i agree. it's kinda rude to just stop responding. especially if you've been chatting awhile. but don't get down! you'll find her. ![]() |
see the what turns women on thread!!
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what really pisses me off is that we're all here for almost the same thing (to find someone to date) and the people near me all seem shallow. If you're here why not just try and see what happens? I guess i'm alone in this feeling?
Introduce them to me, "Your R&B Casanova"
well i can tell you this, it's not standing outside their bathroom window with a video camera and a hard on........