Topic: When do you let go with your heart | |
I auctioned my heart on e-bay. It was bought by a doctor named Frankenstein. He also bought a brain from someone named Abby Normal. |
I have one 'feeling' left. All the rest of my feelings have been stepped on, shattered or abused. I wrapped the last one in bubble wrap and placed it inside a shoe box then packed it in a crate immersed in those lil 'peanuts' packing filler. I keep the crate in a locked safe with a 60 digit alphanumerical combination. I got it out once to show a woman that I really cared for and she knocked it on the floor and started kicking it around the room. When I finally got control of it again I gave it a bath, dried it off and kissed it gently and packed it all back up again, safe from those evil souls that can't respect it. Its going to have to be someone VERY special before I show my last feeling to anyone again. Maybe, if she is really special, her feeling and my feeling can start a family and we both will have 'feelings' again. I hear ya buddy.....well said... ![]() I agred ![]() |
I also agree with Tom ... is very hard to like and open up to start with ... I know someone who just keeps beating herself up about her x ... I can not get through... after all these yrs... she is hurting herself the most ... when you do that ... now my only concern with my x is how he treats my daughter ...thats it ...he has his life and I have mine :>)
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
The phrase alludes to inexperienced or rash people attempting things that more experienced people avoid. My heart has learned wisdom thru the years. Much of that wisdom was gained from pain. I will open my heart to the right woman but it will be a wise decision not a reflexive act. Its difficult to show passion and be cautious at the same time. It can be done but it takes a lot of discipline. Ya have ta have a lot of patience and stay focused. Then ya make the right decisions and stay happy & content in the relationship longer. In my current relationship, she is constantly trying to get me to say things or do things I haven't decided on yet. I will say and do those things when I feel them and not before. The trick is to not piss her off before I can figure out what I'm feeling. It takes me longer because I've been fooled before, too many times. This time, I want to be sure. |
Edited by
Mon 10/15/18 10:29 AM
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The phrase alludes to inexperienced or rash people attempting things that more experienced people avoid. My heart has learned wisdom thru the years. Much of that wisdom was gained from pain. I will open my heart to the right woman but it will be a wise decision not a reflexive act. Its difficult to show passion and be cautious at the same time. It can be done but it takes a lot of discipline. Ya have ta have a lot of patience and stay focused. Then ya make the right decisions and stay happy & content in the relationship longer. In my current relationship, she is constantly trying to get me to say things or do things I haven't decided on yet. I will say and do those things when I feel them and not before. The trick is to not piss her off before I can figure out what I'm feeling. It takes me longer because I've been fooled before, too many times. This time, I want to be sure. Yes..these morons with their "you need to open your heart to the possibilities" or "you have walls" OBVIOUSLY never were hurt multiple times. I tread carefully...if someone is truly interested in me...then they will be patient while I see by their behaviour that they are legit, serious and not a bullsh** artist. If me being careful, wanting to see if you are for real, and are not just "window shopping" means I have walls or WTF are free to ove along.. The RIGHT guy for me wouldn't push the issue... I wouldnt push it myself on someone who was being cautious based on their actual lived experiences...I'd respect they were coming from a place of truth and maturity. |
"Dear Doctor" Oh help me, please doctor, I'm damaged There's a pain where there once was a heart It's sleepin, it's a beatin' Can't ya please tear it out, and preserve it Right there in that jar? Oh help me, please mama, I'm sick'ning It's today that's the day of the plunge Oh the gal I'm to marry Is a bow-legged sow I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge "Don't ya worry, get dressed," cried my mother As she plied me with bourbon so sour Pull your socks up, put your suit on Comb your long hair down, For you will be wed in the hour So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged There's a pain where there once was a heart I'm sleepin, it's a beatin' Can't ya please take it out, and preserve it Right there in that jar? Oh help me, please doctor, I'm damaged There's a pain where there once was a heart It's sleepin, it's a beatin' Can't ya please tear it out, and preserve it Right there in that jar? I was tremblin', as I put on my jacket It had creases as sharp as a knife I put the ring in my pocket But there was a note And my heart it jumped into my mouth It read, "Darlin', I'm sorry to hurt you. But I have no courage to speak to your face. But I'm down in Virginia with your cousin Lou There be no wedding today." So help me, please doctor, I'm damaged You can put back my heart in its hole Oh mama, I'm cryin' Tears of relief And my pulse is now under control ![]() ![]() Rolling Stones. 1968 |
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Just stop thinking about it. My ex sent me 25 red roses on what would have been our 25th. I kept the vase but don't speak to him.
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Edited by
Thu 10/18/18 05:49 PM
I definitely do not wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak, I am open to love but I have both eyes Wide open.
![]() I do not live in any fantasy land . I do date and have had some really nice ones. I feel I have to get out and see what my options are ! ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/18/18 06:20 PM
Personally, I cannot live with such guarded emotions as many of you are professing. That's living in paranoia. Paranoia is exaggerated fear. I lived like that for too long. I refuse to live like that anymore.
Does that make me a fool? No. Instead, I use my actions and emotions as tests of the other person. Because I know how I am, and because I have my eyes wide open, I take note of how the other person reacts. I pay attention to areas of concerns -- the red flags, if you will. Sometimes I try to address them, tactfully, to again see the response. Other times, I let them go -- again, to see the response. In other words, I am **always** paying attention. Eventually there will be a point where I will set an emotional boundary. When that happens, it's time to force the issue because I'm prepared for 2 options: a) the person is not only willing to resolve things but actually makes a purposeful effort to do so, or b) I sever ties. The point is, I don't allow myself to view my emotions as a weakness. Instead, I've flipped it around to be my own personal strength. Others may not see it that way because we've all been brainwashed into believing we shouldn't be so open with emotions. But in truth, nobody can truly hurt me if I've willing embraced my emotions to the point where they have become a finely tuned tool for separating the wheat from the chaff. So long as my emotions are working for me rather than against me, nobody can really hurt me. Even if they do, it will be extremely short-lived. Not years of heartache and regret. Most often just days. Maybe weeks, and very rarely months. If it lasts longer than that, it's because **I** am to blame, and I damn well know it. |