Topic: the person above you is your blind date : stay or run - part 8
Slim gym 's photo
Mon 07/10/23 02:10 PM
Stay and swap some sob stories !!!

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Mon 07/10/23 04:36 PM
Stay and explained that Mike stopped flirting because his water bill was getting costly with all those cold showers he had to take, lol

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Mon 07/10/23 05:22 PM
Stay for coffee, get lost starring into her eyes

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 07/11/23 03:23 AM
Stay and find out if all those cold showers were worth it Or were they just imaginary. personally, I doubt if there were showers of any kind taking place !!!!!

no photo
Tue 07/11/23 11:18 PM
Stay, pull out the squirt gun, squirt him in the face every time he opens his yap.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 07/16/23 05:16 AM
Stay , just to see how much more childish he can get

no photo
Sun 07/23/23 06:21 PM
Stay but I will not give you a french kiss goodnight on the first date!

Maybe the second one though... laugh

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Mon 07/24/23 10:09 AM
Stay,just to find out whose behind the keypad since they've got no display Picture

no photo
Tue 08/01/23 09:52 PM
Buy him a drink and see if we can't find a couple of ladies for us to make it a double date...

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Wed 08/02/23 04:15 AM
Stay for a friendly chat

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Wed 08/02/23 04:45 AM
Stay so I can duct tape her phone back together.

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Wed 08/02/23 04:52 AM
Stay and make him clean all the duct tape off my phone, lol

no photo
Wed 08/02/23 05:30 AM
Stay. Drive to Pennsylvania and let her parallel park for me. rofl

no photo
Wed 08/02/23 05:45 AM
Stay, and pay the repair bills for the cars I ran into trying to parallel park rofl

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Wed 08/02/23 06:00 AM
Stay. Tell her to leave Gypsy and lets make a run for it. rofl

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Wed 08/02/23 09:30 AM
waving happy

Stay….maybe we could go see a movie :popcorn: :cinema:

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Wed 08/02/23 03:02 PM
Stay, ladies night out with the three of us drinker

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Wed 08/02/23 04:08 PM
Stay, to play with her hair and check out her pointy ears

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Wed 08/02/23 04:13 PM

Stay, if it's a clear night we can check out the stars

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Wed 08/02/23 04:41 PM
Stay, let her fall asleep in my arms.