Topic: The Brilliant Ideas and solutions thread
Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/02/20 11:16 AM

According to Australians, (Aussies)... we kiwis are more 'intimate' with our sheep.

But we say that about them too.:koala:

My Maori friend at the time at Uluru had a T-shirt that said something like:
NZ has X million flies, but more sheep
NZ has X million people, but more sheep
NZ has X million XYZ, but more sheep

I cannot remember all the things mentioned but it was quite the list, but always "more sheep".
Funny you are bickering about this (the 2 countries I mean), hihi, but NZ has more sheep: 5 sheep for every person!
I only know the saying that Welsh are sheep sh*ggers but I guess Kiwis get lonely too, haha.
Gives whole new meaning to the expensive NZ lamb we got in the supermarket shelves...

Lol, I could tell a whole lot of sheep jokes right now...... 🤣🤣

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 01/02/20 11:20 AM

According to Australians, (Aussies)... we kiwis are more 'intimate' with our sheep.

But we say that about them too.:koala:

My Maori friend at the time at Uluru had a T-shirt that said something like:
NZ has X million flies, but more sheep
NZ has X million people, but more sheep
NZ has X million XYZ, but more sheep

I cannot remember all the things mentioned but it was quite the list, but always "more sheep".
Funny you are bickering about this (the 2 countries I mean), hihi, but NZ has more sheep: 5 sheep for every person!
I only know the saying that Welsh are sheep sh*ggers but I guess Kiwis get lonely too, haha.
Gives whole new meaning to the expensive NZ lamb we got in the supermarket shelves...

Lol, I could tell a whole lot of sheep jokes right now...... 🤣🤣

Haha. I must admit I never knew a lot about NZ except for it having loads of sheep. And mountains cos my Swiss friends wanted to leave Aus and go to NZ as it has more mountains, and they missed those a lot.
And I know there was (is?) a NZ bank. I should still have $5 on it, haha. I tried to trace it a while back. Turned out it is now owned by ING bank. 32 yrs ago.. could be $100 now, haha.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/02/20 11:24 AM
I think they close the account after so many years? Bank fees would have chewed that up too. :rose:

no photo
Thu 01/02/20 11:36 AM
The sheep jokes are tempting arn't they?
Is there such a thing as extra virgin lamb?

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/02/20 11:45 AM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Thu 01/02/20 11:46 AM

The sheep jokes are tempting arn't they?
Is there such a thing as extra virgin lamb?

Not yet, but I am working on it now....:sheep::ram::sheep::ram:
The joke, I am working on the joke .....

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Fri 01/03/20 11:57 AM
Another brainstorm

Fishnet toilet roll ohwell

notbeold's photo
Fri 01/03/20 04:32 PM
There is extra lamb, BYO virgins. laugh

A politician's rostrum with built in lie detector. They must hold the handles when they speak any words.
A bar chart lights up green to red.
When the warning lights get up to amber, increasing electric shocks give feedback to the liar/politician. Any lies past red induce strokes and coma.

no photo
Sat 01/04/20 07:20 AM

There is extra lamb, BYO virgins. laugh

A politician's rostrum with built in lie detector. They must hold the handles when they speak any words.
A bar chart lights up green to red.
When the warning lights get up to amber, increasing electric shocks give feedback to the liar/politician. Any lies past red induce strokes and coma.

The only problem I can see with that is, The last bit lol.

Otherwise :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 01/04/20 07:28 AM
Edited by Cosmic Charlie on Sat 01/04/20 07:29 AM

Another brainstorm

Fishnet toilet roll ohwell

lol I thought of politician toilet roll. you know with a face printed on every sheet. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
You know like a smear campain tactic smile2

I'd probably order a few rolls myself.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/04/20 07:49 AM
Back in the now ancient days, I worked for IBM, fixing greasy machines, and was required to wear a clean white shirt every day.

I was in the process of trying to find a company to make paper white shirts on a roll, like paper towels, when they changed the policy.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/04/20 07:51 AM
I'd love to find a glasses lens grinding company who realized that people who wear bifocals, also need to move their eyes from side to side.

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 01/04/20 11:17 AM

I'd love to find a glasses lens grinding company who realized that people who wear bifocals, also need to move their eyes from side to side.

Eyes straight ahead please.
I am sure they will say that is what your neck is for. :smiley:

notbeold's photo
Sun 01/05/20 04:11 AM
I want a human matter transporter, so that when one of the many overseas ladies flirts with me, I can visit them in minutes, and call their bluff, and maybe do other things while I'm there. Or maybe they could visit me for an international booty call. happy

No more jet lag, much fewer jets and crashes.

Just don't get entangled with a fly.

no photo
Sun 01/05/20 04:32 AM

I want a human matter transporter, so that when one of the many overseas ladies flirts with me, I can visit them in minutes, and call their bluff, and maybe do other things while I'm there. Or maybe they could visit me for an international booty call. happy

No more jet lag, much fewer jets and crashes.

Just don't get entangled with a fly.

How would you know if the picture was genuine?
I mean what happens when the delectable desire materializes as a greased up female sumo wrestler. Who knows just what she wants.
Or even worse a male one.
I guess you would still have to meet in a public place first.

notbeold's photo
Sun 01/05/20 04:45 AM
Hit the reset button; control/alt/delete; escape; just run away.
"It's a man AAAAAAAAaaaaaa run run" ohwell tears ill slaphead oops

no photo
Sun 01/05/20 07:29 AM

Hit the reset button; control/alt/delete; escape; just run away.
"It's a man AAAAAAAAaaaaaa run run" ohwell tears ill slaphead oops

shocked It could all go horribly wrong.rofl

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Sun 01/05/20 12:25 PM
DIY lombotomy kit ?

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 01/05/20 12:37 PM

DIY lombotomy kit ?


no photo
Sun 01/05/20 12:43 PM

DIY lombotomy kit ?

Not 100 % sure about this one it has to be said.
unfortunately the proceedure involves going in through the eye socket. thus makin diy a bit hit and miss.
Besides a device for treating mental disorders using ECT can be made easily using any power source and a couple of bare wires in your ears.

LarchTree's photo
Sun 01/05/20 03:57 PM
Sensorineural iPhone connector.

An inexpensive way to make brilliant ideas a reality.

Cookies used for the purpose of feedback on how people can be better in relationship.

Phrase combination code to unlock a relationship.

Life planning to achieve the things that sustain the rest of life.

Atlas of health.

Research on how to find a relationship that reduces stress rather than adding stress to life.

Prevention of extinction of high achievers.