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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 71
no photo
Fri 02/28/20 07:21 PM
I'm thinking I'm too drunk lol

no photo
Sat 02/29/20 02:58 AM
Thinking... Does mom honestly want me to take her with me to vote.

no photo
Sat 02/29/20 04:23 AM
Why are some good in nature while others are evil

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 02/29/20 04:41 AM
I am thinking if I should get more Kit Kat's.... I have one only!!

LarchTree's photo
Sat 02/29/20 05:56 AM
Edited by LarchTree on Sat 02/29/20 05:59 AM
The ligaments for the fingers lead to muscles for the fingers in the wrists.

Strength exercise
Squeeze a stress ball with all fingers 10 times, slowly and hard. Switch and do the other end while the first hand is resting. Repeat for a total of three sets.

Spread fingers out within a rubber band, to do opposing muscles, 10 times, slowly and hard. Switch and do the other end while the first hand is resting. Repeat for a total of three sets.

At end stretch fingers and hands bending wrist backward for 10 - 30 sec with gentle resistance.

Repeat 1 to 2 times per week, no 2 days in a row.

Shift energy source from carbs to lipids, mostly more monounsaturated oils, normal amount polyunsaturated, a little more saturated than normal. Slowly have fewer and fewer carbs. This is not the most effective fuel source, but it is more healthy and more effective than any steroid or nsaid medicine for reducing inflammation and increasing healing .

And obviously inclusion of protein and dark leafy greens with every meal helps.

no photo
Sat 02/29/20 09:26 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 02/29/20 09:27 AM
I'm thinking LS is actually Clark Kent (I started reading all that and my mind somehow made it sound like Clark Kent)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 02/29/20 09:58 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Sat 02/29/20 09:58 AM
Thinking... smoking a lot less does feel good! Of late I was often wheezing, needing my inhaler. Today is my 4th or 5th day of smoking less (about half) and I'm not wheezing anymore, my taste is better, my sense of smell seems improved a bit. Even though I'm still smoking quite a lot. But still it's only half of what I've been doing for some 3-4 years (it got out of hand then).
So yes, I like it.

Rock's photo
Sun 03/01/20 05:34 AM

no photo
Sun 03/01/20 08:35 AM
Thinking about how that conversation went downhill all of a sudden what laugh

no photo
Sun 03/01/20 09:04 AM
I’m thinking... I have a lot of loriope to cut back..

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 03/01/20 03:38 PM
I just realized what I am thinking... This cute man had contacted me on a dating site day before yesterday. I accepted his invite, and then was already later in the evening.
Yesterday I was busy, today I decided to go online & possibly chat.
He had sent me a message saying he'd gotten chatting with someone else and didn't want to continue with two as that wouldn't be fair on either.
Cool, I respect that.
But I used to then feel like "Dang! I missed a chance!"

THis time I was thinking, "NP, but you missed out big time, dude! You're clearly not the one or you wouldn't have been so daft."
Wowza! I'm really getting somewhere!

no photo
Mon 03/02/20 04:52 AM
Thinking... If he doesn’t sign on and see I will be in Southern California this summer, how will we have a date at the San Diego Zoo?

Might be going by myself. *giggle fits*

no photo
Mon 03/02/20 05:21 AM
Thinking it would be nice to travel someplace for my birthday at the end of April

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:43 PM
Time to go to bed and I'm not really all that sleepy yet.... although... there's a yaaaawnn! haha.

cityblues21's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:56 PM
I'm thinking that the first intro when someone first emails me has got to be better than that.. "you don't look like you could hurt a fly" First and only sentence.. hmm.. well they don't know that I hit a deer 2 weeks ago, and I was more upset about my truck than the deer..

Sophia's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:58 PM

darkowl1's photo
Mon 03/02/20 05:08 PM
I was thinking.........(yes, this is dangerous for me, and everyone else)

what if everyone on the planet had to drive a 71' Pinto.... It's mandatory. you must drive it.... no matter where you were.

There was no other choice.... and you had to maintain it (you can't, I had one)

and they were all faded pink to white. no other colors.

And reverse worked intermittently.

no photo
Mon 03/02/20 05:17 PM
I think it would be fun! I love driving old clunker cars!

darkowl1's photo
Mon 03/02/20 05:22 PM
I love old cars too..... but a Pinto... they miss, even in tune, and the roof caves in like a reverse umbrella if both windows are open, going 55. the door handles come off in your hand eventually, and they exploded when hit in the back. The Vega was almost as bad, but didn't explode as much.

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 03/02/20 06:11 PM
Thinking that maybe I should lighten up my conversations , and finds ways to sound like a nice guy !!

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