Topic: Does 1 Man Exist That Doesn't Go By Looks?
mattbaseball21player's photo
Sun 12/09/07 10:21 AM
no your out of luck everyman goes by looks!

blankpage's photo
Sun 12/09/07 10:22 AM
They exist, but are hard to find.
And thats bull when you hear people say 'men are biologically hardwired to do....whatever' I mean yea, but honestly you don't have to be a slave to human nature.
If men care about looks, its for status or because of social cues. And women are just as bad...I dont know how we got a reputation for anything else.

I care maybe 25% about looks, the rest is personality, compatability,etc. The above is just a generalization.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 10:27 AM
Some of the psychically ugliest people I know are married...laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

shutterguy's photo
Sun 12/09/07 10:32 AM
Edited by shutterguy on Sun 12/09/07 10:32 AM
looks heigth things like that are not real important
as far as apearance as long as they are clean and not filthy

i think what counts, is whats in the heart ive seen beautiful woman when ya talk to them for 5 mins you cant even stand to look at them

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:42 AM

I am sorry you can be the kindess sweeties man on earth and if you are unactive you are going to be just my friend. Women care about looks too. We just understand better to what degree out looks can get us what we want.

thank you!!!!!

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:21 PM
Edited by xSarahxHx on Sun 12/09/07 04:33 PM
all guys go by looks just like us females its the way we are..... its just the fact that som ppl go for looks more than others... although every male and female can say they go for purely personality i think this is wrong... i used too say i go for personality and thats it... but then again no one is ugly if you think about it we all have our beautifull sides and ugly sides and we cant change that no matter how much plastic surgery people have or counselling can change that...we shouldnt go for looks completely but thats how it is so no theres no man out there u all can say that there is but no i dont beleive that there is noooo way n ill be damned if nee 1 finds one that couldnt care less although i have found a few that will still like me if i was fat ugly etc etc but ive seen males and females realli beautifull n hott but they are sooo stuborn and shallow they wont give people a chance "theyre too good" this isnt right if a guys attractive and doesnt make out hes too gd for nee 1 then thats a plus, just think when you walk down the street lookin at males or females what do you think first oooo they gotta nice personality?? DNT THINK SOOO or oooo they look nice but.... most guys n girls will probs say i dnt go for looks but its not right why say it when its not true thats just silly and it anoys me, no one likes to be smothered with compliments but its nice now n then to have the man or woman u love say u look nice etc etc i had one boyfriend who said he loved my looks that anoyed me and dumped him i really didnt want to hear itesp if they onli love the way you look. size dont matter either i think its good because my mate never ate then met a guy and started to eat because hed be eating this chinese mcyds etc etc and shed want some too and she looks healthy and acts it too shes a dancer as well which helps her dancin (her bfs a bit over weight) i like men with a bit of fat i fat the profiles thgat say im skinny im attractive etc etc argh get over yourself i love a lil fat i went out with a skinny guy and i made my self ill because of it he makes me feel fat n ugly and u shouldnt feel like that u should feel completely equal and comforted. argh im jus arguin with my self now lmao oops hmmmm i dunno lmao im gunno shush now lmao!!

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:26 PM
blind men and women do not care about looks at all
i have made this point before....

but if you read the other thread about what 3 things
are most important, most of the women answering seemed
to put looks as #1 although the men had other things
like intelligence, creativity and sense of humor as #1

just a sec and i'll look it up...

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:27 PM
here it is....

JazzieJoHanna's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:28 PM
Know that all men do go by looks but they do look at different parts! I know a lot of men who don't care what the rest of you looks like but your feet! Who does that?

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:35 PM
Edited by xSarahxHx on Sun 12/09/07 04:36 PM
haha ewwww wat a weirdo sorry too call names, i go for the belly hehe and a lil chest hair :p mmmm hehe i like my bellys :p

geektothetenth's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:37 PM

blind men and women do not care about looks at all
i have made this point before....

but if you read the other thread about what 3 things
are most important, most of the women answering seemed
to put looks as #1 although the men had other things
like intelligence, creativity and sense of humor as #1

just a sec and i'll look it up...

We're just a scared bunch of wusses. Sorry to say but the women here got more balls than us.

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:40 PM

blind men and women do not care about looks at all
i have made this point before....

but if you read the other thread about what 3 things
are most important, most of the women answering seemed
to put looks as #1 although the men had other things
like intelligence, creativity and sense of humor as #1

just a sec and i'll look it up...

We're just a scared bunch of wusses. Sorry to say but the women here got more balls than us.

lmao nicely put haha. but i need to clear this up i dont have balls i just talk too much :p

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:41 PM
lmao nicely put haha. but i need to clear this up i dont have balls i just talk too much :p

That's good to know!:wink: laugh drinker

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:43 PM

Who cares?

Really? if the outside doesn't equal the inside, who cares what the outside looks like.

Give me a whole and healthy inside, every time.

Height, shape, and texture, are just garnishing...

Jessica21's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:44 PM
i think that a lot of people say that looks don't matter, and they actually believe what they say. but in the end it's still going to matter.

geektothetenth's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:44 PM

blind men and women do not care about looks at all
i have made this point before....

but if you read the other thread about what 3 things
are most important, most of the women answering seemed
to put looks as #1 although the men had other things
like intelligence, creativity and sense of humor as #1

just a sec and i'll look it up...

We're just a scared bunch of wusses. Sorry to say but the women here got more balls than us.

lmao nicely put haha. but i need to clear this up i dont have balls i just talk too much :p

That makes you automatically 1000 times better than the last date I had, and NO I do NOT want to talk about it.

*curls up in fetal position and sobs*

no photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:49 PM

blind men and women do not care about looks at all
i have made this point before....

but if you read the other thread about what 3 things
are most important, most of the women answering seemed
to put looks as #1 although the men had other things
like intelligence, creativity and sense of humor as #1

just a sec and i'll look it up...

We're just a scared bunch of wusses. Sorry to say but the women here got more balls than us.

lmao nicely put haha. but i need to clear this up i dont have balls i just talk too much :p

That makes you automatically 1000 times better than the last date I had, and NO I do NOT want to talk about it.

*curls up in fetal position and sobs*

lmao awww ooo dear BACK TO THE TOPIC lmao.

i dont allways talk alott (when im asleep i dont hehe)

rdglady's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:49 PM

That would be nice! :smile:

We are all but HUMAN,,and if anyone said YES to this ...
THEY would be lying, because of THAT FACT,,,human...
and someone's looks,,,,,,,IS AN IMPACT of SOME NATURE to the other even a blind person would WANT to touch your face before giving you their life as a mate...

Thats my REAL THOUGHTS on YOUR question.
But ANYONE and EVRYONE might say THEY CAN,,,,,but,,:cry: :heart:

AMEN to that!

Men for the most part are automatically "attracted" by SIGHT. Thats just how we are made..period. Not saying we do not care about someone based on looks, or to say that we "judge" someone on thier looks would be also totally wrong.

Even most women are FIRST attracted by sight as well. Women are much easier swayed to personality, character, heart and those overcome the "looks" factor.

But even women have looks factors into it. Men I already know the real answer to, so I will ask the women a simple question..and be honest with yourself.

You find a man with all the qualities you want...caring, faithful, great humor, intelligent, romantic, etc...and you find TWO with the EXACT same one is me and one is Brad Pitt..who would you choose?

SEE! I'm finished! :tongue: :tongue: laugh

Duh... I would pick you of course!! Brad is married silly. blushing

btw - you are very handsome!

blankpage's photo
Sun 12/09/07 06:22 PM
Okay so the final point to made is that looks matter, exactly how much depends upon the person, and exactly what is considered attractive depends upon the person. :heart:

Mac60's photo
Sun 12/09/07 06:27 PM
It's like this:

All men are pigs. All women are psycho.