Topic: Cats - declawing | |
I agree that cats are clean animals. Take note- don't let your cats go into motor oil!
A few years ago a friend was looking for a cat to adopt. She found one that had been declawed and took it home with her. She was so angry at whoever had done it...wanted to make sure the kitty had a warm, loving home.
Good to hear that, Mary. Nice that your friend took in that cat.
Cats like cracklin
Eight years ago, what do you have an eidetic memory.
R2D2-I'm guessing you're Star Wars fanatic
R2d2, cats do like scratching claws on mostly trees.
My vet said yrs ago they break the knuckle to pull the claw out
I've never known anyone who has a declawed cat. I think they are rich people who are more worried about their furniture getting scratched, than about the pet. Is this procedure still legal?
I've never known anyone who has a declawed cat. I think they are rich people who are more worried about their furniture getting scratched, than about the pet. Is this procedure still legal?
In addition declawing leaves the car defenceless. This is important just in case a house gets out of the house or due to negligence during transport or travel gets lost. Finally. Declawing reduces the cat confidence and possibly leads to other issues.
I know of a cat that was declawed and after was urinating uncontrollably outside the litterbox and was so needy to be hold at all times. Declawing is a crime and act of savagery and there is no question about it! |
Edited by
Wed 10/16/19 09:15 AM
My cat is declawed..she came that way (front late husband and i called her "rear wheel drive only")
She's a great cat, and, unlike Tictac claims...she has *plenty* of "confidence" should see her chase my dog up & down the hall.. Of course, she can't hurt him (good thing), but then he wouldn;pt think of hurting her them it's just a fun game. Oh, she hisses, spits and bats at him..and he just stands there like..."what? Now, wait..YOU jumped out at me...." ![]() She's never been outsiode, except in her carrier when she is transported from the house & back for her routine shots & stuff. She's 9, and has no bad habits and doesn't seem to have any lingering "trauma".. FWIW..when I was looking to get my tubes tied...I looked on the internet for info initially/. My gosh...the horror stories and bad and false info...... It was shameful.... The point? Someone who is considering something, whether a medical procedure or cat declawing...they need ~accurate~, factual info...not someone's opinion or histronics because *they* think you shouldn't do it/ don't agree with it.. I swear...some of those women claimed everything short of I'd grow a third eye on my nose or something with the crap they spewed. ![]() Had my tubes tied 10 years ago...never had a moments problem. |
dog lover
![]() dog lover |
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bluegrass, I'm not really sure what you are trying to say? You can decide if you want your tubes tied. Does a cat feel a lot of pain when they are declawed? People have to consider that.
Cats do have shed their claws on a regular basis. Indoor cats claw furniture or scratching posts for that reason. I've had outdoor cats that scratched claws on trees. That's normal. You can clip their nails and that is something people do.
The state I live in (NY) passed a law a couple of years ago that makes it illegal to declaw a cat. I fully support that law and the reasoning behind it. In my view declawing a cat is, simply put, a form of animal abuse. There is no valid reason that can justify doing such to a cat.
Thank you. |
Edited by
Thu 11/07/19 09:21 AM
bluegrass, I'm not really sure what you are trying to say? You can decide if you want your tubes tied. Does a cat feel a lot of pain when they are declawed? People have to consider that. "Does a cat feel pain if declawed"? Do they feel a lot of pain when they are spayed? So, they shouldn't be spayed then? (using your statement) If they are an inside cat, never get outside among other cats, why bother with isn't realy necessary, eh? The answer to both is most likely, but that is what the vet gives pain meds to them for.. If you ever had you appendix out, or a hysterectomy..I'm sure the day after and for a couple days there's residual pain as one recuperates. Mt *point* was that I have had a cat that was declawed for many years..and, *as* I said..unlike Tictac claims...she has *plenty* of "confidence" should see her chase my dog up & down the hall.. My point was *also* (in referncing my tubal ligation) was that, as I *said*...there is a LOT of bad and misleading information out there on the internet regarding various surgeries, procedures, etc.. *I* certainly ran across a lot when I was doing the research for my surgery...and declawing is kind of the same things..there's a LOT of bad, wrong, and misleading information out there.. Notice how you never have people who HAVE declawed cats (meaning, declawed when they got them) speak up about how their cat seems just like any other cat that has personality issues, no "lacking confidence", none of that stuff.. Only people who are against it. I fostered a few feral cats when I volunteered at the shelter, and let me tell you..*those* cats had WAY more "issues" than any declawed cat i have run across.. Now, if you have read this far,, do not misunderstand me and think i am in any way *promoting* declawing. I am not. But, if someone chooses to go that route, they should have good, factual information available to make an informed decision, not just people's opinions and hysteria... |