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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 66
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Sun 12/02/18 03:50 PM
thinking cuz if it wasn't the laundry soap it was somting from the pot luck you ate

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Sun 12/02/18 03:54 PM
Thinking I haven't ate yet so it wasn't that. And thinking I got a new pair of pants and didn't wash them before wearing them... thinking factory oils and dyes slaphead

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Sun 12/02/18 03:55 PM
thinking you're over thinkinglaugh

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Sun 12/02/18 03:56 PM
Thinking I need something to help me quit thinking laugh

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Sun 12/02/18 03:57 PM
thinking as long as it's not emotions

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Sun 12/02/18 04:00 PM
Thinking... Nah! Least not the bad kind bigsmile blushing

Rock's photo
Sun 12/02/18 04:05 PM
I'm thinkin'... Damn! You two really need to
get a room.


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Sun 12/02/18 04:31 PM
Thinking... tongue2

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Mon 12/03/18 04:48 PM
Had a Great Holiday Luncheon today! Golden corral. Buffet!

Group event, Fun, food,. and Conversation! Gift exchange!

:smile: :thumbsup: drinker

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Mon 12/03/18 05:13 PM
Thinking it's a good thing I get phone service in my room because the Y's wifi isn't working

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Mon 12/03/18 05:16 PM
thinking, just one more reason

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Mon 12/03/18 05:19 PM
Thinking some homemade bread would be delicious right now

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Mon 12/03/18 05:20 PM
thinking the bread maker is feeling neglected

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Mon 12/03/18 05:21 PM
Thinking yes she is laugh

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Mon 12/03/18 05:24 PM
thinking easy bake oven for christmasbigsmile

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Mon 12/03/18 05:26 PM
Christmas would be a good time to travel bigsmile

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Mon 12/03/18 05:33 PM
thinking the sleighs might be all booked uptongue2

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Mon 12/03/18 05:34 PM
Thinking I'm gonna cry tears

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Mon 12/03/18 05:37 PM
thinking booking early is a better plan than crying about itwinking

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Mon 12/03/18 05:39 PM
Thinking you're right bigsmile

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