Topic: terminology
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Fri 02/01/19 07:54 AM
I have had several females that requested roses. I will admit I am stupid, what are they getting at, dollars, drugs or flowers?

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Fri 02/01/19 07:58 AM

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 02/01/19 08:26 AM

I believe a 'rose' equates to $100 so I'm guessing it's money it refers to

Oh? I didn't know. Weird, haha.

I guess you got to use context to know what they're talking about. If you're after an intimate encounter, I guess it's money.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 02/01/19 09:26 AM
Humm I have never heard of Roses being called anything but Roses the Flower~~

Humm but then guess it all depends on what type of ones your seeking and what they are looking for..

Just a new one to me..whoa slaphead

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 02/01/19 09:43 AM
I have seen some things the past 12 months (on vatious chat rooms I am in) I just don't get, and think are really stupid..
C'mon people, just say what you mean..whoa

The 'roses" thing is one....

Then, there is "working out/ work out"..
I thought, damn...a lot of guys are really hard core about the gym..and, oddly, in all MY years of going to the gym, I never needed a "workout partner/ someone to workout with..but, whatever, bro...

Then you have all the guys that are ~really~ into January, when it is cold as f*** out..
I thought the same thing..damn, these dudes are *hard core* about playing baseball...had no idea it was so hard to eet someone to pictch/ catch with... whoa

There's more, just seems lame as hell..
Myself, if *I* was looking for any such thing as above..I'd appreciate and have more respect for someone who would just state outright what they are looking for..not resort to stupid "cutesy" terms...

Datwasntme's photo
Fri 02/01/19 09:57 AM
i figure between politically correct , snowflakes , and name changers , will make it so we wont understand what one says to another

so glad i am a blond and most of that went right over me head : )

dude says "that's sick"
i say " where ? i dont want to step in it"

<face palm>

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Fri 02/01/19 10:07 AM

i figure between politically correct , snowflakes , and name changers , will make it so we wont understand what one says to another

so glad i am a blond and most of that went right over me head : )

dude says "that's sick"
i say " where ? i dont want to step in it"

<face palm>

laugh laugh laugh

mzrosie's photo
Fri 02/01/19 10:35 AM
Holy cow! delightful is right. I just googled roses. shocked

Urban Dictionary: bring roses
American English Street Slang. A guarded way of saying 'Money for sex.' A "Rose" is $100 USD. To bring "Roses" implies multiples of $100.

Urban Dictionary: roses required
A prostitute advertising thru social media will say "roses required". This means you have to pay to play.

so the OP must have been messaging lovely pros.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 02/01/19 10:49 AM

Humm I have never heard of Roses being called anything but Roses the Flower~~

Humm but then guess it all depends on what type of ones your seeking and what they are looking for..

Just a new one to me..whoa slaphead

I agree with this !

Rock's photo
Fri 02/01/19 02:02 PM
Rose = dollar

75 roses = 75 dollars.

It's hooker code.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 02/01/19 05:01 PM

I have had several females that requested roses. I will admit I am stupid, what are they getting at, dollars, drugs or flowers?

If they request Four Roses, then they are requesting a liquor. indifferent