Topic: Trump | |
They’ll never be a perfect President we know this however, when President Donald Trump believes in something. He condones it! He is a very smart individual with the brightest advisors on the planet! He can’t always be right none of us can. We can stand strong for what we believe in right or wrong in different eyes ! He has morels and values and this country best interests at heart I believe. To each their own correct ?
Edited by
Mon 02/10/20 12:58 AM
They’ll never be a perfect President we know this however, when President Donald Trump believes in something. He condones it! He is a very smart individual with the brightest advisors on the planet! He can’t always be right none of us can. We can stand strong for what we believe in right or wrong in different eyes ! He has morels and values and this country best interests at heart I believe. To each their own correct ? I don't want or look for perfect. I look for integrity, honesty, respectfulness, intelligence, diplomacy, some actual HISTORY of caring about the country or the community's best interests, and the ability to work with others who are not just yes men. The ability to learn and grow requires one not to believe they already know more and know better than anyone else. The ability to learn and grow, often diminishes with age though, which is why I will not vote for Bernie either. They are different sides of the same obstinate senile coin. To each their own is true. My own is a different ilk than the senile con man though. |
A couple of things for the recent posters: There are still mostly honest, unbiased news sources. Start with the major 4 networks including FOX. Absolutely NOT their "news" programming by the pundits but their actual news normally shown in my part of the country at 5:30pm. Also there is some excellent programming on Sunday morning reflecting the national news. When I and several others refer to the uneducated electorate, it has nothing to do with your agreeing with us! It is your ability to comprehend the written and spoken word. Also the ability to know when something is being reported with a bias or the facts being manipulated. It is commonly referred to as "drinking the kool aid" or being a sheeple!! Basically you swallow whatever line of BS is being given by the political pundits who support your point of view! Thank you. When the shoe doesn't fit, you don't have to wear it. |
Edited by
Mon 02/10/20 01:11 AM
Btw... Twitter is advance left as you can get - so if you’re blaming uneducated masses getting their information from Twitter, you’re pointing the finger the wrong way that was Twitter AND internet, media where anyone is allowed to post anything and present it as if it is fact, with very little checks or balances too many are strictly informed by social media and too many mimic other people's beliefs, because they believe they are stating FACT, instead of educating themselves to verify information or even knowing how to verify information to form their own EDUCATED conclusions Thank goodness for the internet! Where else is a guy going to get educated? The biased media? Journalism is dead - now there's just activists masquerading as journalists. Trump single handedly exposed them for what they are and I for one am happy he did that. What do you want them to be educated on exactly? Lower taxes? Lower unemployment rates? A better economy? They certainly aren't teaching that in the mainstream media, colleges, or lefty social media. So where do you propose they get their education? There are still books and there are ways to verify what is factual on the internet and what is just promotion of opinions. I would like to see civics and government be brought back as more of a mandated course THROUGH all teen and up ages in our education system. I would like to see people coming up behind us that understand how the government and all the politicians in it, INCLUDING POTUS, are MEANT to work TOGETHER in the checks and balances of the Three branches, so that no ONE politician can be expected or believed to be taken literally when they say what THEY are going to do. I would like to see people coming up behind us being taught to actually check people's history, what they have done and worked on and supported in their past, to see what their ACTUAL interests are instead of just the soundbytes that will get them the most votes. I would like to see people coming up behind us that have a solid grasp of WHAT The branches are, what their responsibility and authority is, and what it is NOT. That is what I meant by educated electorate. Those citizens taking time to validate and verify, and those citizens who grasp the government and its THREE BRANCHES. Those citizens who take time to research things and not just follow blindly. |
Edited by
Mon 02/10/20 04:33 AM
Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ...
I believe them and thats all that matters ... if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ... what was he when he did not shake her hand ... I call that defiance from him in the beginning ... the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks... now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ... but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ... again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions... an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ... now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ... but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ... believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count... I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed... I believe in good jobs ... did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here... I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ... with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ... when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ... I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ... we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ... I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ... I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ... I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ... |
You’re not going to get your wish, Ms Harmony. This is the age of instant gratification. Sound bites are now the story - the more outrageous, the more clicks. Which perpetuates the idea news will not be factual, just the most attention grabbing. It’s easier to show the Covington kid “smirking” at a native - and show he’s a shithead because he’s got a maga hat on - which fits the media anti trump narrative, instead of demonizing a 16 year old kid who was harassed by an Indian in his face beating a drum, and him showing restraint.... after getting harassed by the black group. You want these media outlets educating? I for one do not.
You want courses back in high school and up? Where lefty professors are indoctrinating these kids already. Half these kids now believe in socialism, and believe America is the worst place to live. Where do they get these ideas from? It’s certainly not a textbook where EVERY socialist country that has tried it, killed millions and millions of people. They will never receive a proper education the way things are leaning now. I don’t know if there is a solution to get things back on track - but I think another 4 years of Trump is heading in the right direction |
You’re not going to get your wish, Ms Harmony. This is the age of instant gratification. Sound bites are now the story - the more outrageous, the more clicks. Which perpetuates the idea news will not be factual, just the most attention grabbing. It’s easier to show the Covington kid “smirking” at a native - and show he’s a shithead because he’s got a maga hat on - which fits the media anti trump narrative, instead of demonizing a 16 year old kid who was harassed by an Indian in his face beating a drum, and him showing restraint.... after getting harassed by the black group. You want these media outlets educating? I for one do not. You want courses back in high school and up? Where lefty professors are indoctrinating these kids already. Half these kids now believe in socialism, and believe America is the worst place to live. Where do they get these ideas from? It’s certainly not a textbook where EVERY socialist country that has tried it, killed millions and millions of people. They will never receive a proper education the way things are leaning now. I don’t know if there is a solution to get things back on track - but I think another 4 years of Trump is heading in the right direction I said there are books and ways to validate information. IT is not difficult to teach critical thinking and logic. I believe things happen in cycles. Once the pendulum swings as far as it can one way, it swings back. Thinking in terms of 'lefty' or right and drumming up fear over 'socialism' will hopefully be replaced with more critical thinking and logic and hopefully not something even worse. |
MsH: I think we both know we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum yet here we are sending the same message. I believe we both carefully read what the other posts; I do respect your opinion even if I don't totally agree with your point of view. I have to believe our country would be much stronger and able to make progress if our politicians were able to approach issues as we are able to do. Thank you!
You’re not going to get your wish, Ms Harmony. This is the age of instant gratification. Sound bites are now the story - the more outrageous, the more clicks. Which perpetuates the idea news will not be factual, just the most attention grabbing. It’s easier to show the Covington kid “smirking” at a native - and show he’s a shithead because he’s got a maga hat on - which fits the media anti trump narrative, instead of demonizing a 16 year old kid who was harassed by an Indian in his face beating a drum, and him showing restraint.... after getting harassed by the black group. You want these media outlets educating? I for one do not. You want courses back in high school and up? Where lefty professors are indoctrinating these kids already. Half these kids now believe in socialism, and believe America is the worst place to live. Where do they get these ideas from? It’s certainly not a textbook where EVERY socialist country that has tried it, killed millions and millions of people. They will never receive a proper education the way things are leaning now. I don’t know if there is a solution to get things back on track - but I think another 4 years of Trump is heading in the right direction I said there are books and ways to validate information. IT is not difficult to teach critical thinking and logic. I believe things happen in cycles. Once the pendulum swings as far as it can one way, it swings back. Thinking in terms of 'lefty' or right and drumming up fear over 'socialism' will hopefully be replaced with more critical thinking and logic and hopefully not something even worse. Who's drumming up fear? AOC and her merry band of lunatics are preaching it loud and proud. As for books, which are the right ones? There's no right answer. As for teaching critical thinking and logic, it is impossible to teach without offending someone - so it is more difficult than you claim, in this PC culture. Oldkid: I understand the message. Everyone wants a more educated electorate. That's a no-brainer, But you can't just ask for such a blanket statement like that in this climate of news media with agendas, the majority of academia run buy leftist professors and an oppositional party who's goal is to destroy a reputation, instead of making the country better. Trump is president now, that suggests to me that half of the country is educated - the country is doing well economically, which is what I believe is important, as well as the rights of the people not being eroded |
.....And I'm keeping it topical
;) |
MsH: I think we both know we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum yet here we are sending the same message. I believe we both carefully read what the other posts; I do respect your opinion even if I don't totally agree with your point of view. I have to believe our country would be much stronger and able to make progress if our politicians were able to approach issues as we are able to do. Thank you! Thank you. |
Edited by
Mon 02/10/20 06:30 PM
You’re not going to get your wish, Ms Harmony. This is the age of instant gratification. Sound bites are now the story - the more outrageous, the more clicks. Which perpetuates the idea news will not be factual, just the most attention grabbing. It’s easier to show the Covington kid “smirking” at a native - and show he’s a shithead because he’s got a maga hat on - which fits the media anti trump narrative, instead of demonizing a 16 year old kid who was harassed by an Indian in his face beating a drum, and him showing restraint.... after getting harassed by the black group. You want these media outlets educating? I for one do not. You want courses back in high school and up? Where lefty professors are indoctrinating these kids already. Half these kids now believe in socialism, and believe America is the worst place to live. Where do they get these ideas from? It’s certainly not a textbook where EVERY socialist country that has tried it, killed millions and millions of people. They will never receive a proper education the way things are leaning now. I don’t know if there is a solution to get things back on track - but I think another 4 years of Trump is heading in the right direction I said there are books and ways to validate information. IT is not difficult to teach critical thinking and logic. I believe things happen in cycles. Once the pendulum swings as far as it can one way, it swings back. Thinking in terms of 'lefty' or right and drumming up fear over 'socialism' will hopefully be replaced with more critical thinking and logic and hopefully not something even worse. Who's drumming up fear? AOC and her merry band of lunatics are preaching it loud and proud. As for books, which are the right ones? There's no right answer. As for teaching critical thinking and logic, it is impossible to teach without offending someone - so it is more difficult than you claim, in this PC culture. Oldkid: I understand the message. Everyone wants a more educated electorate. That's a no-brainer, But you can't just ask for such a blanket statement like that in this climate of news media with agendas, the majority of academia run buy leftist professors and an oppositional party who's goal is to destroy a reputation, instead of making the country better. Trump is president now, that suggests to me that half of the country is educated - the country is doing well economically, which is what I believe is important, as well as the rights of the people not being eroded I do not believe it is impossible. What we immerse ourselves in is what becomes easy and expected and 'normal'. Anything that you can immerse a culture in will be easy for them to adapt, just like the 'lefty' ideas you claim are so prominent. More immersion and promotion of logical thought is all that is needed, even if only enough to balance the scales between lazy thinking and logical. |
Maybe not impossible, but highly improbable. Nothing is absolute. Logical responses has been replaced by emotional ones as the driving force. That's why many people don't like Trump - which is also the same reason why you can't reason with them. Like I said....improbable
Maybe not impossible, but highly improbable. Nothing is absolute. Logical responses has been replaced by emotional ones as the driving force. That's why many people don't like Trump - which is also the same reason why you can't reason with them. Like I said....improbable That is also a learned behavior, impulsive emotional reaction instead of logical thought. I feel this describes Trump and many of his supporters. But some of them are more logical than others. |
Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ... I believe them and thats all that matters ... if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ... what was he when he did not shake her hand ... I call that defiance from him in the beginning ... the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks... now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ... but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ... again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions... an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ... now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ... but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ... believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count... I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed... I believe in good jobs ... did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here... I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ... with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ... when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ... I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ... we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ... I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ... I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ... I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ... he came back with I am only cutting food stamp ... OMG the food pantries are going to need more food for people ... the churches might start helping ... any food donations you give to the food pantry's ... will be a big help to them ... ![]() _________________________________________________________________________* then there was a fake video going around where pelosi tore up the papers from his speak at the beginning ... the Dems wanted it taken down ... the GOP said let it go on ... which of course they live for lies ... |
Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ... I believe them and thats all that matters ... if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ... what was he when he did not shake her hand ... I call that defiance from him in the beginning ... the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks... now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ... but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ... again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions... an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ... now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ... but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ... believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count... I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed... I believe in good jobs ... did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here... I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ... with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ... when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ... I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ... we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ... I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ... I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ... I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ... he came back with I am only cutting food stamp ... OMG the food pantries are going to need more food for people ... the churches might start helping ... any food donations you give to the food pantry's ... will be a big help to them ... ![]() _________________________________________________________________________* then there was a fake video going around where pelosi tore up the papers from his speak at the beginning ... the Dems wanted it taken down ... the GOP said let it go on ... which of course they live for lies ... Food Stamps: requiring able bodied single people to have a part time job to have benefits. Manipulated video of Pelosi: It was a bought ad on Facebook that Facebook refused to take down along with many other distorted political ads. Facebook has a policy of allowing those types of political ads; they call it political freedom of speech!! |
Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ... I believe them and thats all that matters ... if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ... what was he when he did not shake her hand ... I call that defiance from him in the beginning ... the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks... now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ... but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ... again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions... an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ... now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ... but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ... believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count... I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed... I believe in good jobs ... did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here... I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ... with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ... when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ... I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ... we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ... I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ... I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ... I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ... he came back with I am only cutting food stamp ... OMG the food pantries are going to need more food for people ... the churches might start helping ... any food donations you give to the food pantry's ... will be a big help to them ... ![]() _________________________________________________________________________* then there was a fake video going around where pelosi tore up the papers from his speak at the beginning ... the Dems wanted it taken down ... the GOP said let it go on ... which of course they live for lies ... Food Stamps: requiring able bodied single people to have a part time job to have benefits. Manipulated video of Pelosi: It was a bought ad on Facebook that Facebook refused to take down along with many other distorted political ads. Facebook has a policy of allowing those types of political ads; they call it political freedom of speech!! I do not feel the food stamp program needs to change. It is very little to begin with if you look up the allotment charts. And people actually NEED food. Letting them or their children starve because they are unemployed is unacceptable, to me at least. |
Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ... I believe them and thats all that matters ... if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ... what was he when he did not shake her hand ... I call that defiance from him in the beginning ... the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks... now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ... but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ... again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions... an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ... now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ... but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ... believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count... I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed... I believe in good jobs ... did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here... I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ... with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ... when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ... I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ... we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ... I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ... I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ... I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ... he came back with I am only cutting food stamp ... OMG the food pantries are going to need more food for people ... the churches might start helping ... any food donations you give to the food pantry's ... will be a big help to them ... ![]() _________________________________________________________________________* then there was a fake video going around where pelosi tore up the papers from his speak at the beginning ... the Dems wanted it taken down ... the GOP said let it go on ... which of course they live for lies ... Food Stamps: requiring able bodied single people to have a part time job to have benefits. Manipulated video of Pelosi: It was a bought ad on Facebook that Facebook refused to take down along with many other distorted political ads. Facebook has a policy of allowing those types of political ads; they call it political freedom of speech!! I do not feel the food stamp program needs to change. It is very little to begin with if you look up the allotment charts. And people actually NEED food. Letting them or their children starve because they are unemployed is unacceptable, to me at least. Secondly, if you are an able bodied adult without dependents, then we need to force you to work or get job training. There are plenty of jobs that provide enough to afford groceries. |
I don't know how you can split up a family eating together. Adults have to choose the food, and that should be their choice as the adult what type of foods to buy. I do not want to be taken away either. Even those who are struggling should not have to split up how they eat with each other or have others choose what they eat.
I much rather prefer it as it is. |
Edited by
Tue 02/11/20 04:19 PM
![]() he is now going to cut SS and medicare... by millions ... are you still going to vote for him ... he might get it passed before the nxt election ... this has been coming ... now it is here ... won't be a recession going to be a depression ... ![]() |