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Topic: what is perfect match?
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Fri 09/28/18 05:42 PM

no photo
Fri 09/28/18 05:43 PM
ideally, one isn't lighting it and someone else putting it out. shades

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 09/28/18 05:48 PM
When both heart's flames light at the same time.

Stu's photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:19 PM
Perfect match... one that lights first time you strike it.

All of mine are duds..

Up2youandme's photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:19 PM
Edited by Up2youandme on Fri 09/28/18 06:20 PM

ideally, one isn't lighting it and someone else putting it out. shades

Oh I'm thinking more along the lines of her ability and flexibility to put it out in a long and satisfying mess lol

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 09/29/18 01:00 AM

please tell me what do u think about a perfect match? what is it in ur view? can anyone find it?

I like the expression I have often read, which says, " They may not be perfect, but they are perfect for me". Which seems to say, when you find someone that you fall in love with, their imperfections do not matter, because you love and accept them for who they are, and I believe most people can find love, someone perfect for them.

I read that as "they may not be perfect for *everyone else* (or anyone else, for that matter), but they are perfectr for me.."

Meaning, their "flaws/ quirks" that others percieve as off-putting, or not for them....that *they* don't feel that way about those things..

Like, one person my be a hockey nut, or obsessed with anime...and that runs off the majority of people they try to get something going with..
But someone else may be just as obsessed with hockey or anime, and for *them* is's not viewed as a "flaw/ quirk"...

:thumbsup: Another perspective, and I agree with your thoughts.

Diilll's photo
Sat 09/29/18 07:35 AM
बिलकुल सही

Diilll's photo
Sat 09/29/18 07:43 AM

Diilll's photo
Sat 09/29/18 07:43 AM

bocksbing's photo
Sat 09/29/18 01:13 PM

Sometimes a person finds a perfect match. I. Think it is Rare to find it Online.

Think it rare to find anywhere, In some ways it's easier to perhaps meet your perfect match online as you'll meet infinitely more possible partners online than you might ever do socializing, especially as not everyone gets out and about every week. Not to mention the distance online dating covers.

mysticalview21's photo
Sun 09/30/18 03:06 PM

please tell me what do u think about a perfect match? what is it in ur view? can anyone find it?

I am sure people find that perfect match ... seems like they could be called power couples ... I met two locals and thought what a great nice looking couple ... they where and the power couple working for their kids ... and selves of course ... now could be all wrong but sure felt like that ... its two people wanting and supporting the other in what they want to do or do ... could be anything ... but I know when you get that support & give it ... makes for a great match ...

no photo
Sun 09/30/18 04:40 PM
you got it mysti.
2 peeps on the same page chugging in the same direction.
add in a little bit of you lean on me when you need to and voilla
perfect match

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