Topic: Trump | |
I don't know how you can split up a family eating together. Adults have to choose the food, and that should be their choice as the adult what type of foods to buy. I do not want to be taken away either. Even those who are struggling should not have to split up how they eat with each other or have others choose what they eat. I much rather prefer it as it is. |
agree ![]() he is now going to cut SS and medicare... by millions ... are you still going to vote for him ... he might get it passed before the nxt election ... this has been coming ... now it is here ... won't be a recession going to be a depression ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 02/14/20 05:06 PM
Just heard about this
![]() I can not well sure I can believe this ... My goodness... I'm guessing he has never had a headache or feelings ... to know what this means ... It is a sever feelings one can have where sometimes you want to take your own life ... becouse if I was strong enough ...I could shoot you dead in the street and get away with it ... that is having know feeling or compassion for another ... know some people have feelings about killing another ...even if its war ... the headache are so sever you can not even think ... + the wave of feelings come over you like making someone feel bad if they where raped ... its not their fault ... and it is not the service members fault either ... the H*ll they come back from and how they are treated when they do ... some have to say I severed my country for this H*ll I am in with my mind ... some may not remember right away... that is one thing about our minds... they do suppress something and feelings you don't ever want to feel again ... and meds help but they do not cure someone of these feelings ... what I am trying to say is he does not even apologize to them for his remarks ... ![]() PDST Trump seemed to imply that service members who were "strong" could "handle it." |
Just heard about this ![]() I can not well sure I can believe this ... My goodness... I'm guessing he has never had a headache or feelings ... to know what this means ... It is a sever feelings one can have where sometimes you want to take your own life ... becouse if I was strong enough ...I could shoot you dead in the street and get away with it ... that is having know feeling or compassion for another ... know some people have feelings about killing another ...even if its war ... the headache are so sever you can not even think and the pain is excruciating nothing helps ... + the wave of feelings come over you like making someone feel bad if they where raped ... its not their fault ... and it is not the service members fault either ... the H*ll they come back from and how they are treated when they do ... some have to say I severed my country for this H*ll I am in with my mind or body pain ... some may not remember right away... that is one thing about our minds... they do suppress something and feelings you don't ever want to feel again ... and meds help but they do not cure someone of these feelings ... what I am trying to say is he does not even apologize to them for his remarks ... ![]() PDST Trump seemed to imply that service members who were "strong" could "handle it." |
I'm glad you don't live here either watch and see what a real president does. lowest unemployment rate in the past 60 years lowest black Hispanic and Asian unemployment in the history of this country all due to Trump's policies. all those things you think of trump are just talking points in regurgitation of what you hear in the mainstream media. He's not a racist because the black support for Trump has skyrocketed to 34%. he's not a racist oh, why? Because he wants to secure the southern border Ben stop the freeloaders, drug smugglers, human traffickers, oh and not to mention the report that was put out by Homeland Security that we have terrorist cells in this country gee I wonder why SMH! Maybe because past presidential candidates have made promises to secure our Southern border but never did anything about it. Trump has said nothing different than any other person that has resided in the White House but because he actually followed through and did what he promised to do he's a racist? Please...
I'm glad you don't live here either watch and see what a real president does. lowest unemployment rate in the past 60 years lowest black Hispanic and Asian unemployment in the history of this country all due to Trump's policies. all those things you think of trump are just talking points in regurgitation of what you hear in the mainstream media. He's not a racist because the black support for Trump has skyrocketed to 34%. he's not a racist oh, why? Because he wants to secure the southern border Ben stop the freeloaders, drug smugglers, human traffickers, oh and not to mention the report that was put out by Homeland Security that we have terrorist cells in this country gee I wonder why SMH! Maybe because past presidential candidates have made promises to secure our Southern border but never did anything about it. Trump has said nothing different than any other person that has resided in the White House but because he actually followed through and did what he promised to do he's a racist? Please... Real president ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 03/21/20 12:20 AM
I'm glad you don't live here either watch and see what a real president does. lowest unemployment rate in the past 60 years lowest black Hispanic and Asian unemployment in the history of this country all due to Trump's policies. all those things you think of trump are just talking points in regurgitation of what you hear in the mainstream media. He's not a racist because the black support for Trump has skyrocketed to 34%. he's not a racist oh, why? Because he wants to secure the southern border Ben stop the freeloaders, drug smugglers, human traffickers, oh and not to mention the report that was put out by Homeland Security that we have terrorist cells in this country gee I wonder why SMH! Maybe because past presidential candidates have made promises to secure our Southern border but never did anything about it. Trump has said nothing different than any other person that has resided in the White House but because he actually followed through and did what he promised to do he's a racist? Please... the unemployment rate when Trump came to office was 4.9 ALREADY, it has come down to 3.6 four years later, a CONTINUED drop of 1.3 percent in Trumps first four. It had ALREADY BEEN dropping a total of 5 percent in OBama's 8 years. So Trump did nothing so extraordinary where unemployment is concerned. Black people can support racists, just like women can support sexists. That is not really evidence of anything. It is not clear that someone is racist because they do not want drugs coming over the border, but it is a bit more clear they are a bigot when they say things like "I assume SOME mexicans are decent people." or 'They don't look like Indians to me" or when they are sued by the government for housing discrimination against BLACKS. Trump says plenty of things different. Carrying through on racist promises is still racist. |
trump is a nationalist at a time most politicians are globalists so they dont like him,also he's a Christian so atheists dont like him,that's it pretty much and he's not a professional politician so he doesn't sugar coat everything to the point you wonder what he means.
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Sun 03/22/20 02:22 AM
trump is a nationalist at a time most politicians are globalists so they dont like him,also he's a Christian so atheists dont like him,that's it pretty much and he's not a professional politician so he doesn't sugar coat everything to the point you wonder what he means. I don't believe it is that simple. Nationalist? No evidence of it in his lifetime, five deferments and no civil or public service. Globalist? A more accurate description since his wealth is from all over the Globe. Christian? I am a Christian, and he does NOT carry himself in a way that is particularly or specifically "Christian". Not being a politician is not a plus. He has admitted openly that he makes stuff up and just says stuff, and I have heard him speak, so wondering what he means still applies to him too. I think people who like Trump like him because whatever he espouses mirrors their own values and priorities, just like when people choose any other politicians. I also think that the rate of inclusion of other groups into a mainstream that was more exclusive in previous years makes people feel threatened about their status in this country, and he makes them feel assured that he is gonna protect their status above others instead of being open to the inclusiveness that has been happening. |
trump is a nationalist at a time most politicians are globalists so they dont like him,also he's a Christian so atheists dont like him,that's it pretty much and he's not a professional politician so he doesn't sugar coat everything to the point you wonder what he means. I don't believe it is that simple. Nationalist? No evidence of it in his lifetime, five deferments and no civil or public service. Globalist? A more accurate description since his wealth is from all over the Globe. Christian? I am a Christian, and he does NOT carry himself in a way that is particularly or specifically "Christian". Not being a politician is not a plus. He has admitted openly that he makes stuff up and just says stuff, and I have heard him speak, so wondering what he means still applies to him too. I think people who like Trump like him because whatever he espouses mirrors their own values and priorities, just like when people choose any other politicians. I also think that the rate of inclusion of other groups into a mainstream that was more exclusive in previous years makes people feel threatened about their status in this country, and he makes them feel assured that he is gonna protect their status above others instead of being open to the inclusiveness that has been happening. I will agree that Trump is not the best suited to manage the complexities of government because he is not adept at dealing with or realizing the mismanagement and indifference of the bureaucracy. A perfect example was the debacle of the CDC and their corona virus testing. They were not able to create a test quickly and in the needed quantities. At the same time they established rules so other competent public and private labs could not create their own version of the tests and use them. People blame Trump and the administration for that when in reality the administration did not know of the impending failures until after they had happened and governors started blaming them. When they finally realized the consequences, they started cutting through the bureaucratic red tape to get the job done. Personally, I suspect their are several people at the CDC and possibly the HHS that should be instantly fired! |
I have mixed thoughts on the Trump presidency, but one thing is now crystal clear, he is ill equipped to deal with the ongoing crisis.
He is excellent at handling crises of his own creation involving human adversaries he knew how to confront. Nothing in his background in business, entertainment or multiple marriages prepared him for the coronavirus pandemic now threatening America’s health and wealth. |
I have mixed thoughts on the Trump presidency, but one thing is now crystal clear, he is ill equipped to deal with the ongoing crisis. He is excellent at handling crises of his own creation involving human adversaries he knew how to confront. Nothing in his background in business, entertainment or multiple marriages prepared him for the coronavirus pandemic now threatening America’s health and wealth. |
Sounds to me like you A. Probably didn't like him before he was president. B. You've let yourself morph into tunnel vision sheep that our media depends on for ratings. And C. If you took the time to objectively look at the whole picture of where this country was on his first day in office in regards to the economy, employment, and the creation off new jobs, you might lose a bit of your misguided vehemence!
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Sun 03/22/20 11:17 PM
Sounds to me like you A. Probably didn't like him before he was president. B. You've let yourself morph into tunnel vision sheep that our media depends on for ratings. And C. If you took the time to objectively look at the whole picture of where this country was on his first day in office in regards to the economy, employment, and the creation off new jobs, you might lose a bit of your misguided vehemence! Oh, I think data is objective. As far as unemployment, on the first day he was in office was 4.8. Four years later, it was 3.6, a decline of 1.4 in four years. Under Obama, it was 7.6 the first day, peaked at 10.2 by the beginning of his first budget (fiscal year) in October of 2009. From 10.9 to 4.8, that is a drop of 6.1 in 86 months. Comparing that to Trumps first FY, when it stood at 4.1 percent, to 3.6 it was in January, that is only one half of a percent in 27 months. Trump did nothing too extraordinary in that area. This chart clearly shows Trump has not done anything unusual in the economy either. I think Trumps' truthful hyperbole has many of his followers repeating his praises of being something spectacular, when considering what was already happening when he took the reigns, he is not. And listening to the words from his own mouth, taking into account all the lawsuits and bankruptcies, he is also a con man and a bully and a perv. |
Unemployment statistical percentages are misleading. When you have a 10% rate, many of those unemployed are recently unemployed and have skills employers need. Then it is just necessary to see a little improvement in demand before hiring will occur. When you get down to the bottom of the unemployed barrel, there has to be a very high demand for that new employee and the training necessary to make them productive. It is as simple as looking at someone with 5 years of applicable experience vs someone with no experience.
As for measurement of the economy it very much depends on what measures you use to make a judgement of improvement. There will always be some more positive or negative than others. It matters very much on what you personally define as the "economy". |
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Mon 03/23/20 04:03 PM
I have to vent ... I just can not understand what kind of man runs our
country ... first to deal with this ...we are going to pay those to stay home keep the count of the spread of virus & deaths down in the USA ... we will give you money to help pay for this ... and for your children ... sounds nice right ... Not think they have just figured out who runs this country ... comes from the trickle up ...not down...they are not getting supplies they need to the people who need it most ... its like a freakin bargain shop... who every pays the most ...wins ... they are not doing anything out of the goodness of their hearts ... he calls it a war ... OMgoodness ... if it was a war they would have the % for it and supplies ... oh no ... this is just a political forum for him to push his own agenda... what kind of persons stand up there and makes it all about him ... oh well I am not taking my pay for the good of the country ... and I put so much into my campaign also ...yep! me me me ... he does not want the help of others past Presidents to go out and campaign for $ for possible hospitals and supplies for corona virus 19 ... to help keep those safe ... or for those to be off from some jobs ... their just giving it all to the rich again to their lobbyist and large co ... once again ... he is starting to say he wants every one to go back to work...symptoms or not ... unbelievable what comes out of his mouth ... the crash of the united states was already here they can not blame it on this illness ...but sure are trying to ... and he is so happy he is the one doing it all for this war ... with a few others in charge lol like I said this is not a war it is a sickness ... wish it was a war their would be enough $ to go around to the American people and to save some lives ... give the $ to trillions already they give him more cash for reelection... they are doing the inside trading right before this ... where it should have been illegal... and then ask the American people for $ to help the less fortunate...or the people on the front lines thank goodness for all those working and putting their lives in jeopardy for others... and as far as this new ...old drug ... they are testing... pretty scary ... some may not live if they take it and would be becouse the drug they are tweaking it now ... Maybe a take at your own risk ... trials ... thats for nex month ... to tell... not so good this month ... with it ... heard this from a long time Doc ...I respected when he was a doctor with out borders ... and you know we have made so many friends around the world their all ready to jump in and help us ![]() ![]() need to have a melt down... once an awhile :>) Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.. |
I have to vent ... I just can not understand what kind of man runs our country ... first to deal with this ...we are going to pay those to stay home keep the count of the spread of virus & deaths down in the USA ... we will give you money to help pay for this ... and for your children ... sounds nice right ... Not think they have just figured out who runs this country ... comes from the trickle up ...not down...they are not getting supplies they need to the people who need it most ... its like a freakin bargain shop... who every pays the most ...wins ... they are not doing anything out of the goodness of their hearts ... he calls it a war ... OMgoodness ... if it was a war they would have the % for it and supplies ... oh no ... this is just a political forum for him to push his own agenda... what kind of persons stand up there and makes it all about him ... oh well I am not taking my pay for the good of the country ... and I put so much into my campaign also ...yep! me me me ... he does not want the help of others past Presidents to go out and campaign for $ for possible hospitals and supplies for corona virus 19 ... to help keep those safe ... or for those to be off from some jobs ... their just giving it all to the rich again to their lobbyist and large co ... once again ... he is starting to say he wants every one to go back to work...symptoms or not ... unbelievable what comes out of his mouth ... the crash of the united states was already here they can not blame it on this illness ...but sure are trying to ... and he is so happy he is the one doing it all for this war ... with a few others in charge lol like I said this is not a war it is a sickness ... wish it was a war their would be enough $ to go around to the American people and to save some lives ... give the $ to trillions already they give him more cash for reelection... they are doing the inside trading right before this ... where it should have been illegal... and then ask the American people for $ to help the less fortunate...or the people on the front lines thank goodness for all those working and putting their lives in jeopardy for others... and as far as this new ...old drug ... they are testing... pretty scary ... some may not live if they take it and would be becouse the drug they are tweaking it now ... Maybe a take at your own risk ... trials ... thats for nex month ... to tell... not so good this month ... with it ... heard this from a long time Doc ...I respected when he was a doctor with out borders ... and you know we have made so many friends around the world their all ready to jump in and help us ![]() ![]() need to have a melt down... once an awhile :>) Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.. |
unemployment being low means very little when wages are so low and healthcare isn't provided. congratulations, you've got a **** ton of people who can't pay rent. probably working two 39.5 hour jobs so that they can afford the bare minimum health insurance that one job won't provide 'cause their boss won't let 'em have 40 hours.
the stock market being high means absolutely nothing. do you even own capital? tell me about your factory. tell me about your restaurant. do you even own your house? are you still making car payments? why would you support capitalism in any form? pretty much the only socialist programs we have these days are corporate bailouts but I will tell you straight up, don't argue with old white people. most of them drank the Kool-Aid loooong ago, especially the men. their brains simply don't accept new information. they were alive at a time when you could work a minimum wage job and still pay for university, a car, and your own place. try doing that now, especially in a city where gentrification quadrupled rent prices and drove out the natives. |
Trump is still a better president,
than the four idiots who held the job before him. |
Trump is still a better president, than the four idiots who held the job before him. the only way one can believe this is if you are someone who has little to no idea how to verify legitimate sources, and believes a mass coordinated disinformation campaign, yet has so much pride they refuse to believe they could have possibly been fooled by propaganda probably the only good president we've ever had was Jimmy Carter, and he was just good, not great |