Topic: the walls continue to close in around trump...
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Wed 08/29/18 09:18 AM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

This. :thumbsup: :smile:

is this what you say when an alleged arsonist moves into your neighborhood?
your grandchildren's neghborhood?
an allged thief?
an alleged gangster?
an alleged woman beater?
an alleged sexual predator?
an alleged child molester?

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 10:35 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 08/29/18 10:37 AM

Well there were other countries that voiced their allegations..but they too were just "allegations"..So just take a look at these countries with their allegations..take a good look at them France Germany Italy Sweden and others..but hey they were just "ALLEGATIONS"..and keep believing that could never happen here in the U.S.. or the country in which you reside..smokin

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 10:37 AM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

This. :thumbsup: :smile:

is this what you say when an alleged arsonist moves into your neighborhood?
your grandchildren's neghborhood?
an allged thief?
an alleged gangster?
an alleged woman beater?
an alleged sexual predator?
an alleged child molester?

trump is,at best,an 'alleged' president!!!

but,what else can you possibly expect to get when you elect a C list reality show actor who is used to just playing a part,and pretending that he is something that he isn't?

I think that we would have done A LOT better if we had at least gotten one that that had actually PLAYED a president before,instead of one that had only played a spoiled,self entitled @$$hole!!

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 10:42 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 08/29/18 10:49 AM

And yet that self entitled @$$hole as you put it... is what stands between you and the worst EVIL you could ever imagine..DO THE RESEARCH ..because without it you haven't a clue...smokin


no photo
Wed 08/29/18 10:53 AM

And yet that self entitled @$$hole as you put it... is what stands between you and the worst EVIL you could ever imagine..DO THE RESEARCH ..because without it you haven't a clue...smokin


based on that criteria we elected the wrong candidate.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 10:58 AM

And yet that self entitled @$$hole as you put it... is what stands between you and the worst EVIL you could ever imagine..DO THE RESEARCH ..because without it you haven't a clue...smokin


well,i guess YOUR IMAGINATION must just be a little better than mine!!

[but,that's PROBABLY only because I deal in FACTS,and not IMAGINARY FANTASIES!!]


pumpilicious 💕's photo
Wed 08/29/18 11:00 AM
^ truest words ever. He's an embarrassment to us all and those who think otherwise are delusional.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 11:03 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Wed 08/29/18 11:09 AM

^ truest words ever. He's an embarrassment to us all and those who think otherwise are delusional.

you just have to wonder sometimes,though...

since all those people are on here 24/7
[instead of busy at WORK,like PRODUCTIVE members of society!!]

just WHO are they getting to hold up all of those "Q anon" signs at the trump rallys?

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 11:05 AM
probably central casting, like his campaign kickoff. laugh

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 12:09 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 08/29/18 12:20 PM

So let me get this ..We are either Trump supporters or those against him who support Satanists pedophiles who raise Antifa flags that resemble NAZI flags of about delusional..I wonder who is paying them..probably the DNC...spock

And some of those people who are on here as you put it 24/7 .. I know one a disabled vet who stands with our commander in chief and not against him in a crowd who supports TRAITORS and Satanist Pedophiles...smokin

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 12:36 PM

So let me get this ..We are either Trump supporters or those against him who support Satanists pedophiles who raise Antifa flags that resemble NAZI flags of about delusional..I wonder who is paying them..probably the DNC...spock

And some of those people who are on here as you put it 24/7 .. I know one a disabled vet who stands with our commander in chief and not against him in a crowd who supports TRAITORS and Satanist Pedophiles...smokin

being a vet doesn't make one any more or less smart, informed, rational, or logical.

they get an opinion just like everyone else.
even if it's wrong.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 01:57 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Wed 08/29/18 02:07 PM

So let me get this ..We are either Trump supporters or those against him who support Satanists pedophiles who raise Antifa flags that resemble NAZI flags of about delusional..I wonder who is paying them..probably the DNC...spock

And some of those people who are on here as you put it 24/7 .. I know one a disabled vet who stands with our commander in chief and not against him in a crowd who supports TRAITORS and Satanist Pedophiles...smokin


you claim that you KNOW a veteran??


I am a veteran,so,NOW you can claim that you know 2!!! :thumbsup:

but that STILL doesn't mean that YOU know what you are talking about!!

and,if you are REALLY a student of the 'trump doctrine',you would know that trump 'prefers veterans who DIDNT become disabled!'

[and,considering how he tried to put his crooked,dope pushing,personal white house physician in charge of the VA,whose only qualification that trump thought he needed to hold the position was that he was willing to stand up and lie through his teeth to the press for his TRAITOR-IN-CHIEF...IT REALLY SHOWS!!!]

but,please try to explain to everybody how the fact that you KNOW a veteran has anything to do with how the walls are starting to close in around Donald trump for all of the crooked stuff he has been doing that everybody that has been close to him is starting to turn state's evidence and testifying against him now to save their own bacon?

Workin4it's photo
Wed 08/29/18 01:59 PM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

This. :thumbsup: :smile:

is this what you say when an alleged arsonist moves into your neighborhood?
your grandchildren's neghborhood?
an allged thief?
an alleged gangster?
an alleged woman beater?
an alleged sexual predator ?
an alleged child molester?
What? Did Anthony Weiner move into your neighbor?

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:03 PM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

This. :thumbsup: :smile:

is this what you say when an alleged arsonist moves into your neighborhood?
your grandchildren's neghborhood?
an allged thief?
an alleged gangster?
an alleged woman beater?
an alleged sexual predator ?
an alleged child molester?
What? Did Anthony Weiner move into your neighbor?

don't be jealous. he said he was coming for you.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:04 PM

Allegations are allegations.

Allegations without basis in fact,
still amount to nothing more than
allegations without basis in fact.

Watching the liberal hysteria and meltdowns
is the most amusing part of the show.

This. :thumbsup: :smile:

is this what you say when an alleged arsonist moves into your neighborhood?
your grandchildren's neghborhood?
an allged thief?
an alleged gangster?
an alleged woman beater?
an alleged sexual predator ?
an alleged child molester?
What? Did Anthony Weiner move into your neighbor?

it sounds more like DONALD TRUMP is moving into the neighborhood!!!

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:14 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 08/29/18 02:28 PM

Obvious you didn't get it ..the vet I know is now you know two..smokin The reference I made to knowing a vet had no more to do with the walls closing in on Trump as your comment on people being here 24/7..get it..probably not..Don't remain media brain dead your whole life people DO THE RESEARCH..which I doubt any of you will do..but from the comments here that comes as no surprise at all...noway

Workin4it's photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:15 PM

And yet that self entitled @$$hole as you put it... is what stands between you and the worst EVIL you could ever imagine..DO THE RESEARCH ..because without it you haven't a clue...smokin


well,i guess YOUR IMAGINATION must just be a little better than mine!!

[but,that's PROBABLY only because I deal in FACTS,and not IMAGINARY FANTASIES!!]


Lol, fantasy and conspiracy is the only thing Your posts consist of. Certainly nothing factual. But keep trying, even a blind squill finds a acorn now and than.

no photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:18 PM

Obvious you didn't get it ..the vet I know is now you know two..smokin

how anyone can support that draft dodging, kgb loving, dictator kissup is beyond me, let alone veterams. slaphead

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:34 PM

Obvious you didn't get it ..the vet I know is now you know two..smokin



we ALL believe THAT!!laugh


no photo
Wed 08/29/18 02:35 PM
Speculating on what might be going on, is no different than when pajamaboy had parked himself behind the resolute desk in the oval office. We sat and hoped that he would do something that would get him tossed out on his ear. It didn't happen. Instead, he just sat there and picked his nose for eight years.

So now the libs are in the panic mode, except that things are swinging back in our favor. Much to their dismay. And the MSM is fueling their panic. So, stress out to your little heart's desire, and have a happy ulcer.