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Topic: the person above you is your blind date : stay or run - part 8
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Mon 06/26/23 04:27 PM
Hey you're cute, I think I'll stay! I have the next four days off, wanna go on a road trip. bigsmile

no photo
Mon 06/26/23 04:37 PM
Meet you in Nashville Wednesday evening :joy::city_dusk:

no photo
Mon 06/26/23 04:51 PM
Road trip is together silly, lol.
But a day and evening in Nashville sounds great. biggrin

no photo
Mon 06/26/23 05:38 PM
Stay, chat and find out first hand what this "no rules" footsie is like.

no photo
Mon 06/26/23 05:42 PM
Stay, and invite him over to my house... I need someone brave to find the critter that's roaming around scared

no photo
Mon 06/26/23 05:46 PM
Stay and tell her the stories from the '80's when friends called me at 1am to get the bats flying around their house.... btw no eavesdropping Gia!!!

Devo1974's photo
Mon 06/26/23 06:11 PM
It would be cool to sit with a couple of beers and listen to Mike talk about cars.

no photo
Tue 06/27/23 01:14 AM

Stay and tell her the stories from the '80's when friends called me at 1am to get the bats flying around their house.... btw no eavesdropping Gia!!!

I only heard story and got all tingly. :joy: Keep going Mike it was getting good.

Stay for Devo and talk his ear off. :nerd:

no photo
Tue 06/27/23 03:59 AM
Have to run this time, Devo stock up on cotton balls.

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Tue 06/27/23 04:13 AM
Looks like he fell asleep, lol, so this time I'm running. tongue2 I'll leave a raincheck though, for a date later in the day so he stays awake laugh

no photo
Tue 06/27/23 04:50 AM
Stay, but only to smooch before I fall asl:zzz:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 06/27/23 11:29 AM
stay . Just to get that update about River and his dreams !!!

no photo
Tue 06/27/23 12:43 PM
Dang, another Canadian that wants me to tell them stories, i best run.

no photo
Tue 06/27/23 01:04 PM
Stay, but I want stories! bigsmile

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Tue 06/27/23 01:50 PM
I'll stay and tell you some stories,

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Tue 06/27/23 01:56 PM
Hmmm, I don't like being kept waiting, so you'll have to wait for me now. Raincheck! tongue2

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Tue 06/27/23 02:03 PM
:cry:... :strawberry:?

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Tue 06/27/23 02:05 PM
Awww, trying to bribe me with strawberries.... Okay, just don't be late again bigsmile

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Tue 06/27/23 03:07 PM
Stay and give her time to explain herself, or maybe I'm the one who's got some explaining to do.

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Tue 06/27/23 03:09 PM
It would appear signals were crossed as to where we were supposed to meet laugh I'll stay biggrin

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